
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-11 05:00:22

Good morning, dear judges.I’m candidate No.____,applying for the primary school English teacher.Today,I’m going to talk about FLTRP Book____Module_______Unit______________________.There are seven parts in my presentation

Part 1 .First of all ,I’d like to talk about analysis of the teaching material.The lesson is based on the English Course Criterion and the Core Competence of English subject.The theme of this unit is(主题语境)__________________.In this lesson ,it mainly talks about______________.After learning these,students can talk about their ____________ by making full use of the past tense.So that their language ability will be improved.

Part 2 Material analysis teaches us what to teach,while students analysis teaches us how to teach.They are from Grade____.AS primary school students ,they are active,positive and curious about the topic .They have learned some_ed form of verbs in Grade 4.They are going to learn more _ed form of verbs in the following units.

Part 3 Considering the factors above,I set following teaching objectives:

Language competence: Enable the students to read the words and text with correct pronunciation and apply the key words and sentences into specific situation.

Learning competence: Enpower the students’ individual and cooperative learning.

Thinking quality:Enhance the students’ divergent thinking .

Cultural awareness: Enrich the students to establish morality of responsibility and____________________.

Part 4 Based on these teaching objectives,the key point is to master key words_______________________ and key sentences____________________. I’ll set the activities like ____________ to consolidate them .The difficult point is to choose the suitable -ed form of verbs in the real situation.So ____________________is set to break it.

Part 5 In order to achieve the targets,I will mainly adopt the TBL and situational teaching methods to create a real English learning environment for my students.I’ll also use word cards and PPT.

Part 6.Now let’s move on to the most important part Teaching procedures.It’s made up of five steps. Before the class,I’ll make students into four Groups and number their marks while teaching.

Step 1Warming up and lead in.(5mins)There are3activities.

Warming up:After greeting the whole class,I’ll let them enjoy a chant which is related to the topic . For example,__________.The purpose is to arouse students’ interest ,and inspire the old knowledge about______________.

Lead in:_______________________________________________________to lead out the topic.

Watch and say :Watch the video and answer the question ____________________________.In order to make a lot of preparations for the following output.

Step 2Presentation(15mins)There are 4activities .

View and predict:I will create a situation that _________________________________.Guide the students to observe the picture and guess ______________________.To develop viewing and predicting ability.

Watch and answer: Before playing the video,show them two questions.______________________.Showing questions before watching will make them grasp the key points more easily.

Find and learn: I’ll ask them to underline the new words and phrases.Then I’ll explain by showing pictures and my body language.________________________________________(To make them understand new knowledge in the real situation. )

Read and check :Read the text by themselves to answer another two questions.______________________. To improve their individual learning competence and have a deeper understanding.

Step 3Practice(10mins)There are2activities .

Listen and imitate:I’ll ask my students to read after the video sentence by sentence to make them pay attention to the pronunciation of words and intonation of the sentences.

Role play(Retell the story):Practise____________________________________.When finishing, some groups will be invited to the blackboard to act it out.Help them sort out the information and practise their oral English.

Step 4Production(10mins)There are3activities .

Pair work: ___________________________________________________________________________.For example:__________________________________.To develop their imagination and divergent thinking.

Group work:Students will________________________________________________________________.To make them apply the target language into real situation and improve their language using competence.

Moral education:Watch a video .Guide students to __________________________________________.

Step5Summary and homework.(3mins)

Summary :Students can summarize the key points of this lesson by making full use of the blackboard.

Homework:It is leveled homework.need to do and choose to do .To carry out the Double reduction policy,they can choose their suitable homework according to their ability and reference

Part 7This is my blackboard design.Left part presents the key words and sentences while teaching.The right part is the evaluation area to stimulate students’ interests in learning and moral education___________________________.

In the class, I’m not just a teacher but also a helper to guide and help students learn English language and develop their ability. That’s all for my lesson plan.Thanks for your listening.




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