
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-13 05:16:11

Step 5: Writing the second paragraph


Which proverb can summarize the main character’s experience on the island?

A. Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.(祸兮,福之所倚。)

B. God helps those who help themselves. (自助者天助之)


From my point of view, I want to express my deepest sorrow to the survivor. On the one hand, what he experienced on the island really amazed me. On the other hand, I truly feel relieved when knowing that he was rescued finally. To sum up, we should always try to keep optimistic even when we are confronted with difficulties.

Personally, I want to express my deepest sorrow to the survivor. First, what he experienced on the island really amazed me. Besides, I truly feel relieved when knowing that he was rescued finally. Anyway, we should always try to keep optimistic even when we are confronted with difficulties.



Step 6: Presenting the second paragraph


As the saying goes, “Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.” First, he prayed to be rescued but failed, so he must have felt hopeless. Then, his little hut was burnt down and he lost everything, which led to his desperation. The fact that the smoke attracted the rescuers to save him really surprised him.



Step 7: More reading


If you were in such an adversity, what would you do for survival? And state your reasons briefly.

S1: If I were in such an adversity, I would learn basic surviving skills, which are necessary for survival.

S2: I would force myself to be powerful because I had to depend on myself.

S3: It is my confidence and courage that would push me forward and overcome any difficulty.


S1: We should always keep positive and optimistic and hope for the best even confronted with difficulties.

S2: Never lose heart and believe in yourself, you will overcome all the problems you meet.

S3: Never feel discouraged when sufferings happen because something good may follow up.



Step 8: Homework

Write the complete essay after class. [设计意图]







1. 注重对不同题材、体裁和形式材料的指导


2. 以讨论促思维

读写类作文主要以“话题”为核心,对话题展开充分的讨论,可以有效激发学生的表达*。教师应巧妙设计教学活动,激发学生想象力,并激起学生的表达意愿,从而释放他们的创造力。课堂上,学生的思维活跃,颇多奇思妙想,或许能注意到教师没有注意到的细节,帮助教师改进教学思路(蒋建君,2016)。如本节课最后的讨论,一开始的时候学生只注意这个表象问题:为了生存,我可以做什么。当一位学生提出positive, optimistic, cheerful, confident等表示积极心理的单词后,讨论马上向有深度的层次挺近。这表明,学生不仅转变了思维方式,更发展了自己的发散性思维能力。

3. 重视反馈




[1]葛文山. 做最好的英语老师[M]. 福州:福建教育出版社,2013(168).

[2]胡洁元. 读后续写的协同效应研究及应对策略[J]. 中小学外语教学,2016(11).

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[4]江苏省教育考试院. 2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)说明[M].南京:江苏凤凰教育出版社, 2017(55).

[5]蒋建君. 例谈高中英语读后续写的教学[J].中小学外语教学,2016(8).

[6]薛静波. 高中英语读后续写教学中写作支架的有效搭建[J]. 中小学外语教学,2016(9).

[7]杨群. 高中英语概要写作探究[J]. 中小学外语教学,2016(12).

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Design and Implementation of High School English Reading and Writing Course

Chen Yusong

Abstract: The type of writing a composition involving reading and writing is the test type used in college entrance examination of Jiangsu in recent years. This article takes the materials provided by Wuxi 2017 evaluation and optimization class as an example to design the teaching skillfully and guide the students to summarize the materials from the text reading. Relying on the discussion of the topic, the students are guided to further interpret the materials, explore the materials and develop the topic. This chapter attempts to promote students’ writing skills by guiding them to combine reading with writing, and to create a new classroom model of reading and writing teaching in promoting writing skills.

Key words: composition involving reading and writing; teaching design; text interpretation







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