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人教版英语选修二Unit3 第一课时教学设计

学科 英语

授课年级 高二

作者: 边沿溪呀







Unit 3 Food and Culture Reading and Thinking




The topic of this unit is "Food and Culture". The topic is very relevant to students' real life, so students should be familiar with and interested in it. This article is the text in the elective series, so arrange 1 hour, and self-study is particularly important.


Grade two students, their English has a certain basis, more interested in real life content, thinking more active. However, there are still some difficulties in dredging sentences and clarifying the general idea of the article. Good reading habits and skills have not been fully mastered, and the culture behind the knowledge is not very clear. There is still room for improvement in English expression.



1. Use videos and pictures to understand the definition of cuisines and the language of cuisines in the context:


General Tso’s Chicken,peppercorn,dim sum,stewed noodles,boiled dumplings,pancake rolls, lamb kebab


be linked to, at a minimum, be stuffed with, consist of ,slice off, refer to, as a result;

2. Understand the structure and writing style of the article by reading the article.


1. Train students' reading skills and improve their fast reading ability

2. Students can read articles about food and culture and complete the questions.

3. Students can write short essays about the cuisine and culture of their hometown.



Learn to summarize knowledge by yourself. Gradually form independent learning awareness, develop independent learning habits.


Be able to cooperate with team members or peers to complete learning tasks and form a sense of unity and cooperation. Form a class atmosphere for learning from each other.


Master the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures, understand the culture behind the food of different countries, and promote cultural exchanges.


Form love motherland, love collective, unity and mutual assistance of the excellent quality.


1. .Enable the students to talk about the differences between Chinese and Western food culture to improve their speaking ability.

2.Enable the students to grasp the main idea of the passage.

3.Improve the students' reading ability.


How to express their own opinions and ideas?

How to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage?


This lesson adopts TBLT, focusing on cultivating students' reading ability and the ability to question and solve doubts.

Step 1 Lead-in

Show the students a one-minute video clip from Taste of City. This video is to strengthen the extensive and profound Chinese food through the collision of the cultural differences between the chef and the city. The audience can see the Canadian chef walking into Tianjin and feel the cultural differences between Chinese and foreign food.

(The selection of this video fits in well with the topic of this article, food and culture)

After watching the video, ask the students what they know about the differences between Chinese and Western food culture, and invite three students to share.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. The teacher explains the new words about the dishes in the passage.

Teachers can use some pictures to explain, which is more intuitive, easier for students to understand, and easier to attract students' attention.

General Tso’s Chicken peppercorn dim sum

stewed noodles boiled dumplings pancake rolls lamb kebab

Look at the title "Culture and Cuisine" and guess what the topic of the whole article is about.

Step 3 While-reading

1. Skipping

T: Please read the passage quickly and answer the questions:

(1)What is the main idea?

(2)Analyze the structure of the whole passage, which can be divided into several parts, and summarize the contents of each part in one sentence.

2. Skimming

(1)Use Information from the text to Complete the table below

Read and find out the author’s experience of cuisine and culture in different places and complete the table below.

(2)The teacher analyzes and explains the key sentence patterns and grammar points in the article.

1. Prior to coming to China, my only experience, with Chinese cooking was in America with Chinese food that had been changed to suit American tastes.

2. For example, America's most popular Chinese dish is General Tso's chicken, which consisted of fried chicken covered in a sweet sauce, flavoured with hot red peppers.

3. Later, I learnt that the most famous food in Shandong is pancake rolls stuffed with sliced Chinese green onions.

4. At a minimum, the kinds of food local people consume tells us what they grow in their region, what kinds of lives they lead, and what they like and do not like.

5. On the other hand, it does tell us a lot about Americans.

Step 4 Post-reading

Get the students to work in pairs:

After the discussion, invite three groups of students to share the cuisine and culture of their hometown. It should be noted that each group is to share the dishes and culture of their hometown. In this way, it is convenient for students to understand the dishes of other places and the culture behind them for cultural sharing and communication

Step 5 Summary

The differences between Chinese and Western cultures create the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures, and this difference comes from different ways of thinking in China and the West.

1. Different dietary concepts. For example, Westerners focus on nutrition while Chinese focus on delicious food.

2. Different eating styles. For example, westerners focus on socializing while Chinese focus on atmosphere and pleasure.

3. Different eating habits. For example, westerners are used to using knives and forks while Chinese are used to using chopsticks.

4. Different food environments. For example, Westerners attach importance to delicacy while Chinese attach importance to ostentation.

5. Different food tastes. For example, westerners eat sweets while Chinese prefer salty food.

Step 5 Homework

Assign a writing with the theme of cuisine and culture of hometown, and correct it on the second day. Select excellent articles and share them in class.




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