
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-13 06:26:47


We all have our own dreams, big or small, far or near. Dreams are the motivation of our lives, the goal of our struggle, and the lighthouse of our hearts. But dreams are not easy to achieve. They require us to pay sweat, tears, and even blood. On the way to pursuing our dreams, we will encounter various difficulties, setbacks, pains and temptations. Sometimes we feel powerless, sometimes we feel lonely and helpless, sometimes we feel confused and disappointed. Some people choose to give up in these situations. They think that dreams are too far-fetched, too hard to achieve, and too unworthy to persist. They choose to be content with the status quo, choose a mediocre life, and choose a regretful ending.


But some people never give up on their dreams. They use their strong will, unremitting efforts, positive attitude and creative spirit to overcome one obstacle after another, overcome one difficulty after another, and finally achieve their dreams, or at least approach their dreams. They choose to challenge themselves, choose an excellent life, and choose a proud ending.


Among them are many celebrities we know well. Their stories and quotes can give us a lot of inspiration and encouragement. For example:


Einstein was once considered by his teacher as a student who “will never learn anything”, but he became one of the greatest physicists in the world. He said: “I have no special talent, I am just more curious about problems than others.”


Jack Ma was rejected by Harvard University ten times, but he founded Alibaba, the largest e-commerce platform in the world. He said: “Today is cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is beautiful, but most people die in tomorrow night.”


Oprah Winfrey suffered from poverty, abuse and discrimination, but she became the most successful TV host and media mogul in America. She said: “You can’t let others decide who you are. You have to believe in yourself.”


Jay Chou was once ridiculed by his music teacher for saying “who would listen to you sing like this”, but he became the most influential singer and musician in the Chinese music scene. He said: “I’m not afraid of others laughing at me for being too crazy, I’m afraid of giving up my ideals.”


These celebrities tell us a truth: don’t give up on your dreams. No matter what your dream is, no matter what situation you are in now, no matter what difficulties and challenges you face, please remember: as long as you have confidence, courage, and perseverance, you will be able to achieve your dreams, or at least approach your dreams.

Dreams will not easily enter your life, you have to chase them, fight for them, and realize them. Don’t let others’ opinions, evaluations and prejudices affect your choices and actions, don’t let your own fears, doubts and laziness hinder your progress and growth, don’t let the passage of time, the loss of opportunities and the blow of failure destroy your beliefs and hopes. Believe in yourself, stick to yourself, work hard for yourself, you will be able to create your own miracles, achieve your own dreams.



Please remember this sentence: don’t give up on your dreams, because dreams are the soul of life, the wings of the heart, and the source of happiness. As long as you don’t give up on your dreams, you always have the possibility to achieve them. Come on, friend!





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