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不受其他人或东西控制的英语写作,让读者看得懂、读得透,轻易能接受所写内容。为此让学生来真实地体验以“帮助学生以逻辑思维写一篇英语文(To help students write an English composition on a logically-thinking basis)”为题的英语写作实例文如下。

Helped to acquire knowledge about English-writing logic, a student reviews with them importance of remembering writing such a subject as students present on how to develop their ideas. Their contents like reason/causal, effect, implicit logic and its relation to set up by students will be relearn in five minutes to build the foundation on English writing.

These are able to turn students favourable for finding them broaden knowledge about their thoughts to go into the composition students would like to. They had the previous one senescence or paragraph well followed by another without logical problems to come.

Students master the logic-based structures through guided repetition correction on logical thought, by learning its grammar inductively through a topic writing, benefiting from occasional brief and appropriate grammatical explanations. Their grammatical points are analyzed and reviewed, according to grammar arrangements.

They help students understand the scope of the composition-written material and the order that have been followed in introducing logical structures. Above includes logic items that have been divided into three parts and so on consisting of some specified verbs and pronouns and transition sentences modifiers, of special expressions being various-type function word and/or expressions.






所以清晰地展示了“近满分英语作文“释放源”是探究多种答案 不是教材作为“供货源””之涵义。这就是:获得高分!超越你想象的传统方法,写作英语,使用独特的创新和设计。让优秀英语写作之“声”在逻辑阳光的伴随下,传遍世界!




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