
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-24 11:47:46

【题目】Directions: Suppose the university newspaper is inviting submissions from the students for its coming edition on what in their university impresses them most. You are now to write an essay for submission. You will have 30 minutes to write the essay. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.




(社团活动)其次,在XX大学,学生们可以参加各种各样的社团活动,例如我自己就加入了公众演讲协会(Public Speaking Association),这有效地锻炼了我的读写说和沟通、协调能力。



【写作素材 & 词伙】

1. Today I would like to talk about the three most impressive things in my campus life.

大学生活 Campus life

2. First, XX University has been ranked as one of the Top 10 Beautiful Universities in China for many years. Its campus not only is famous for beautiful sceneries, but also has sound infrastructure facilities, which provide a good learning environment for the students.

完善的基础设施条件 Sound infrastructure facilities

良好的学习环境 A good learning environment

3. Second, at XX University, students can take part in different activities of student's societies. Take me as an example. I joined the Public Speaking Association, and this dramatically improved my abilities in reading, writing, speaking, and communicating with others.

学生社团活动 Activities of student's societies

4. Last but not least, I think it would be easier for me to find a girlfriend on the campus. When I was a high school student, the girls in my class tended to be grim-faced, because they were generally under the pressure of preparing diligently for the National College Entrance Examination.

在大学校园里 On the campus

在XX大学 At XX University

高考 National College Entrance Examination

5. On the contrary, the girls at XX University appear to be more relaxed, and their smiles are always as bright as sunshine.





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