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请看以下的《Thoughts to have about the teacher-student party》(师生聚会之感想)和《The get-together making you in pleasure》(令人高兴的聚会)的同一内容聚会话题的两种方式写英文作文,如此写出不同的英语作文。



第一种方式写作的《Thoughts to have about the teacher-student party》(师生聚会之感想)的英语作文。

November 11, 2023


“So much effectively English taught teacher Wang to us that we now have an extremely solid foundation for knowledge in use throughout our life, as has turned once again favorable to our children.” said to 7802-Class teacher WANG by one of his students at the party.

The party was to give by one of classmates called Mr. XU, through arrangements made by a classmate called Mr. ZHANG and Mr. YI , at 18:30 on Nov. 10, 2023 in Peng Tian Ge restaurant located at the place near between Weijin NanLu and BinShuiXi Dao, Nankai District, Tianjin.

At the door of Peng Tian Ge restaurant appeared teacher WANG together with his wife teacher Lady CHEN who got an enthusiastic welcome on their entry to the Room, shining with their happiness and virtuousness.

The welcome was extended to them by every student’s shaking them by hand warmly. The students, whose teacher Wang at age of seventy-four is advanced in years, had endless talk to him as well as his wife. Its topics are interesting to everyone who are made in pleasure. They vary from daily life to day-to-day work, beginning with a brief introduction to teacher WANG of the personal information on his students by each of them.

We students are all really proud of teacher WANG who, as has been known to us all, are frequently delivering professionally-educated lectures that are interesting to us. This finds us inspired for renewing actually to meet each other’s requirements on practice together with theory based on teacher Wang's, currently speaking.

As shown by the requirement, English helps its learners each of student keep their minds really brilliant. This brings everyone well in everything which, I sincerely hope, 7802-class classmates do excellently nowadays and/or days to come nearly.

This time sees that Wechat called “7802-Tianjin” Group should be regarded as being home which looks altogether charming, to the delight of the classmates who are living in or outside China. That enables them to develop a close friendship, by learning each other’s strong points, I’d like to say here.

第二种方式写作的《The get-together making you in pleasure》(令人高兴的聚会)的英语作文。

November 11, 2023


All classmates except some oversea and another absentees, composed of fourteen students, joined in the fun at the dinner party, at the invitation of Mr. XU Hong-jie , on Nov. 10, 2023, in Peng Tian Ge Restaurant in Tianjin, as celebration of a joyful 43th anniversary of 7802-CLASS students’ graduation from Tianjin Foreign Trade College (TFTC).

Its participants were treated to have a slap-up meal with every kind of dishes imaginably eaten while sitting together chatting each other. The meal menu well includes a balance of seafood types together with a little more than 10-course delicious dishes.

The party was held to help re-enjoy such a further friendly relation that 7802-CLASS everyone has set up since in 1978 when in TFTC. Their pleasures today will be inspired to grow up in eyes of the all-in-7802's classmates, brought to them today so enormously that they could find all happy in some time during many years to come yet.

The chat-related subjects are to deal with nice health, trip, and something interesting to talk to each other, with classmates, i.e. their families concerned about their parents or their children whom to be either given or taken in marriage, or about their grandchild(ren), of course, together with private investment or wealth management, or business doing successfully, still.

A friendly chat with each other is believed to learn their strong points, benefiting mentally from the dinner party to them. These are considered as being valuable to most classmates perhaps in their lives each day, I guess. That encourages everyone in the dinner party, indeed, to think it worthy of spending an excellent chatting in a little more 3-hour time that day.

As seen from this, the party could turn us back to the year in 1978, that goes by 45 years, enabling classmates to be highly delighted at seeing us each other all again the day. We, classmates, have really been extremely pleasant to each other by no means of something financial or physical to estimate actually. The value of something similar to this appears not important to us, but the get-together pleasure it has given us to have. That's what the party means greatly.

Its participants today would like you to know how much each of us appreciates the good time Mr. XU Hong-jie made available to us and thanks him for a bill he paid for the party, and does some of us for Italy-made red wine they provided to us.

All-in-7802-CLASS get-together will be expected to no longer remain an impossible dream, that means, let's put all our efforts into making the dream come true in the years later.

That becomes favorable for keeping 7802-CLASS classmates, everyone being present at the party or not the party, not only in pleasure but also so much well full of life in everything which, I am sure, you my classmates do all time.







写篇“师生聚会”英语作文 为高考生大学生写英语作文提供有益参考。两篇英语作文写作方法,一般来说,一个原因推出一个结果。实际上,仅一个提示点也可以找到含两个以上原因句及其对应的结果句:一个原因可以推出多个结果和一个结果可能源于多个原因,所以存在“一因多果”和“多因一果”两种逻辑思维形式。这样可以多元化地开拓思路、多元化地阐述观点,所以用“多因多果”如下图示说明:由上下箭头线表示的一个提示点(线),顺时针转动或逆时针转动,可对应找到或原因或结果,所以转动次数越多,找到原因或结果个数就越多,当然,借助这个思路图的形式,找到原因或结果,只是教英语写作学习者学习英语写作方法上的需要。为了区分原因和结果,使用“笑脸”表示原因,使用“星星”表示结果。




写篇“师生聚会”英语作文 为高考生大学生写英语作文提供有益参考





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