
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-24 19:11:39


The Bronze Ox is one of the most famous attractions of the Lake set on bluestone wave-lined pedestal, overlooking the east shore of the Kunming Lake. The ox is said in Chinese believes to have power to control floods.


Connecting the eastern shore of the Kunming Lake to the Nanhu Island in the west, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge is a major attraction of the Kunming Lake. With a length of 150 meters (164 yards) and a width of 8 meters (8.75 yards), it is the longest bridge in the Summer Palace, built during the reign of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). Highly inspired from other famous Chinese bridges such as the Lugou Bridge in Beijing and Baodai Bridge in Suzhou (Zhejiang Province), the Seventeen-Arch Bridge looks like a rainbow arching over the water. 544 distinctive white marble lions are carved on the column of the parapets with a bizarre beast on each end of the bridge. Each year around the Winter Solstice, you can see the miracle of goldenlights through the arches (每年冬至前后,落日光辉穿过颐和园十七孔桥,照亮全部十七个桥洞,呈现出壮丽景观,俗称“金光穿洞”。)

Another miracle is that all the birds do not shit on the roof of all the palace constructions. (另一个奇迹是鸟不在皇宫建筑物房顶上拉屎)。

All the visitors are amazed by the masterpiece by ) Lei Fada (雷发达)。


The Marble Boat (石舫) was built in 1755 ,but destroyed by the Anglo-French occupation. Empress Dowager Cixi reconstructed Marble Boat.


According to the Chinese old saying that water can float a boat or sink a boat(水可以浮舟,也可以沉舟). The Emperor understood the comparison of the boat to the Emperor and the waters to the people. The saying turned into a real advice that the Emperor should care about his people for they can overthrow him. In order to make the reign of the Qing Dynasty the longest as possible, he ordered the creation of a firm boat made of stone that cannot be overturned by the waters.


As the Summer Palace is so huge, if you are tired, you can have break to take a cup of tea in the tea house or at 听鹂馆to enjoy 张家口坝上草原田丰牛羊肉、土鸡,喝歌涅红酒、曹怀仁酱香白酒。





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