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1. 完全倒装


(1)在there be结构中。如:

There are a few things we need to discuss.

There’s someone on the phone for you.

(2)以here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, off, away等副词开头的句子中,主语是名词时。如:

Here’s the book I said I’d lend you.

Up and up went the prices.


Have you seen my keys anywhere? Ah, there they are.


Gone are the days when they had nothing to eat.

In a big bed of a big room lies a big man.

Present at the meeting were Professor Smith, Professor Brown, Sir Hugh and many other scientists.

2. 部分倒装


(1)含否定意义的词或短语(如not, nor, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, little, few, nowhere, nothing, not until, not only, no sooner, on no account, in no way, under no circumstances, by no means等)置于句首时。如:

Little did he know what lay in store for him.

Not only do people want to land on the moon, but on other planets as well.

Hardly had she begun to speak when there was a shout from the back of the hall.

On no account must we give up this attempt.


Only then did she tell him about the accident.

Only in this house do I feel secure.

Only when she came home did her mother learn the news.

3. 其它情况

(1)当表示前面提出的某一情况也同样适用于后者时,通常要用“so / neither / nor 系动词/助动词/情态动词 主语”结构。如:

—I’ve got an enormous amount of work to do.

—So have I.

Chris wasn’t at the meeting and neither / nor was her assistant.

(2)so ... that ... 结构中的“so 形容词或副词”置于句首时,主句通常要部分倒装;但如果谓语动词为be时,则要完全倒装。如:

So sincerely did the boy beg that his father gave his permission.(部分倒装)

So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.(完全倒装)



1. 简单句中的省略


(Come) This way, please.

(I) Beg your pardon.

—Let’s do the dishes.

—I’ll wash (the dishes).

2. 并列句中的省略

在由并列连词and, but, or等连接的并列句中,后边的分句中可以省略与前边分句中相同的成分,以避免重复。如:

My room is on the fifth floor, and hers (is) on the eighth (floor).

3. 复合句中的省略


The boy studies very hard though (he is) still rather weak.

(2)当状语从句的主语和谓语是it is / was 时,it is / was常被省略。如:

If (it is) possible, I’ll help you with your math.

(3)在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which, whom, who等常可以省略。如:

He is the man (who / whom / that) you can depend on.


We all know (that) light travels much faster than sound.

4. 不定式符号to的省略


What I want to do is spend the summer in Madrid and then come back to London in the fall.


There was nothing else to do but wait and see.

The father does everything in the house except wash the dishes.


We’ve decided to get up earlier each morning, play tennis and walk to the library every day.

5. 如句子前面已出现过同样的动词,为避免重复,句子后面的不定式常省去动词原形,只保留不定式符号to。但如果在省略的不定式结构中含有be, have时,这些词要保留。如:

I saw my son playing with a knife, and I told him not to.

My father has lost a lot of weight — he is ten kilos lighter than he used to be.

—Has he finished cleaning his room?

—No, but he ought to have.


1. It is / was 被强调部分 that ...


否定形式:It isn’t / wasn’t 被强调部分 that ...

一般疑问句形式:Is / Was it 被强调部分 that ...?

特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词 is / was it that ...?

(2)not ... until ...的强调句形式为It is / was not until ... that ...。


2. do / does / did 动词原形

需要强调谓语时,需借用助动词do / does / did,且一般只用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中。如:

I’ll tell you something that does sound exciting.

She did come too late. I had marked her absence, of course.



1. It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house ________ we saw Lily in the passenger seat.

A. which B. that

C. when D. where

2. It was when I got back to my apartment ________ I first came across my new neighbors.

A. who B. where

C. which D. that

3. Not until recently ________ the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.

A. they had encouraged B. had they encouraged

C. did they encourage D. they encouraged

4. Only when you can find peace in your heart ________ good relationships with others.

A. will you keep B. you will keep

C. you kept D. did you keep

5. No sooner _________ stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.

A. had Mo Yan B. Mo Yan had

C. has Mo Yan D. Mo Yan has





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