
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-03 00:02:09



Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day. It has become a big headache in every city. How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it.

Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment. What is more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection.

Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions. Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them.





Most people haven’t formed the habit of and committed themselves to waste sorting now in China. They would throw their domestic garbage — kitchen refuse, abandoned plastics and papers,broken china and glass, etc. — all into the same public containers, without ' thinking whether they are recyclable or not.

This, obviously, will reduce the value of stuff that can be recycled or reused, such as plastics and papers. Besides,the growing amount of garbage makes the building of more landfills necessary, which will worsen the shortage of land. Worse still,disposing of the recyclable waste like plastics by burning will give off toxic smoke which seriously pollutes the air. ID this sense, throwing the trash unsorted should not be advocated, no matter from the perspective of economy or protecting the environment.

On the contrary, if we sort out recyclable waste before throwing them away, the amount of trash will be reduced sharply. Accordingly, the cost of running landfills and treating waste will be brought down greatly. Whafs moreimportant, less waste will have to be burned or buried, meaning resources waste and pollution will be reduced. Therefore, economically and environmentally, it is of great significance to call for waste sorting.






kitchen waste


recyclable waste


harmful waste



各种大量的垃圾:an avalanche of various garbage

垃圾分类:garbage classification/sorting; waste separation


生活垃圾:domestic garbage

可回收垃圾:recyclable waste

回收箱:recycle bin

有害垃圾:harmful waste

厨余垃圾:kitchen waste

固体废物:solid waste

未经处理的废弃物:untreated waste

废物污染:waste pollution

无废城市:no-waste cities/waste-free cities。(内容来自英语作文学习网)





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