
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-03 20:53:55

Do plants grow or grow up? And what about children?

植物生长用 grow 还是 grow up?那么孩子长大用哪个呢?

In this video you're going to learn how we use these two verbs and fix some very common mistakes. Grow has several different but similar meanings, so let's start with some examples.

在本期视频中,你将学习如何使用这两个动词,并纠正一些很常见的错误。grow 有几个不同但很相似的意思,所以我们先来举一些例子。

What things grow? Plants grow.


They get bigger and taller. And animals grow, for example puppies.


They grow a lot in the first six months. And children.


They're always growing. Hey, you've grown since I last saw you.


You always say that, Vicki. It's true.


Yeah. So we were talking about height here — how tall he is.


Do you know how tall you are? Well actually, I am almost five feet tall like an adult.

你知道你有多高吗?嗯,事实上,我差不多有五英尺(约 1.52 米)高,像个成年人了。

OK, so that's the first meaning of grow — get bigger and taller. So what else grows?

好,这就是 grow 的第一个意思——变大变高。那还有什么会用 grow 形容呢?

A queue or a line of people can grow. The population of a country or city can grow.


Companies can grow. Their sales can grow, and perhaps their profits too.


Our profits have grown by 50% this year so we're doing very well. So in these examples, grow means increase in size and number.

今年我们的利润增长了 50%,所以我们做得很好。在这些例子中,grow 的意思是规模和数量的增加。

OK, here's another common meaning of grow. It can mean become.

好,再看 grow 的另一个常见意思。它可以是成为的意思。

I think it's going to rain. Really?


Yeah, the sky's growing dark. Oh yeah.


So here growing means 'gradually beginning to do something'. We use 'grow' like this with adjectives, so we can grow bored, we can grow impatient, and we can grow excited.

所以这里 growing 的意思是“逐渐开始做某事”。我们把 grow 和形容词这样连用,这样我们就可以“变得无聊”,我们可以“变得不耐烦”,我们还可以“变得兴奋”。

These are all things that happen over a period of time and growing means becoming. Great.

这些都是在一段时间内发生的事情,growing 表示成为。很好。

Now you know the main meanings of grow, so what about grow up. This is a phrasal verb and we use it to talk about human beings.

现在你知道了“grow”的主要含义,那“grow up”呢?这是一个动词短语,我们用它来形容人类。

When we develop from a child into an adult, we grow up. I grew up in Brooklyn in New York, but now I live in Philadelphia.


So Jay is talking about the time in his life when he was becoming an adult here. Another example.


What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a pilot.


So you want to fly planes? Yes.


'When you grow up' means, 'when you become an adult'. Of course, some people never really grow up.

“when you grow up”的意思是“当你长大成人时”。当然,有些人永远也长不大。

Oh, grow up, Jay! So here's a phrase we use when we want someone to behave in a more mature and responsible way.


Now, if someone has grown from a child into an adult, we can say they've grown up. Parents might say they have grown-up children.


'Grown-up' is an adjective and we use it to describe fully developed and mature adults. And 'grown-up' can also be a noun.


A grown-up is another way of saying an adult. But it's a childish way of speaking.

grown-up 是成年人的另一种说法。但这是一种幼稚的说话方式。

It's a word we use when we're talking with children. So I'm a grown-up.


Yeah. Karate.


Karate. Yeah, right.


Grow is an irregular verb — grow, grew, grown. But there's something else you should know.

grow 是不规则动词——原形 grow,过去式 grew,过去分词 grown。但还有一件事你应该知道。

Have a look at this example. Is grow a transitive or intransitive verb here?

看看这个例子。这里 grow 是及物动词还是不及物动词?

It's intransitive which means there's no object. The population doesn't grow something.


It just grows. And what about this example?


Same thing. No object.


OK, one more. Ah, this one's different.


There's an object here. We're growing something.


We're growing lots of flowers on the deck this year. I'm growing geraniums in this pot and look at these little plants.


I've grown them all from seed. They're wild flowers.


So grow can be an intransitive or a transitive verb. It depends what we're talking about, but with plants it can be either.

所以 grow 可以是不及物动词,也可以是及物动词。这要看我们说的是什么,但对植物来说,这两种情况都有可能。

We can say 'We grow plants' or 'Plants grow'. There are a few other things like this.


Bacteria for example. Bacteria can grow or we can grow bacteria.


And then there's our hair and nails. We can say our hair grows and we can also say we're growing our hair — allowing it to get longer.


And finger nails. Our nails grow but we can also grow our nails.


Another thing — beards. I'm not going to shave today.


Really? Yes, I'm thinking of growing a beard.


What do you think? I don't think it's a good idea.


What do you think? So growing a beard means allowing your beard to grow.


Now what about that other verb — grow up? Is it transitive or intransitive or both?

那么另一个动词 grow up 呢?它是及物的还是不及物的,还是兼而有之?

Let's see. Have a look at this example.


What do you think? It's intransitive here.


There's no object. Are you thinking, but what about Brooklyn, Vicki?


Yeah, but notice that word 'in'. There's no direct object here.


'Grow up' is not followed directly by a noun. Another example.

grow up 后面没有直接接名词。再看个例子。

Transitive or intransitive? Intransitive again.


'Grow up' is always intransitive. We grow up, but we can't grow up something.

grow up 一直是不及物动词。我们长大了,但我们不能长大什么东西。

Remember that if you can because students often make mistakes with that. We grow up, but we can't grow up something.


I have three questions for you. First one.


Are these two sentences correct? The first one is correct but the second one is wrong.


We only use 'grow up' to talk about children. It means develop into an adult and become mature.

我们只用“grow up”来形容孩子。它的意思是成长为一个成年人,变得成熟。

We could say this though, but here 'up' would go with the wall. It's not the phrasal verb 'grow up'.

不过我们可以这样说,但是在这里,up 和 wall 连在一起。它不是动词短语“grow up”。

OK, second question. Are these sentences correct?


Yes, they're both correct, but they mean different things. 'The children grew' means they got bigger and taller.

是的,它们都是正确的,但它们的意思不同。“The children grew”的意思是他们长大了,长高了。

'The children grew up' means they became adults. OK, last one.

“The children grew up”的意思是他们长大成人了。好,最后一个。

What do you think? Are they correct?


The first one is correct but the second one is wrong. When we're talking about height we use grow.

第一句是对的,第二句是错的。当我们谈论身高时,我们使用 grow。

Grow up is about becoming more mature and we just grow up. We don't grow up something.

grow up 就是指变得更加成熟,而我们就只是长大了。我们不会长大什么东西。

Did you get them right? Well done!


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