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考点1,What’s on your mind, Eddie?

on one’s mind 挂在心上,惦念 in one’s mind 在某人看来,在某人心里

There’s something on my mind. 我心里有事。

In my mind, he is only a clown. 在我看来,他只是个小丑。

You will always be in my mind. 你会永远在我心里。

考点2,As soon as you click the mouse, there’s a great deal of information.

A great deal of 大量,许多 (后接不可数名词)

A great/good deal 可修饰动词或形容词,尤其是比较级

e.g. He seems to have a good deal of money.

I’m feeling a good deal better.

考点3,refuse vt&vi 拒绝,回绝 反义词为accept 接受

Refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

I invited him, but he refused to come.

中考在线: -----I offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she____it.

-------Maybe she can manage herself.

A , received B, returned C, refused D, rewarded

考点4,He did not lose heart.

Lose heart 泄气,灰心 (lose的过去式和过去分词都是lost,名词为loss)

Lose one’s heart to sb==fall in love with sb “倾心于某人,爱上某人“”

Mike has lost his heart to Kate.


Lose one’s way 迷路

Lose weight 减肥

Lose one’s temper 发脾气

Lose interest 失去兴趣

考点5,name vt命名

Name一词多义: 名词为名字,名声,名誉, 及物动词意为 说出...的名字, 任命,委任

e.g. What’s your name?

This kind of behaviour gives him a bad name. 这种行为使他背上骂名。

Can you name all the plants in this garden? 你能说出这个花园里所有植物的名称吗?

He was named captain of the team. 他被任命为这个队的队长。

考点6,As a result,he succeeded in getting a scholarship.

Succeed vi 成功 success n 成功 successful adj成功的 successfully adv 成功地

succeed in doing sth 成功地做某事

She succeeded in inventing the new machine.

中考在线: I believe I will ____ in passing the English exam. (成功)

考点7,Although he was a great player at university ...

Although conj 尽管,虽然


e.g. Although there are still many difficulties ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面还有许多困难,但是我们决心要取得更大的成就。

He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy.

中考在线:____she is very young, she can take good care of herself.

A, If B, Unless C, Since D, Although

考点8, After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball league.

Force vt 强迫,迫使 形容词为 forceful 强有力的,坚强的

Force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事

force sb into sth/doing sth 迫使某人做某事

Force ....on /upon sb 把...强加给某人

e.g. She forced herself to be polite to them even though she didn’t have to. 她对他们强装客气,尽管她用不着这样。

The president was forced into resigning. 总统被迫辞职。

Don’t force your views on others. 不要把你的看法强加于人。

中考在线: Mr Yang couldn’t catch the last bus, so he was f___ to walk home.

考点9,He Remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.

Remain vi 逗留,保持不变,剩余

remain 用作连系动词,意为“仍然,依旧”,用法为:

(1) remain 后接名词:

In spite of their quarrels, they remained best friends. 尽管他们吵过架,却仍然是最好的朋友。

(2) remain后接形容词做表语。

He remained silent. 他保持沉默。

(3) remain后接介词短语

He had to remain in hospital until he was better. 他不得不住院直到身体好些。

(4) remain后接现在分词做表语,表示正在进行的主动动作,接过去分词做表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作。

She remained standing though we repeatedly asked her to sit down.


The situation remained unchanged. 局势依然未变。

After the big fire,very little of the house remained.


How many days will you remain here? 你将在此地逗留多少天?

中考在线: The plane___ on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.

A, ran B, moved C, shook D, remained

考点10,matter vi 要紧,有重大影响 ,通常用于否定句和疑问句,句中常常含有what,who,if等词。

e.g. It doesn’t matter if I miss the train, because there’s another one later.

Does it matter a great deal to her whether they come or not? 他们是否来,这对她很重要吗?

中考在线: Pay no attention to those who laugh at you. What ____ most is how you see yourself.

A, drinks B, matters C, cares D, minds

考点11,against prep 对抗,与...相反,违反,反对

e.g. We are all against his idea. 我们都反对他的想法。

Are you for or against the plan? 你对这个计划是赞成还是反对呢?

The soldiers fought against the enemy bravely. 士兵们勇敢地同敌人战斗。

Against 表示位置时,意为“靠着,顶着,迎着,衬托等”

The teacher’s desk is against the wall. 老师的办公桌靠墙放着。


1, Let’s put the piano over there, ___the wall.

A, above B, against C, across D, around

2, I’m strongly ____(反对) smoking because it may cause cancer.

点拨: be against (doing) sth 反对(做)某事

考点12, It was a record of that time...

Record n 记录 vt 记录,录音

Keep a record 保持记录 break a record 打破记录

e.g. Last summer was the wettest on record. 去年夏天是有记录以来降雨量最大的。

I recorded the concert so that I can listen to it later. 我把音乐会录下音来,以便我以后可以听它。

考点13,die of 与 Die from 辨析:

Die of :若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病,衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词of.。

Die from 若死因不是存在于人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指外部原因)一般用介词from.

e.g. He died of heart trouble. 他死于心脏病。

He died from a traffice accident.他死于一场车祸。

考点14,have sth to do, have sb do , have sth done 辨析

Have sth to do , 有要做的某事,其中to do 做定语,修饰sth

Have sb do, 让某人做,常用不含to的不定式作宾补,表示具体的一次性或经常性的动作,sb发出动作。

Have sth done 使某事被做,sth与done之间是动宾关系,done所表示的动作一般由别人而不是主语发出。还可表示“某人遭受某事”常指不幸之事,可用get替代have

e.g. Do you have anything to drink? 你有什么喝的东西吗?

He had his son clean the room every day. 他让他的儿子每天打扫房间。

He wants to have his hair cut after school.放学后他想去理发。

On my way to school, I saw him fall off the bike and have/get his leg hurt. 在上学的路上,我看到他从自行车上摔下来,腿受伤了。

中考在线: Bad luck! The film star had her leg___while playing a part in the film.

A, to break B, breaking C, break D, broken

考点15, death ,n 死亡,死

Die, dead, dying 辨析

Die 强调“死”的动作,为非延续性动词,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。

Dead,是形容词,作表语或定语,强调的是“死”的状态,意为“死的,无生命的”如果表达“死了多长时间”则用”have /has been dead for 一段时间 或“died 一段时间 ago”

Dying 是dye的现在分词,也可作形容词,表示“垂死的”常用作定语或表语。

e.g. His grandpa died at the age of 80.

He has been dead fro two years.=== He died two years ago.

The dying soldier wants to take a look at his country.

His little dog’s death made him very sad.

中考在线: His grandma has _____for 5 years.

A, died B, been died C, been dead

考点16, My father is in his fifties.

In his fifties 在他五十多岁时。

e.g. Her hair turned grey in her thirties. 她30多岁时,头发就变灰白了。

表示整十的数词变成复数,用在“in one’s 数词复数”短语中。 表示“某人....多岁”

中考在线: It’s never too old to learn. Karl Max began to learn Russian in his ___ (fifty)

考点17, unusual adj 不寻常的(反义词为usual平常的), 独特的,与众不同的

e.g. He is really unusual. He is quite different from others.

As usual, there weren’t many people at the meeting. 像往常一样,来开会的人不多。

中考在线: ---Did you hear anything____(usual) in the street?

-----Sorry, I ‘m not sure. I was cleaning the room.

考点18, To my surprise, he has decided to donate....

To one’s surprise 令某人惊讶的是, 一般用在句子的开头作状语。

e.g. To my surprise, the five-year-old girl has diabetes. [ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz] 令我惊讶的是,这个五岁的女孩子有糖尿病。

Surprised, adj, 感到吃惊的 surprising adj 令人吃惊的


To my surprise, he wasn’t surprised at the surprising news. 使我惊讶的是,他对那个令人惊讶的消息一点也不惊讶。




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