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61、delay(doing) sth


例句:Our headmaster decided to delay holding the school sports meeting because of the bad weather.由于糟糕的天气的原因,我们的校长决定延期举行校运动会。

注意:delay 也可以作名词,如:That is the reason of my delay in answering your letter. 这就是我迟迟不给你回信的原因。

62、feel like(doing) sth


例句:She really feels like having a talk with his son about his study at school.她的确想和他的儿子谈一谈关于他在学校的学习情况。

注意:feel like sth还有摸起来像、感觉起来像、觉得好像的意思,后接名词。如:This kind of brick feels like wood.这种砖摸起来像木头。 It feels like rain soon.觉得好像马上要下雨了。

63、let/have/make/get/leave sb 动词不定式

let,have,make,get,leave均可作使役动词,其中let,have,make sb/sth do sth,动词不定式作宾补要省略to,而get,leave sb/sth to do sth, 动词不定式不能省略to;5个动词均有使某人、让某人做某事,但用法上有所区别与侧重。

let sb do sth,leave sb to do sth 一般用于祈使句和口语中,意为让某人、放任某人做某事,含有允许之意,如let him go让他走,let me go out for a walk让我出去散散步,leave him to make a decision让他做决定等;

have sb do sth含有邀请、请求某人做某事的意思,比较中性的词;如:We often have our friends come to our house to have dinner together. 我们经常邀请我们的朋友来我们家共进晚餐。

make sb/sth do sth=get sb/sth to do sth,意思中带有强迫、迫使、命令的口气使某人做某事。例如:What made you change your mind? 是什么使你改变了主意?Their teacher got them all to give a short talk about their holiday.他们的老师让他们每个人做一个关于他们假期的简短的报告。

64、invite sb to do sth


例句:We often invite our friends to come to our house to have dinner together. 我们经常邀请我们的朋友来我们家共进晚餐。

又如:We are going to invite the famous scientist to give us a speech on environment protection.我们打算邀请那个著名的科学家给我们作一个关于环境保护的演讲。

65、teach sb (not)to do sth


例句:My mother taught me to learn to cook last week.上周我妈妈教导(教训)我要学习烹饪。

My mother taught me how to cook last week.上周我妈妈教我如何烹饪。

又如:Our English teacher teaches us to study English well.我们的英语老师教导我们要学好英语。

Our English teacher teaches us how to study English well. 我们的英语老师教我们如何学好英语。

66、encourage sb to do sth


例句:Our class teacher always encourages us to try our best to help those who need help.我们的班主任总是鼓励我们尽力帮助那些需要帮助的人。

67、How about/What about (doing)sth


例句:How about going out for a walk after supper?晚饭后出去散散步怎么样?

68、stop/keep/prevent/protect…from doing sth


例句:We should prevent/stop/keep/protect the Chang Jiang river from being polluted by the waste water released from the factories.我们必须阻止长江被从工厂排放的废水所污染。用于被动语态时,四者可通用;用于主动语态时,前三者可通用。

69、thank sb for (doing) sth


例句:Tom thanked me very much for helping him with his homework.

汤姆非常感谢我帮助他做作业。=be thankful/grateful to sb for (doing) sth

另外还有:thanks for (doing) sth感谢做某事;show great thankfulness/gratitude to sb for (doing) sth因为做某事而对某人表示极大的感谢。

70. do some cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing


例句:My mother does some cooking and cleaning at home everyday.我妈妈每天在家做做饭、打扫打扫卫生。




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