
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-28 03:19:07

一、大气是一个人的气质或气度;是一个人内心世界的一种外观表现;是一个人综合素质对外散发的一种无形的力量。大气不是从小生来的,而是经历生活慢慢培养出来的浩然之气;是一个人对社会、对生活所持有态度的一种意识;是人性的自然流露,装是装不出来的。Atmosphere is a person's temperament or temperament; is a person's inner world of an appearance; is a person's comprehensive quality of external dissemination of an invisible force. Atmosphere is not born at an early age, but is a magnificent spirit cultivated slowly through life; it is a person's awareness of the attitude towards society and life; it is the natural expression of human nature, which can not be pretended.


二、人生就是一个苏醒的过程,把快乐装在心里,把温暖妥帖收藏,在心中开一扇睛窗,种满花朵和阳光,用最美的心情过最好的生活,即便是风尘仆仆,岁月也会溢满暖意,美好也会如约而至!Life is a process of awakening. Keep happiness in your heart, keep warmth in your collection, open a window in your heart, plant flowers and sunshine, and live the best life with the most beautiful mood. Even if you are a dusty servant, the years will be full of warmth, and the good will come as promised.


三、原来,爱一个人,由人由天,就是由不得自己。那些属于生命里美丽的瞬间,当时并不觉得珍奇,可当我回头却发现,原来最灿烂的一刻早已过去。我再没有遇到一个人,像他一样爱我如自己的生命。你们两人在一处,心却在另一处,在神的驱逐下,永不停息的流浪。原来一切早已注定我认了命,反正怎么过,都是一生。Originally, love a person, by the sky, is by no means their own. Those beautiful moments in life, at that time did not feel strange, but when I look back, I find that the original most brilliant moment has long passed. I have never met anyone who loves me as his own life. You two are in one place, but your heart is in another place, and you will never stop wandering under the banishment of God. Originally everything had been destined for me to admit my destiny. Anyway, it was a lifetime.


四、没人在乎你怎样在深夜痛哭,也没人在乎你辗转反侧的要熬几个秋。外人只看结果,自己独撑过程。等我们都明白了这个道理,便不会再在人前矫情,四处诉说以求宽慰。Nobody cares how you cry in the middle of the night, or how many autumns you toss and turn. Outsiders only look at the results and support the process by themselves. When we all understand this truth, we will no longer pretend to be in front of others and talk about it everywhere for comfort.


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