
首页 > 机动车 > 作者:YD1662023-05-12 10:36:36


据阿联酋官方英文报纸《The National》报道,一名当地女子在昏迷了27年后奇迹般地苏醒了。


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Their vehicle collided with a school bus, leaving Ms Abdulla with a serious brain injury. Omar – cradled by his mother before the impact – escaped with a bruise to the head.他们的车与一辆校车相撞,阿布都拉脑部严重受伤。撞击的刹那,她紧紧抱住了儿子奥马尔,这一举动让他幸免于难,只是头上略有擦伤。Ms Abdulla, 32 at the time, was left in a coma and doctors believed she would probably never open her eyes again. That was until last year, when she regained consciousness in a German hospital room.当时32岁的阿布都拉随即陷入昏迷状态,医生断定她极有可能再也不会苏醒。直到去年,她在德国的一家医院恢复了知觉。

▲ Emirati woman wakes up from coma after almost 30 years (via the National)


“I never gave up on her because I always had a feeling that one day she will wake up,” said her son Omar Webair, 32.她32岁的儿子奥马尔·韦伯尔说道:“我从未放弃过希望,因为我一直觉得总有一天她会醒来。”“I was four when the accident happened, and we used to live in Al Ain,” Mr Webair said. “That day, there was no bus at the school to take me home.”“事故发生时我四岁,那时我们住在艾因。”奥马尔说,“那天,没有校车送我回家。”At about 4pm, his mother, driven by her brother-in-law, picked up young Omar.下午4点左右,奥马尔的姨夫开车带他妈妈去接他。“My mother was sitting with me in the back seat. When she saw the crash coming she hugged me to protect me from the blow,” Mr Webair said.他说:“妈妈和我坐在后座上。她在撞车的一瞬间紧紧抱住我保护了我。”He walked away from the accident, but was left in despair as his mother waited for help. “There were no mobile phones and we could not call an ambulance. She was left like that for hours,” he said.他没在事故中受大伤,但是却在等待救援时陷入了绝望,“当时没有手机,我们没法呼叫救护车。她就那样躺了好几个小时。”

▲ Emirati woman wakes up from coma after almost 30 years (via the National)




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“To me she was like gold; the more time passed by, the more valuable she became,” he said.他说:“对我来说,妈妈就像金子一样,时间越久越有价值。”The situation made it difficult for Mr Webair to hold down a job, but he always managed to spend time by her side.这种情况让奥马尔很难维持稳定的工作,但他依然设法花时间陪伴在她左右。“I never regretted it. I believe that, because of my support for her, God saved me from bigger troubles.”“我从不后悔。我相信,正是因为我一直陪伴支持她,上帝才没有给我增添其他烦恼。”

▲ Emirati woman wakes up from coma after almost 30 years (via the National)


In April 2017, the Crown Prince Court heard about her story and gave the family a grant for a comprehensive multidisciplinary programme in Germany.2017年4月,王储听说了阿布都拉的故事,向她和她的家人提供了一笔医疗补助,资助她前往德国接受一项综合性多学科方案治疗。

▲ Emirati woman wakes up from coma after almost 30 years (via the National)


阿联酋王储谢赫·穆罕默德·本·扎耶德(中)。图 via Getty Images / dailymail



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