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The Adventure of Pinoccho

Chapter 1

How it came to pass that Master Cherry the carpenter found a piece of wood that laughed and cried like a child.


There was once upon a time.


"A king!" my little readers will instantly exclaim.


No, children, you are wrong. There was once upon a time a piece of wood.


This wood was not valuable; it was only a common log like those that are burnt in winter in the stoves and fireplaces to make a cheerful blaze and warm the rooms.


I cannot say how it came about, but the fact is, that one fine day this piece of wood was lying in the shop of an old carpenter of the name of Master Antonio. He was, however, called by everybody Master Cherry, on account of the end of his nose, which was always as red and polished as a ripe cherry.



came to pass:(文学或圣经)发生。

once upon a time:从前,很久以前,那时候(指比现在好得多的过去某一时期)

Once upon a time you used to be able to leave your front door unlocked.(从前,大门是可以不上锁的。)还有一个短语意思与它相近a long time ago:从前,很久以前。.

instantly exclaim:(大声地)脱口而出

blurt out (不假思索地)脱口而出 instantly available 唾手可得

He blurted the news out before we could stop him. (我们还没来得及阻止,他据脱口说出了那个消息。) The information was instantly available.(信息唾手可得)

on account of:因为,由于。

She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her achy knee.


词语辨析:as, like, as if

As…as 中间是形容词或副词。参考原文

Like 后接名词。例如:A movie is not like a book. (不说not as a book)


as if 之后接从句,用于比较虚实两种情形。例如:He talked to them as if they were children. 他同他们说话,就当他们是孩子一样。

which,引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰the end of his nose,对先行词不起限制作用,只对它加以描写, his nose was always as red and polished as a ripe cherry.




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