learn to do和learn doing,learn加doing还是do

首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-01-02 03:40:48

Learn in the doing. There's no shortcut to excellence. 在行动中学习。没有通往卓越的捷径。

learn to do和learn doing,learn加doing还是do(1)

Most things, that never get done, never get done because they never get started. 大部分事情,你一直没有做到的事情, 它们之所以没有被做到,是因为你从来都没有开始去做。

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The good deals that you think are gonna come to you in the world are not gonna come knocking on your door. You gonna go out and make them happen.你觉得会走进你的世界的那些好事情,它们不会主动来敲你的门,你必须走出去,然后让它们发生。

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For something, something you do,you can only follow up with the action to make it real. 对于一些事情, 你做的某些事情,你只有不断地采取行动才能实现它。

learn to do和learn doing,learn加doing还是do(4)

Anything we do today is going to have some problems in the future, but that can't stop us from getting started.我们现在做的任何事情,在未来可能都会有问题,但是这并不能阻止我们行动。

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