
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-19 05:24:04

841[玫瑰]坏人正在被惩罚!Bad person is being punished !842[玫瑰]我最近很忙!I have been busy recently ! 843[玫瑰]你会长高的!You will be tall ! 844[玫瑰]他给我们带了些吃的! He bought us some food ! 845[玫瑰]他给我提供了一份工作! He offered me a job ! 846[玫瑰]他给我读了一篇文章!He read me a article ! 847[玫瑰]他给我看了他的新车!He showed me his new car ! 848[玫瑰]他给我看了他的票 !He showed me his ticket ! 849[玫瑰]他给我保证了!He promised me ! 850[玫瑰]他教我们英语!He teaches us English ! 851[玫瑰]他教训了他一顿!He punished him ! 852[玫瑰]他付了我很多钱!He paid me a lot of money ! 853[玫瑰]他扔给我一本书!He threw me a book ! 854[玫瑰]他问了我一个问题!He asked me a quesion ! 855[玫瑰]他把车卖给了他朋友!He sold the car to his fried ! 856[玫瑰]他把钱还给我来!He gave ne the money back ! 857[玫瑰]他把那本书递给了我! He passed that book to me ! 858[玫瑰]他把车送给了娃娃! He gave me the car ! 859[玫瑰]他给我留了很多钱!He left me a forture ! 860[玫瑰]他什么都没给我留!He didn't leave me anything !




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