
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-31 16:05:56



Waduri: Okay, Danu. Now, let's talk about what do you have in Sri Lanka for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Danu: Sure Widuri. So in Sri Lanka, I will talk about my breakfast first.


Waduri: Okay. Breakfast.


Danu: So in Sri Lanka, there are different kinds of breakfast menus for Sri Lankans. For example, we eat so much grains, nuts, and we eat rice as well. But for rice, the special thing in Sri Lanka is we cook milk rice.


Waduri: Milk rice.


Danu: Do you know how do we cook milk rice?


Waduri: No, but it sounds interesting.


Danu: Yes. We put coconut oil and coconut milk in the cooked rice and we make it milk rice. And we eat that milk rice with a special paste of chilies and dried fish. It's really delicious and really healthy. And apart from that, we have fruits and salads as well. For example, Sri Lanka is a tropical country and we have many kinds of different fruits all around the area. So for example, oranges, star fruits, mangosteen, bananas, are the most popular fruits for breakfast menu.


Waduri: Oh, interesting. So that chili paste, it means spicy? That milk rice will be spicy?


Danu: Yes, because of the coconut milk, it's a bit sweet but at the same time because of the chili paste, it's hot.


Waduri: Wow.


Danu: So you can adjust your spiciness as you wish.


Waduri: Oh so, you eat spicy food in the morning. Then what about lunch?


Danu: Oh for the lunch, it's usually everybody eats rice and curry. But in Sri Lanka, rice and curry doesn't mean just rice and one dish of curry. We usually make three to four dishes. And it might be fish curry, some vegetables, and another vegetable salad. For example, the other vegetable curry might be cabbage while the salad might be some homegrown leaves. Very healthy food.


Waduri: Wow. Another healthy food. So you have salad for both breakfast and lunch.


Danu: Yes, it depends. So you can – some people have both for breakfast and lunch. But usually, it's for lunch, we have a salad of leaves.


Waduri: Is that what you always have at your school and home?


Danu: Usually, my mom makes my food for me to take to school. So my parents, they don't like – they don't want me to eat from outside because it's healthier to eat home. So my mom makes sure that I take proper food to school. So basically, yes, I eat my home made food.


Waduri: So she makes sure you eat your salad, right?


Danu: Yes. She makes sure I eat my salad.


Waduri: Nice. Then what about dinner?


Danu: For dinner. For dinner, it's a very simple dish. In Sri Lanka, in our culture, we say that you should eat like a king for breakfast. Eat like a prince for the lunch. And eat like a beggar for the dinner. That's because of the healthy lifestyle we follow. So for dinner, it might be a simple dish like bread and some gravy or another dish called pittu.


Waduri: Pittu?


Danu: Yes.


Waduri: What is that?


Danu: Pittu is made with grounded coconuts and flour. You mix it. And you boil it. You steam it. Steam-boil it. So it becomes a very simple food, and you put some coconut milk on it, and you'll eat it.


Waduri: Is it sweet?


Danu: You can make it sweet and you can make it hot depending on what ingredients do you use. So in Sri Lanka, we use lots of different spices, so depending on what spices you use, you can change the flavor as well.


Waduri: Wow. Interesting. It seems like you have a lot spices in Sri Lanka. And then what about snack time. Do you have snack time?


Danu: Yes, definitely. We have a snack time in the evening. For example, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM, we usually have tea.


Waduri: Tea?


Danu: Milk tea with some cookies.


Waduri: Oh nice.


Danu: That's like family tea time. So we sit together. We have some cookies, maybe some bananas, and we drink milk tea. Have you tried Sri Lanka's tea?


Waduri: I think I remember—what is it again? Ceylon tea.


Danu: Yes, it is Ceylon tea.


Waduri: Ceylon tea.


Danu: Ceylon tea.


Waduri: Ceylon tea.


Danu: Yes.


Waduri: So you mix the milk with that Ceylon tea.


Danu: That's right. We mix the milk with Ceylon tea.


Waduri: Interesting. I want to try it.


Danu: You should try it. It's very delicious.


Waduri: Okay. Thank you, Danu.


Danu: Thank you, Waduri.





Widuri: Yes.


Danu: So I would like to hear about some typical Indonesia food. Let's talk about breakfast.


Widuri: Breakfast. Okay. Let me see. Actually, Indonesian eat rice. We eat rice every day, three times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But there is no specific and typical breakfast actually in Indonesia. For example, in my house, my mom will prepare both bread and rice. And sometimes, we also have porridge. But usually, people will prefer rice rather than bread. But then, we will eat that and drink milk every morning.


Danu: So what is your favorite breakfast?


Widuri: My favorite one, I prefer the lighter one, which is bread than strawberry jam, and of course, the milk.


Danu: Okay. I see. So what about lunch, Widuri, in Indonesia?


Widuri: But lunch, of course, I will eat rice. In cafeteria, at my school, we have a lot of menus, rice menus. For example, fried rice. That one is very famous in Indonesia. And then rice with curry, rice with soup, rice with chicken, fried chicken. There are a lot of menus actually in Indonesia. But basically, of course, we eat rice.


Danu: Okay. That's interesting. Do you have any snacks during the evening time?


Widuri: That's not really common actually. We don't really have snack time or tea time like that in Indonesia. But if you want to have snacks, then the snacks will be traditional foods from Indonesia like cakes.


Danu: So what kind of cakes are they?


Widuri: Wow. If I mention the name, it's probably hard to remember, but the name is like kue cubit. Do you know that food?

威杜里:哇哦。如果我说名字的话,你们可能记不住,印尼的蛋糕叫kue cubit。你知道吗?

Danu: Kue cubit.

达努:kue cubit。

Widuri: Yeah.


Danu: That's interesting. That sounds very funny.


Widuri: Yeah. It is. The cake is very small. That's why we call it cubit. It's like you pinch the cake. So small but it's very sweet. You can have chocolate toppings or green tea toppings and strawberry jam on it.


Danu: I see. So Widuri, could you talk about dinner in Indonesia?


Widuri: Dinner. Hmm, actually, there are a lot of menus like pasta or rice again or other things. But for me and my family, we usually have fruits and salad for dinner. You know, it's healthy lifestyle.


Danu: I see. So Widuri, you said you usually eat rice for three times a day.


Widuri: Yes.


Danu: So do you eat the same rice with same side dishes or curry or soup?


Widuri: Yeah. Usually, my mom will cook every morning and then, she will cook again in the afternoon. But usually, same menu.


Danu: Okay. Widuri, so salad and some fruits. That's interesting. Is it normal in Indonesia? Could you talk a bit about the salad and the fruits?


Widuri: Yeah. Even though Indonesian eat rice three times a day, but my family prefers a healthier lifestyle such as salad and fruits. My friends also do that, I think, because we don't want to get fat, and fruit and salads for dinner is the best way to keep your body slim. And we usually have salad without toppings. You know, sometimes, the toppings makes you fat.


Danu: So what kind of salads and what kind of fruits do you eat?


Widuri: Indonesian is tropical country. There are a lot of fruits like watermelon, apples, oranges. And then we also have srikaya. Do you know srikaya?


Danu: I have not heard about it before.


Widuri: Then it's fruit from Indonesia. Its name is srikaya. The shape is like pineapple but it has different taste, of course. It's not sour. It's sweet. Its name is srikaya. And for salad, we eat the usual salad like lettuce and the tomatoes, something like that mixed with the fruits.


Danu: Oh, you mix the salad with the fruits.


Widuri: Yes, of course.


Danu: That's interesting. So what's your favorite fruit? I mean, fruit.


Widuri: My favorite fruits will be orange, I think.


Danu: Okay. Sounds like a healthy way to live.


Widuri: Yeah.


Danu: That's why you have such a nice slim figure.


Widuri: Yeah. Thank you.


Danu: You are welcome. Thank you very much.


Widuri: Thank you.





John: Oh. Well, I think they're okay. Personally, I have my ears pierced, and I have many tattoos. But in the professional world, different people have different ideas. So I had to make sure all of my tattoos can be covered by a t-shirt, so any person who sees me doesn't know that I have any tattoos. But I personally think tattoos are okay. So if I saw a police officer with many tattoos on her arms and her neck, I wouldn't have a problem with it. What about you?


Sarah: Do you think in the future, maybe as you and I grow up, it will become more common to go to the doctor or maybe go to the bank and you see people, and they are professional people, but they have visible tattoos or earrings? I also have a tattoo. So I think they're okay.


John: I agree. I think that in the future, it will be more and more commonplace to see people who have visible tattoos and piercings. Of course, right now, people are having more and more visible tattoos that are very small. But maybe in the future, tattoos will be bigger and bigger. I think it's the same with piercings. Nowadays, it's normal to see women and men who have their ears pierced. But it's still not common to see a professional working with their nose pierced or their eyebrows pierced. Maybe in the future that will be common as well.


Sarah: I think so. But one thing that I think won't change is professional clothing. I think these days and the future, I think a nice suit, a professional collared shirt, ironed pants – I think those type of clothes are really important for your job or for the type of job if you want a promotion. And I think in the future, we'll see people with really nice professional clothing and then they might have visible tattoos or earrings. I think your clothes show how important your job is to you.


John: I see what you're saying. If I was trying to hire a lawyer and I saw two lawyers and both of them had tattoos and their ears pierced, but if one of the lawyers was wearing a suit, even if that person have tattoos and piercings, if they're wearing a suit, I would rather choose that lawyer than someone who had tattoos and piercings who was wearing a t-shirt and shorts.


Sarah: Uh-hmm.


John: So I agree with you that the clothing is more important for professional image.


Sarah: What do you think – these days, some of the computer companies or tech startups, the CEOs are young people and they'll go to work wearing jeans or shorts and a t-shirt. And they like to portray a casual atmosphere through their clothes. What do you think about that?


John: Well, in my opinion, the environment at a job, as long as everyone working there is in the same environment, maybe they should be able to choose what kind of professional attire is appropriate inside of that company. But the problem would arise when those workers have to interact with people from another company. So if another company has a dress code where everyone is wearing suits and these two companies have to work together, there might be a problem.


Sarah: It's strange that clothes seem like they're so important. The knowledge and the product should be important but I think everyone looks at the clothes and makes a judgment.


John: Yeah. It's interesting that we all know the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" but we can't help but do that. Everyone is judging people by what they wear, and that's not going to change.


Sarah: I agree.



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