电影《奇迹男孩》改编自全球畅销同名小说,讲述了一个温暖千万家庭的成长故事。10岁的奥吉(Auggie Pullman)天生脸部畸形,经过大大小小27次整形手术之后,奥吉终于可以自由呼吸,不用依赖助听器正常生活,但他的脸部仍然极度扭曲。此前一直在家中和妈妈自学。当他小学五年级时,奥吉进入父母为他精心挑选的学校上学。在这里,奥吉将与校长、老师以及性格迥异的同学相处,他不寻常的外表让他成为同学们讨论的焦点,也给他的校园生活带来了不少难题。幸运的是,在成长过程中,奥吉的父母、姐姐、同学一直是他最坚强的后盾,在他们的支持与关爱下,奥吉凭借自身的勇气、善良、聪敏影响激励了许多身边的人,并收获了友谊、尊重与爱,最终成长为大家心目中的不可思议的"奇迹"。
- 故事发生在小学校,这样的故事背景很容易让娃产生共鸣,完全是从孩子的视角来看世界、看问题,贴近儿童心理特点。
- 英语和剧情相对简单易懂(相对于7岁以上的孩子来说)。
- 里面有孩子最喜欢的美剧Odd Squad女主角Ms O(在《Wonder》里饰演Summer),小屁孩牙齿还没长齐已经步入追星行列,感慨岁月流逝,超爸已找不到当年追星的感觉了。
关于Odd Squad可参看《这部剧集让儿子改了英文名》
电影中处处充溢着正能量台词和格言,也就是奥吉的老师Mr. Browne说的Precept或者Motto,既可以作为英语学习的句型来记忆,也可以作为激励自己、启迪人生的思想工具,发挥引导行为的作用(Percepts can help motivate us. They can help guide us when we have to make decisions)。这里摘录其中的25条,以飨各位爸妈。
"Meeting kids is harder than meeting adults." – Auggie played by Jacob Tremblay
"You can learn a lot about people by looking at their shoes." – Auggie
"I know I'm cool but technically most dads aren't." – Nate
"You're going to feel like you've all alone but you're not." – Nate
"Dear God please make them be nice to him." – Isabel
"If you don't like where you are, picture where you want to be." – Auggie
"Who do I aspire to be? That's the question we should be asking ourselves all the time." – Auggie's teacher Mr. Browne
"When given the choice between being right or kind, choose kind." – A precept taught by Mr. Browne in class
"You are not ugly Auggie… Because I'm your mom it counts the most because I know you the most." – Isabel
"You can't blend in when you were born to stand out." – Auggie's sister Via, played by Izabela Vidovic
"We all have marks on our face. This is the map that shows where we've been and it's never, ever ugly." – Isabel
"What evil man created dodgeball?" – Auggie
"School sucks and people change and those are the rules." – Via
"Your deeds are your monuments." – Another precept taught in Mr. Browne's class
"Good friends are worth defending." – School principal Mr. Tushman, played by Mandy Patinkin
"Real friends are hard to find." – Auggie
Parents of a soon-to-be suspended student said, "We have a lot of friends on the school board." Tushman answered, "I have more."
"Auggie can't change the way he looks. Maybe we can change the way we see." – Tushman
"Auggie, I am proud of you for sticking it out." -Nate
"I know you don't always like it but I love it. It's my son's face. I want to see it." – Nate
"Thank you for making me go to school." – Auggie to his mother
"You are a wonder Auggie. You are a wonder." – Isabel
"Greatness is not being strong but using strength to carry the most hearts." – Tushman
"We all need a standing ovation at least once in our life." – Auggie
"Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be kind." – Auggie
影片一开头就甩出一连串的含有ordinary的句子,娃问我是什么意思。类似这种比较抽象的名词或形容词,比较好的解释方法就是用孩子已经掌握的英语词汇去解释,比如你可以说: It's like normal, usual。
抓住一个小小的语法错误,奥吉成功地反击了朱利安,同时也让娃掌握了一个副词的用法。supposedly意思是据说、推测,原形是动词suppose。Science is supposedly really hard,等同于 Science is supposed to be really hard,但其中还是有细微差别。
hang out
single file
break a leg
米兰达已经给出了解释,祝贺演出成功要用break a leg,而不是wish you luck。
excuse us