fight with 和...打架
Two guys were fighting with each other in the street.
fight about/over/for 为了...打架
They were fighting over a girl.
3 try to do sth
当fight = try hard to do or get sth,争取
fight for 争取...
The men were fighting for higher wages.
fight to do sth 争取做...
You may fight to get a bit of space on the subway.
4 prevent sth
当fight = try very hard to prevent sth or to get rid of sth unpleasant,斗争、反抗
fight against
People are fighting against repression and injustice.
5 compete
当fight = take part in an election or compete strongly for sth,竞争、竞选,尤其是指工作或政务职位。
fight (sb) for sth
He had to fight several other applicants for the job.
6 argue
当fight = argue with sth,争吵