
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-02 22:32:33

Other Ways to Say “Amazing”


She ran 200m in an astonishing 15.2 seconds.

The performance was an astounding success.

They had an awesome task ahead.

Anna is a fabulous cook.

The weather was absolutely fantastic.

I felt I’d made an incredible discovery.

He was a man of stupendous stamina and energy.

You’ve all been absolutely wonderful!

The size of the universe is unimaginable.

We went to a tremendous party.

The announcement was not entirely unexpected.

The product has been a phenomenal success.

It was a spectacular achievement on their part.

You look absolutely stunning!

You may find it somewhat overwhelming at first.

She was a truly remarkable woman.

The scene was one of breathtaking beauty.

It was a significant moment.

They paid a staggering £5 million for the house.

What a brilliant idea!

You’re an extraordinary woman.

It’s marvelous what modern technology can do.

DVDs can store prodigious amounts of information.




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