diary的复数英语怎么写,diary的英文怎么读 图文

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diary的复数英语怎么写,diary的英文怎么读 图文(1)


1, when引导时,主句和从句的动作可以同时,也可以先后

When I was a child ,I used to play football 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我经常踢足球

When the movie ended ,all people went back 当电影结束,所有的人都走了

2, while引导时,通常表示与。。。同时,在。。。期间

While you were eating ,I was reading 当你在吃东西的时候,我在读书

While you were here, he used to visit you 当你在这里的时候,他经常去拜访你

3, as引导时,

1, 表示一件事和另一件事相继发生

I went to school as the rain stopped 当雨停下来了,我就去上学了

2, 在某事进程中,发生另一件事

As he was giving us a lecture a man came into the classroom 当他正在做演讲的时候,一个男人走进了教室。

3, 表示两个动作同时发生

He smiled happily as I wanted to say "hello"to him 当我正要和他说:"你好"的时候,他正开心的微笑着。


I must finish my homework before my father comes back 我必须在我爸爸回来之前完成我的作业。


He will call you after you finish your work 在你完成你的工作以后,他会给你打电话的


It has been five years since you lived here 自从你住在这里,都已经五年了。


1, 肯定句时,主句动作发生以后,才到从句的动作

I will read books until I understand all of them 我将会阅读这些书,知道我弄懂里面的所有

2, 否定句时,主句动作发生在从句动作之后

I won't finish my work until my father comes back 直到我爸爸回来,我才会完成我的工作

3, till 不能用于句首

Until I finish my work,I can help 直到我完成我的工作,我才能帮助你

4, not。。。until的倒装和强调句

Not until you see it that do you believe it 直到你看到了,你才会相信

It's not until you see it that you believe it

Once 引导时,通常指的是一。。。就

Once you work hard ,you will be successful 你一努力,你就会成功

时间名词短语引导时:the instant,the minute 等

The minute I hear the news ,I start to understand the meaning 在我听到这个消息的那分钟,我开始明白了它的意思。

副词引导时,immediately,directly 等 表示,一。。。就。。。

I started to smile immediately I saw my friends 我一看见我的朋友,我就立刻微笑了。


I know the place where you studied 我知道你学习过的地方(定语从句)(有先行词)

I will take away all clean clothes where you may get them wet ·我必须收好衣服到你不能弄湿的地方。

Where there is a hope ,there is a way 有希望,就有指望

原因状语从句:连接词:in that ,now that 等,because 和 so 不能同时连用

1, because 引导时,

I can't go to school just because I am ill 我不能去上学就是因为我生病了

2, since引导时,通常在句首,可以和now that 互换 ,都是既然

Since you can do it, you must do it yourself 既然你能做到,你必须自己做。

Now that you can do it ,you must do it yourself

3, as 引导时,与since 一样,都是大家知道的事实

As today is a sunny day, we can go to have a picnic in the park


4, for 引导时,对前面的内容的补充说明

You must be patient ,for they are just kids 你必须有耐心,因为他们只是孩子

5, 短语引导时,例如:for the reason that ,considering that ,in that ,seeing that ,now that

For the reason that you can speak English ,you must keep doing it 由于你说英语是由于这个原因,所以你必须坚持做。


1, in order that 和 so that 引导时, in order that 比较正式,可以放于句首

I study hard so that I can pass my test= I study hard to pass the test 我学习努力是为了能通过考试

In order that I can pass the test,I study hard

I study hard so that they can praise me =I study hard for them to praise me


2, for fear (that),in case,lest 表示:以防,目的是,

He did his homework yesterday for fear (that)he can hand in today 他昨天写他的作业是为了今天能交作业。


1, so that 引导时,

He works hard so that he can get good grades 他努力学习就是为了能得到好成绩

He works hard ,so that he gets good grades in the test 他工作努力 ,结果他在考试里获得了很好的成绩

2, so 形容词,副词/ many/few 可数名词复数/little/much 不可数名词/形容词 a/an 可数名词单数 that

He runs so fast that he catches the early bus 他跑得如此的快,以至于他赶上了早班车

He reads so many books that he becomes a professor 他阅读了如此多的书,以至于他最后成为了一个教授

He drinks so much water that he goes to the toilet many times 他喝如此多的水,以至于他去厕所很多次。

He is so tall a boy that he can get the apples on the tree 他是如此高的男孩,以至于他能摘到树上的苹果

3, such a,an, 形容词 可数名词单数/形容词 可数名词复数/形容词 不可数名词 that

He is such a good boy that all people like him 他是如此好的男孩,以至于所有的人都喜欢他

They are such tall boys that all people like them 他们是如此高的男孩们,以至于所有的人都喜欢他们。

It is such clean water that all people drink it 它是如此干净的水,以至于所有的人都喝它。

So ,such 提前时,句子要部分倒装

So did he run fast that he caught the early bus 他跑得如此的快,以至于他赶上了早班车

Such good books did you buy that you could be a top student 你买了如此好的书籍,以至于你成为了学霸。

在many,much ,few,little修饰时,只能用so。。。that ,当little做小的时候,可以用such

I read so many books that I become a top student 我阅读了如此多的书,以至于我成为了一个学霸。

He is such a little boy that all people like him 他是如此的一个小男孩,以至于所有人都喜欢他。


1, if 引导时

If I have time ,I will study hard 如果现在我有时间,我将会努力学习

If I had time I would study hard 如果以前我有时间,我将会努力学习(虚拟语气)

2, unless 引导时,除非,如果不

I won't be there unless I am invited 我将不会到那里,除非我被邀请了。

3, on condition(that)引导时 在。。。条件下,在主句的动作上,加一个条件

You can use my computer on condition that you can keep it completely你可以使用我的电脑,只要你能保证它的完整就行。

4, Supposing/provided/providing/givein(that) 引导时,表示假如, given that 表示 考虑到

Supposing that you can finish it now ,you must be the winner 假如你可以现在完成它,你就肯定可以成为胜利者


1, though ,although 引导时 although 比though正式, 它们不能和but 连用,但是可以和still ,yet 使用,产生对比感,although 不能替代even though,as though,though 可以做副词

Although /though it is raining ,I still go to school 虽然现在正在下雨,我仍然去上学。

2, even if /even though引导时,即使

Even if /Even though he is ill, he goes to school every day 即使他生病了,他每天仍然去上学。

3, as 引导时,常用倒装,名词 不用冠词

Much as /though he hates it ,he has to do it 虽然他很讨厌它,但是他不得不做它

Postman as he is ,he can speak much English 尽管他是一个邮递员,但是他仍然能说很多英语。

4, whether。。。or引导时,

We should have a good human relationship,whether we are at home or not 不管我们在家,还是在外面我们都要保持一个很好的人际关系。

5, while 引导时,尽管,语气比though,although 弱

While I have seen the movie ,I can't remember all 我尽管看了这部电影,但是我还是不能记住全部。

6, whatever=no matter what ,whoever=no matter who,wherever=no matter where,whenever=no matter what,whichever=no matter which

I will be with you wherever you are 无论你在哪里,我都和你在一起。


1, as。。。。as

There are as many books in the shop as (they are)in the library


2, 否定用not so。。。as /not as…as

There are not as many books in the shop as (they are )in the library


3, 比较时用 than

He comes here earlier than he used to 他比他以前来得早

4, the 比较级,the 比较级 越。。。, 越。。。。

The more you have ,the better you will be 你有得越多,你就会更好。


1, as 引导时,照。。。方式

You must do it as other students do 你必须像其他人一样做事情。

2, as if ,as though 引导时,常用在虚拟语气,与事实相反, 仿佛,好像

The friend helps me as if I were his brother 这个朋友帮助我就想我是他的兄弟一样。

状语从句的省略:当主句的主语和从句的主语一致,并且主语是it时, 主语和be动词一起省略

If (it is)necessary,please write your diary every day 如果有可能的话,请每天写日记


1, 从句中含有there be 句型时,there be 通常省略

Please tell me if there are many books on the desk 请告诉我,如果书桌上有很多书的话。

2, 从句谓语出现be动词时,

I really want to live where(the place is )so quiet 我真的很想居住在一个很安静的地方

3, 在than 和as 引导时

I like you better than (I like)him 我对比对他更加的喜欢

He runs as fast as I (do)他和我跑得一样快。





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