
首页 > 美食 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 04:02:42

近日,Ofo小黄车因为退押金(deposit refund)问题被推上了舆论的风口浪尖。Ofo公司北京总部数百名用户排队退押金(hundreds of users lined up at Ofo's Beijing headquarters to get their deposits refunded)、假装外国人Ofo秒退押金(pretend to be foreigners and Ofo returns deposits in seconds)等消息,引爆了Ofo退押金的热潮。

本月17日晚,Ofo官方微博公布退押金新政(new deposit return policy),表示所有退押金申请,无论线上线下,都将统一进行收集和审核(all deposit refund applications, online or offline, will be collected and reviewed),公司会按申请顺序退还押金(the deposit will be refunded in order of application)。目前排队人数已经突破1200万,按照每名用户99-199元押金来算,待退押金或超过10亿元。2017年11月,Ofo用户超过两亿。千万用户集体退押金,意味着大量用户将流失,Ofo营收可能面临雪崩式下滑。

针对"大量用户到Ofo总部排队现场退押金"一事,交通运输部新闻发言人吴春耕回应称,正督促Ofo畅通退押金渠道(smooth channels to return deposits),优化退押金流程,加快退款进度(speed up refund procedures),切实保障用户合法权益(protect the legitimate rights and interests of users)。

据中国执行信息公开网披露,深陷困境的(beleaguered, in hot water)Ofo小黄车和它的创始人戴威收到了法院颁出的限制消费令(be issued consumption restrictions by a court)。该公司及戴威本人不得坐飞机及软卧(be forbidden from taking an airplane as well as the soft berths in trains)、不能在星级宾馆等场合消费。

撤军 US troops withdrawal

The Trump administration says US troops are being withdrawn from Syria, after the president said the Islamic State (IS) group had been "defeated". 美国总统特朗普宣称极端组织“伊斯兰国”已被“击败”之后,美国政府表示已开始撤回驻叙美军。

The Pentagon said it was transitioning to the "next phase of the campaign" but did not give details. 美国国防部表示该行动正进入“下一阶段”,但没有透露细节。


Five years ago, Isis was a very powerful and dangerous force in the Middle East, and now the United States has defeated the territorial caliphate. 五年前,“伊斯兰国”是中东地区一支非常强大而危险的势力,如今美国已击败控制了一定区域的“哈里发国”。

We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign. 随着对“伊斯兰国”的打击行动进入下一阶段,美国已开始撤回驻叙美军。

The US and its allies stood ready to re-engage at all levels to defend American interests whenever necessary, and we will continue to work together to deny radical Islamist terrorists territory, funding, support and any means of infiltrating our borders. 美国和盟国仍将随时根据需要采取行动捍卫美国的利益。美国与盟国将继续携手阻止恐怖分子获得土地、资金和支持,并阻止其进入美国或盟国境内。

目前,驻叙利亚美军士兵超过2000人。路透社援引白宫一位不愿透露姓名的官员称,美国宣布开始自叙利亚撤军后,国务院会在24小时内,将所有人员撤离叙利亚(all US State Department personnel are being evacuated from Syria within 24 hours)。另外,美国军队大概会在60到100天内完成从叙利亚撤军(the time-frame for the troops withdrawal from Syria is expected to be between 60 and 100 days)。

年度汉字 Chinese character of the year

"Striving" and "the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up" have been respectively chosen as the Chinese Character and Word of the Year 2018 in China. "奋"和"改革开放四十年"分别当选年度国内字、国内词。


由国家语言资源监测与研究中心(National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center)、商务印书馆等单位联合主办的"汉语盘点2018"活动20日在京揭晓。"奋"、"改革开放四十年"、"退(exit/quit)"和"贸易摩擦(trade friction)"分别当选年度国内字、国内词、国际字和国际词(international Chinese Character and Word of the Year)。

"奋"是振奋人心(inspiring),是奋发图强(striving to be strong),是奋勇拼搏(pressing ahead),也是奋不顾身(courageous and daring)。在波澜壮阔的新时代画卷中,奋斗本身就是一种幸福。

今年迎来"改革开放四十年",从开启新时期到跨入新世纪,从站上新起点到进入新时代,我国在各方面取得了伟大成就(China has made significant achievements in various fields)。改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时(reform and opening-up is an ongoing process and we will never stop),我们应不忘初心,牢记使命,将改革开放进行到底。

2018年,"退"字诀横扫三大洲。美国退出伊朗核协议(the Iran nuclear deal)、联合国人权理事会(the United Nations Human Rights Council);英国脱欧协议(the Brexit deal)草案出炉。各国"退群"目的不同,但都是国家利益使然。

美国对中国商品加征关税(impose additional tariffs on Chinese goods),引发"贸易摩擦"。经济全球化是大势所趋,和平与发展是民心所向(Economic globalization is the trend of the times, and peace and development represent the shared aspiration of all peoples)。对中美两国来说,合作是唯一正确的选择,共赢才能通向更好的未来(only a win-win approach will lead to a better future)。


宪法修正案 the amendment to the Constitution

命运共同体 a community with a shared future

进博会 China International Import Expo

贸易摩擦 trade friction

锦鲤 koi fish

板门店宣言 the Panmunjom Declaration

立德树人 foster character and civic virtue

“一箭双星” twin satellites carried by one rocket

幸福都是奋斗出来的 happiness is achieved through hard work

改革开放四十周年 the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up


进博会 China International Import Expo

直播答题 livestreaming quiz

信联 union of personal credit information

政治站位 political stance

限竞房 price-capped homes

消费降级 consumption downgrading

中国农民丰收节 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival

贸易霸凌 trade hegemony and bullying

大数据*熟 profiteering on big data

冰屏ice screen

改革开放40周年 the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up


忍饥挨饿、缺吃少穿、生活困顿这些几千年来困扰我国人民的问题总体上一去不复返了! Hunger, shortage and poverty that plagued Chinese people for thousands of years have been generally left behind.

40年来取得的成就不是天上掉下来的,更不是别人恩赐施舍的,而是全党全国各族人民用勤劳、智慧、勇气干出来的! What we have achieved in the past 40 years is not a godsend, still less a gift from others. It comes from the hard work, wisdom and courage of all members of the Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China.

坚持把人民拥护不拥护、赞成不赞成、高兴不高兴作为制定政策的依据,顺应民心、尊重民意、关注民情、致力民生。 In considering and introducing a policy, we must first and foremost ensure the backing, approval and endorsement of the people. We must act in line with our people's aspirations, respect their views and ideas, care about their worries and concerns and commit to improving their livelihood.

在中国这样一个有着5000多年文明史、13亿多人口的大国推进改革发展,没有可以奉为金科玉律的教科书,也没有可以对中国人民颐指气使的教师爷。 There is no textbook or golden rule to follow for reform and development in China, a country with over 5000 years of civilization and more than 1.3 billion people. No one is in the position to dictate to the Chinese people what should or should not be done.

我们有坚定的政治决心和强大能力维护国家主权和领土完整,祖国的神圣领土一寸都不能分裂出去! With firm political resolve and strong capability to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity, we will never allow any of our sacred territory, not even an inch, to be separated from the motherland!

伟大梦想不是等得来、喊得来的,而是拼出来、干出来的。我们现在所处的,是一个船到中流浪更急、人到半山路更陡的时候,是一个愈进愈难、愈进愈险而又不进则退、非进不可的时候。 A great dream will not come true through waiting or chanting slogans; it can only be fulfilled with hard work and perseverance. We are now in a state very much like sailing to the midstream of a river or climbing halfway up a mountain, as the goings get tough, we must press ahead and there's no turning back.

信仰、信念、信心,任何时候都至关重要。小到一个人、一个集体,大到一个政党、一个民族、一个国家,只要有信仰、信念、信心,就会愈挫愈奋、愈战愈勇,否则就会不战自败、不打自垮。 Conviction, commitment and confidence matter at all times. With these traits, an individual, a group or a political party, a people, or even a country, would always emerge stronger from setbacks. But without them, one would easily give up and lose the courage to fight.

在近代以来漫长的历史进程中,中国人民经历了太多太多的磨难,付出了太多太多的牺牲,进行了太多太多的拼搏。现在,中国人民和中华民族在历史进程中积累的强大能量已经充分爆发出来了,为实现中华民族伟大复兴提供了势不可挡的磅礴力量。 The untold sufferings, heavy sacrifices, and heroic struggles of the Chinese people and Chinese nation have fostered a mighty energy over a long course of history. Today, such an energy has been brought out and offers an irresistible driving force for our national rejuvenation.

建成社会主义现代化强国,实现中华民族伟大复兴,是一场接力跑,我们要一棒接着一棒跑下去,每一代人都要为下一代人跑出一个好成绩。 Turning China into a great modern socialist country and achieving national rejuvenation is like a relay race, in which the baton is passed on from generation to generation. Every generation must strive for a good score for the sake of future ones.

将改革开放进行到底,不断实现人民对美好生活的向往,在新时代创造中华民族新的更大奇迹!创造让世界刮目相看的新的更大奇迹! We will stay committed to the reform and opening-up and see that our people realize their aspirations for a better life. In this way, we will create new and even greater miracles of the Chinese nation in the new era, miracles that will truly impress the world!

累计预扣法 cumulative withholding method

A new system for calculating individual income tax will take effect from Jan 1, the State Administration of Taxation said Thursday. For residents, tax will be assessed by the cumulative withholding method and paid monthly. 国家税务总局20日表示,新的个人所得税计算方式将从1月1日起实施。居民个人所得税将采用累计预扣法计算、按月缴纳。

新修改的个人所得税法将于2019年1月1日正式实施。12月20日,国家税务总局发布了《关于全面实施新个人所得税法若干征管衔接问题的公告》,对扣缴义务人对居民个人工资、薪金所得,劳务报酬(remuneration for labor services)所得,稿酬所得(income from author's remuneration),特许权使用费(loyalties)所得预扣预缴个人所得税(personal income tax)的计算方法,以及对非居民个人上述四项所得扣缴个人所得税的计算方法进行明确。

《公告》明确了居民个人的工资、薪金所得在缴纳个人所得税时,日常采取累计预扣法(cumulative withholding method)进行预扣预缴;劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,采取基本平移现行规定的做法预扣预缴。根据《公告》,年度预扣预缴税额(the amount of tax paid in advance)与年度应纳税额不一致的,由居民个人于次年3月1日至6月30日向主管税务机关(tax authority)办理综合所得年度汇算清缴,税款多退少补。

国家税务总局相关负责人表示,累计预扣法主要是通过各月累计收入减去对应扣除,对照综合所得税率表计算累计应缴税额(tax payable),再减去已缴税额,确定本期应缴税额的一种方法。这种方法一方面对于大部分只有一处工资薪金所得的纳税人(most taxpayers with only one source of income of wages and salaries),纳税年度终了时预扣预缴的税款基本上等于年度应纳税款,因此无须再办理自行纳税申报、汇算清缴(final settlement);另一方面,对需要补退税的纳税人,预扣预缴的税款与年度应纳税款差额相对较小,不会占用纳税人过多资金。

对于非居民(non-resident)个人扣缴方法,《公告》指出,非居民个人的工资、薪金所得,以每月收入额减除费用5000元后的余额为应纳税所得额(the amount of taxable income);劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得,以每次收入额为应纳税所得额,适用按月换算后的非居民个人月度税率表计算应纳税额。其中,劳务报酬所得、稿酬所得、特许权使用费所得以收入减除20%的费用后的余额(the balance of income after deducting 20% of expenses)为收入额。稿酬所得的收入额减按70%计算。

加息 rate hike

The US Federal Reserve raised interest rates on Wednesday and said it was keeping the core of its plan to tighten monetary policy intact even as central bank officials said they would likely slow the pace of further rate increases next year. 美国联邦储备委员会(美联储)19日加息,并表示将维持收紧货币政策计划的核心不变,尽管其官员表示,明年可能放慢进一步加息的步伐。

美联储官员一致决定,将联邦基金利率目标区间再上调25个基点(lift the target range for the federal funds rate by another quarter point),至2.25%-2.5%。这标志着美联储今年内的第四次加息(the Fed's fourth rate hike this year),也是自2015年底以来的第九次加息,美联储正沿着货币政策正常化(monetary policy normalization)的道路前进。

美联储官员还将其对2019年美国经济增速的预测(their forecast for US economic growth in 2019)从此前的2.5%下调至2.3%。根据联邦基金利率的预估中值(median forecast for the federal funds rate),由于预计美国经济将有所放缓,美联储官员估计明年将加息两次(envision two rate hikes next year),少于9月预估的三次。即便如此,美联储设定的升息路径仍比许多市场人士预期的更为激进。

近几年来,美联储持续加息,以减少货币政策给经济带来的提振(reduce the boost that monetary policy gives to the economy)。美国经济目前的增速快于美联储认为可持续的水平。然而,人们担心随着特朗普政府的支出举措和1.5万亿美元减税计划带来的财政刺激逐渐消退,加之全球经济放缓(the global economy slows),明年美国经济可能不容乐观(enter choppy waters)。

海啸 tsunami

A tsunami around Indonesia's Sunda Strait following an underwater landslide believed caused by the erupting Anak Krakatau volcano, officials and media said on Sunday. 官方及媒体23日表示,发生在印度尼西亚巽他海峡的海啸或由喀拉喀托火山喷发引发海底岩层滑坡引起。

Hundreds of homes and other buildings were heavily damaged when the tsunami struck, almost without warning, thousands of residents were forced to evacuate to higher ground. 海啸袭来,毫无征兆,数百间房屋及建筑物被严重损毁,数千居民被迫撤离至地势较高的地方。

专家称,未来几天如果本地区海底火山仍有爆发现象,并不能排除继续出现海啸的可能性(more tsunamis are possible)。

Tsunami(海啸)其实是一个日语外来词,读作[tsuˈnɑmi],意为“津波”(harbour wave)。海啸,是指一种具有强大破坏力的海浪(a series of waves of mass destruction)。海啸主要分为4种类型,即由海底地震(underwater earthquake)引起的地震海啸、火山爆发(volcanic eruption)引起的火山海啸、海底滑坡(underwater landslide)引起的滑坡海啸和大气压(barometric pressure)引起的海啸。

The tsunami is believed to have been triggered when the Krakatoa volcano erupted in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra, prompting a series of underwater landslides, according to Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geological Agency (BMKG). 印度尼西亚气象、气候和地球物理局表示,他们认为此次海啸由巽他海峡内的喀拉喀托火山喷发引起,导致海底岩层滑坡。巽他海峡位于爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛之间。

When the displaced rock shifted beneath the water's surface, it pushed up the water on top of it and generated the tsunami. 海底岩层错位推高了表面的海水,引发海啸。

The tsunami's impacts were compounded by a tidal wave caused by the full moon, BMKG said in a news release. 印度尼西亚气象、气候和地球物理局在新闻通稿中表示,此次海啸同时受到满月导致的涨潮影响。

懒人经济 lazy economy

According to a report issued recently by China's major e-commerce platform Taobao on so-called lazy person's consumption statistics, this year Chinese people spent 16 billion yuan purchasing commodities and services online. The amount was 70% more than that of 2017, with the post-1995 generation being the "laziest" as their consumption increased 82% year-on-year. 国内主要电商平台淘宝近日发布的有关所谓的“懒人”消费数据显示,2018年中国人花160亿元在线购买商品和服务,较去年增长70%,其中95后“最懒”,其消费水平同比增长82%。

所谓的“懒人经济(lazy economy)”是指一种新型消费需求(a new type of consumption demand),从本质上讲是由人们想省时省力(time-saving and labor-saving)、图方便的想法催生的。随着生活节奏的加快(the pace of life accelerates),人们把越来越多的时间花在了工作、通勤和社交生活上(spend increasingly more time on work, commuting and social life),越来越不愿花时间在实体店买东西(brick-and-mortar shopping)、做饭和打扫卫生上,于是“懒人经济”应运而生。

多是“平躺生物”的95后人群“懒需求”增长最快,且他们更多在居家用品(household items)上尝试“懒人神器”。来自淘宝的统计数据显示,淘宝懒人居家用品消费较去年增长了28%,消费者以95后为主,主要分布在黑龙江、浙江和福建。

用高科技电子设备(high-tech electronic devices)来解决家务问题,是“懒人经济”的一大趋势。扫地机器人(floor mopping robot)、自动擦窗机(automatic window cleaner)、自动洗袜机、电动拖把等都显示出巨大的需求。其中,智能扫地机同比增长50%。

餐饮食品方面,外卖服务(take-out food delivery service)已成为人们日常生活中的一部分,很好的满足了人们想要过上更为轻松自在生活(more relaxed and easy life)的需求。

与此同时,懒人食品(lazy food)和用具的消费也在激增。淘宝数据显示,懒人炒菜机、懒人面包机等懒人厨房电器(kitchen appliance)年消费增长了81%,自热火锅、懒人烧烤等懒人食品的消费更是增长了150%。

由于满足了人们多样化和不断增长的消费需求(diversified and ever-increasing consumption demands), 懒人经济正迅速增长。专家表示,随着消费的持续升级(ongoing consumption upgrading),懒人经济将会出现进一步增长。

市场准入负面清单 negative list for market access


China took further steps in opening up its market to domestic and overseas investors Tuesday by announcing a negative list for market access (2018 version), an institutional innovation to be applied across the country. 我国25日发布市场准入负面清单(2018年版),进一步向国内外投资者开放市场,这是一项将在全国推行的制度创新。

市场准入负面清单(negative list for market access)制度,是指国务院以清单方式明确列出在中华人民共和国境内禁止和限制投资经营的行业、领域、业务(sectors, fields and businesses off-limits for investors)等,各级政府依法采取相应管理措施的一系列制度安排。

Industries, fields and businesses not on the negative list are open for investment to all market players. 市场准入负面清单以外的行业、领域、业务等,各类市场主体皆可依法平等进入。


其中,禁止准入类事项4项(4 items that are prohibited for market entry)。对于禁止类事项,市场主体不得进入,行政机关不予审批。许可准入类事项共147项(147 items which require government approval for market entry),对于许可准入类事项,由市场主体提出申请,行政机关依法依规作出是否予以准入的决定,或由市场主体依照政府规定的准入条件和准入方式合规进入。

国家发改委有关负责人表示,这一重大制度创新,有利于发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用(help the market play a decisive role in allocating resources),真正实现“非禁即入”;有利于激发市场主体活力,对各类市场主体一视同仁(enable a level playing field for all market players),实现规则平等、权利平等、机会平等;有利于政府加强事中事后监管(supervision during and after investment);有利于推动相关审批体制、投资体制、监管机制、社会信用体系和激励惩戒机制改革,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化(promote modernization of governance system and capabilities)。

全球服务 global services

China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System has started providing global services, the program's head said on Thursday. 我国北斗卫星导航系统负责人27日表示,北斗系统已开始提供全球服务。

北斗卫星导航系统(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)新闻发言人、中国卫星导航系统管理办公室主任冉承其27日在国新办新闻发布会上宣布,北斗三号基本系统完成建设(the primary system's construction of Beidou's third-generation network has finished),开始提供全球服务(provide global services),标志着北斗系统服务范围由区域扩展到全球,北斗系统正式迈入全球时代(enter the global era)。冉承其还透露,到2020年,我国将继续发射11颗北斗三号和1颗北斗二号卫星,完成系统全面建设,进一步提升服务性能;2035年将建成以北斗为核心,更加泛在、融合、智能的(ubiquitous, integrated and smart)综合定位导航授时(Positioning, Navigation and Timing, PNT)体系。

北斗卫星导航系统是中国自主建设、独立运行(independently constructed and operated by China),与世界其他卫星导航系统兼容共用的全球卫星导航系统,于2000年底开始向中国及周边地区提供服务,2012年底正式向亚太地区提供服务。北斗系统与美国的全球定位系统(global positioning system, GPS)、俄罗斯的格洛纳斯(GLONASS)、欧盟的伽利略(Galileo)并称为全球四大卫星导航系统。截至目前,北斗系统在轨工作卫星共33颗,全球定位精度达10米,亚太地区的定位精度达5米(the positioning accuracy of the system has reached 10 meters globally and five meters in the Asia-Pacific region);测速精度为0.2米每秒;授时精度为20纳秒(its velocity accuracy is 0.2 meters per second, while its timing accuracy stands at 20 nanoseconds)。

据冉承其介绍,全国已有617万辆道路营运车辆,3.56万辆邮政和快递车辆(postal and express delivery vehicles),36个中心城市8万辆公交车,3230座内河导航设施(inland river navigation facilities),2960座海上导航设施使用北斗;港珠澳大桥(Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge)采用北斗高精度形变监测(deformation monitoring)系统以保障安全运行;基于北斗高精度的智能驾驶(intelligent driving)汽车有望于2019年上市。此外,北斗高精度基础产品已经输出到90多个国家和地区;北斗导航系统已加入国际民航、国际海事、3GPP移动通信等多个国际组织(international organization)。

保健品 health product

A post widely circulated on the social media has put the Tianjin-based Quanjian Group, a health product company, in the center of a storm of public criticism, as it exposes that the group's "secret anti-cancer recipe" medicine led to the death of a cancer patient in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region three years ago. 近日社交媒体上疯传的一个帖子使总部位于天津的保健品企业权健集团成为公众批评风暴的中心。该帖揭露,三年前权健集团的"抗癌秘方"药导致内蒙古自治区一名癌症患者死亡。


25日,大众健康平台"丁香医生"微信公众号发布的长文《百亿保健帝国权健,和它阴影下的中国家庭》刷屏朋友圈,引发广泛关注。该文直指权健公司及其产品的种种"劣迹":宣传内蒙女孩周洋患癌后被权健抗癌秘方(secret anti-cancer recipe)治愈,而事实是,周洋在中止化疗(suspend chemotherapy)、开始接受权健保健品疗法后不久便病情恶化,在极度痛苦中离世;天价售卖"高科技"鞋垫("high-tech" insoles)和"负离子"卫生巾("negative ions" sanitary towels)以及所谓的排毒保健品(health product);以*(pyramid selling)等手段大肆推广火疗法(fire therapy)并销售相关理疗产品,顾客火疗事故频发。

权健于26日凌晨发布声明回应,称"丁香医生"的刷屏文章不实,指责其对权健进行诽谤中伤,要求撤稿并道歉(demand a retraction and apology)。之后"丁香医生"转发该声明,并称"不会删稿,对每一个字负责(we are responsible for every single word),欢迎来告。"

27日下午,天津市政府新闻办公室官方微博"天津发布"发文称,针对权健事件,天津市多个相关部门成立联合调查组,进驻权健集团展开核查。京东、天猫、苏宁等电商平台已下架权健商品(remove products of Quanjian)。权健集团成立于2004年,涉足医疗、中草药、保健品、中医药化妆品、金融、机械和体育等多个行业,市值(market value)目前在60亿元左右。其创始人束昱辉曾放言,要在五年内让权健的营业额(turnover)达到5000亿元。

政府停摆 government shutdown

Both chambers of the US Congress convened for only a few minutes late on Thursday but took no steps to end a partial federal government shutdown before adjourning until next week. 美国国会两院27日晚只开了几分钟的会议,未采取任何措施结束联邦政府部分停摆的局面便休会,休会将持续到下周。

今天,美国政府部分停摆(partial US government shutdown)的状态已经进入第七天,但参议院和众议院对于尽快结束此局面并未表现出足够的热情,没有采取任何措施为大约20%受影响的政府机构恢复拨款(restore funding for the roughly 20% of the government affected)。总统特朗普要求美国纳税人为修筑美墨边境墙(build a border wall with Mexico)提供50亿美元资金,但遭到民主党和部分共和党议员的反对,结果导致美国政府22日起部分停摆。这已经是美国政府今年第三次停摆。

美国国会众议院和参议院(the House and the Senate)在27日短暂复会后再度宣布休会(adjourn)。由于未能通过任何议案,政府部分停摆的局面预计将持续到2019年1月。27日,众议院民主党议员试图提议表决一项不包含美国总统特朗普建墙费用的议案以维持政府运转(keep the government running),遭共和党议员拒绝。而参议院仅有一名参议员帕特·罗伯茨到场。他在安排完下周日程后宣布休会。

有关该事态的下一个有力行动(firm action)或将出现在1月3日,届时民主党将接管众议院的多数控制权(take over majority control of the House)。民主党代表吉姆·麦戈文称,到那时民主党将提出开支相关的举措。

迄今为止美国政府关门影响有限(have a limited impact),部分原因是受影响的80万名左右联邦政府工作人员正在休假(partly due to holiday vacations being underway for the 800,000 or so federal workers affected),但情况可能很快发生变化。

(中国日报网英语点津 编辑)





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