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第一部分 合同协议书

Part I Contract Agreement

第二部分 通用合同条款

Part II General Contract Terms and conditions

1. 一般约定

General agreement

2. 发包人


3. 设计人


4. 工程设计资料

Engineering design information

5. 工程设计要求

Engineering design requirements

6. 工程设计进度与周期

Progress and cycle of engineering design

7. 工程设计文件交付

Delivery of engineering design document

8. 工程设计文件审查

Review on engineering design document

9. 施工现场配合服务

Coordination service at construction site

10. 合同价款与支付

Contract price and payment

11. 工程设计变更与索赔

Amendment and claims of engineering design

12. 专业责任与保险

Professional responsibility and insurance

13. 知识产权

Intellectual property right

14. 违约责任

Liability for breach

15. 不可抗力

Force majeure

16. 合同解除

Contract cancellation

17. 争议解决

Dispute resolution


3. 设计人 Designer

3.1 设计人一般义务 Designer's general obligations

3.1.1 设计人应遵守法律和有关技术标准的强制性规定,完成合同约定范围内的专业建设工程初步设计、施工图设计,提供符合技术标准及合同要求的工程设计文件,提供施工配合服务。

The designer shall abide by the mandatory provisions of the law and relevant technical standards, complete the preliminary design and construction drawing design of the professional construction project within the scope of the contract’s stipulation, provide engineering design documents which meet the technical standards and contract requirements, in addition to provide construction coordination services.


The designer shall, in accordance with the particular condition agreement, cooperate with employer to handle the relevant licensing, approval or filing procedures, and if employer failed to apply for permission in time due to the designer's reasons, of approval or filing procedures, which resulting in increased design effort and/or extended design cycles, the designer shall be responsible for the increased design costs and/or extended design cycles.

3.1.2 设计人应当完成合同约定的工程设计其他服务。

The designer shall complete other engineering design services as stipulated in the contract.

3.1.3 专用合同条款约定的其他义务。

Other obligations of the agreement stipulated in particular condition.

3.2 项目负责人Person in charge of project

3.2.1 项目负责人应为合同当事人所确认的人选,并在专用合同条款中明确项目负责人的姓名、执业资格及等级与注册执业证书编号或职称、联系方式及授权范围等事项,项目负责人经设计人授权后代表设计人负责履行合同。

The person in charge of the project shall be the candidate confirmed by the parties hereto, and the name, qualification and grade of the person in charge of the project and the number or title of the registered practice certificate, contact information, scope of authorization and other issues shall be specified in particular condition. The person in charge of project is responsible for performing the contract on behalf of the designer with the authorization of the designer.

3.2.2 设计人需要更换项目负责人的,应在专用合同条款约定的期限内提前书面通知发包人,并征得发包人书面同意。通知中应当载明继任项目负责人的注册执业资格或职称、管理经验等资料,继任项目负责人继续履行第3.2.1项约定的职责。未经发包人书面同意,设计人不得擅自更换项目负责人。设计人擅自更换项目负责人的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。对于设计人项目负责人确因患病、与设计人解除或终止劳动关系、工伤等原因更换项目负责人的,发包人无正当理由不得拒绝更换。

Where the designer needs to replace the person in charge of the project, should notify the employer in writing within the stipulated time limit of particular condition and obtain employer’s written consent. The notice shall state the registration qualification or title, the management experience, etc. of the successor in charge of the project, the successor shall continue to perform the duties stipulated in article 3.2.1. The designer shall not replace the project leader without the written consent of employer. If the designer arbitrarily replaces the person in charge of the project, shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the agreement of particular condition. If the person in charge of the designer has to be replaced due to illness, cancellation or termination of labor relations, work injury, etc., employer shall not refuse to the replacement thereof without proper reasons.

3.2.3 发包人有权书面通知设计人更换其认为不称职的项目负责人,通知中应当载明要求更换的理由。对于发包人有理由的更换要求,设计人应在收到书面更换通知后在专用合同条款约定的期限内进行更换,并将新任命的项目负责人的注册执业资格或职称、管理经验等资料书面通知发包人。继任项目负责人继续履行第3.2.1项约定的职责。设计人无正当理由拒绝更换项目负责人的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。

Employer has the right to notify the designer in writing to replace the person responsible for the project which he believes to be incompetent. The notice should state the reason for the replacement. For employer’s reasonable replacement requirements, the designer shall replace it within the agreed time limit of particular condition upon receipt of the written replacement notice and the newly appointed project leader, and give a written notice of registration qualification or title, management experience, etc. to employer. The successor of project leader continues to perform the duties stipulated in article 3.2.1. If the designer refuses to replace the person in charge of the project without justified reasons, shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the agreement of particular condition

3.3 设计人人员Designer’s staff

3.3.1 除专用合同条款对期限另有约定外,设计人应在接到开始设计通知后7天内,向发包人提交设计人项目管理机构及人员安排的报告,其内容应包括工艺、土建、设备等专业负责人名单及其岗位、注册执业资格或职称等。

Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular conditions hereof, the designer shall, within 7 days upon receipt of the notice of the design’s commencement, submit to the employer a report on the project management organization and personnel arrangement of the designer, which shall include the list of professional leaders in charge of technology, civil engineering, equipment, etc., and their positions, registered professional qualifications or titles, etc.

3.3.2 设计人委派到工程设计中的设计人员应相对稳定。设计过程中如有变动,设计人应及时向发包人提交工程设计人员变动情况的报告。设计人更换专业负责人时,应提前7天书面通知发包人,除专业负责人无法正常履职情形外,还应征得发包人书面同意。通知中应当载明继任人员的注册执业资格或职称、执业经验等资料。

The designing staff assigned the designer to engineering design should be relatively stable. If any change in the design process, the designer shall submit a report on the change of the engineer to the employer in time. Provided that if the designer changes the professional person in charge, shall notify the employer in writing seven days in advance, except where the professional officer is unable to perform his duties normally, shall also obtain the written consent of the employer. The notice shall specify the registered qualification or professional title and practice experience of the successor.

3.3.3 发包人对于设计人主要设计人员的资格或能力有异议的,设计人应提供资料证明被质疑人员有能力完成其岗位工作或不存在发包人所质疑的情形。发包人要求撤换不能按照合同约定履行职责及义务的主要设计人员的,设计人认为发包人有理由的,应当撤换。设计人无正当理由拒绝撤换的,应按照专用合同条款的约定承担违约责任。

Provided that if the employer has any objection to the qualification or ability of the principal designer, the designer shall provide information to prove the challenged person has the ability to complete his post or no the case questioned by the employer. If the employer requests to effect replacement of the main designer who fail to perform his duties and obligations in accordance with the contract and the designer thinks that the contractor has a reason, he shall replace it. If the designer refuses to replace without proper reason, it shall be liable for breach of contract in accordance with the particular conditions hereof.

3.4 设计分包 Design Subcontracting

3.4.1 设计分包的一般约定 General agreement for designing subcontracting


The designer shall not subcontract all engineering designs contracted to a third party, or dismember all the engineering designs contracted and subcontract the same to a third party in the name of subcontracting. The designer shall not subcontract the main structure of the project, the key work and the engineering design which being prohibited to subcontracting in particular condition to the third party. The scope of the main structure of the project and of key work shall be determined by the parties hereto in accordance with the law. No illegal subcontracting by the designer shall be allowed.

3.4.2 设计分包的确定 Determination of design subcontracting


The designer shall, pursuant to the stipulation of particular condition or with the written consent of employer, make determination of the subcontractor. Provided that subcontracting is carried out in accordance with the contract or with written consent of employer, the designer shall ensure the subcontractor has the corresponding qualifications and capabilities. Engineering design subcontracting shall not relieve or exempt the designer's responsibilities and obligations, and the designer and subcontractor assume joint and several liability for the subcontracted engineering design to employer

3.4.3 设计分包管理 Designing Subcontract Management


The designer shall, pursuant to stipulation of the particular condition, submit the list of main engineering designers of the subcontractor, registered qualifications or professional titles and practice experience to employer.

3.4.4 分包工程设计费 Fee of Subcontracting engineering design


Unless otherwise stipulated in (2) of this article or particular condition the design fee for the subcontracted project shall be settled by the designer and the subcontractor, without the consent of the designer, the employer shall not pay the fee of subcontracting engineering design to the subcontractor;


Provided that the effective court judgment or arbitral award requires employer to pay the subcontractor the fee subcontracted engineering design, employer has the right to deduct the part of cost or fee from the designer's contract price.

3.5 联合体 Consortium

3.5.1 联合体各方应共同与发包人签订合同协议书。联合体各方应为履行合同向发包人承担连带责任。

The parties to the consortium shall jointly sign a contractual agreement with employer and shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of the contract to employer

3.5.2 联合体协议,应当约定联合体各成员工作分工,经发包人确认后作为合同附件。在履行合同过程中,未经发包人同意,不得修改联合体协议。

The consortium agreement shall stipulate the work division of each member in the consortium and shall be deemed to be the contract appendix after being confirmed by employer and shall, during the performance of the contract, not be modified without the consent of employer

3.5.3 联合体牵头人负责与发包人联系,并接受指示,负责组织联合体各成员全面履行合同。

The consortium leader is responsible for contacting employer from which accepting instructions and organize the consortium members to fully perform the contract.

3.5.4 发包人向联合体支付设计费用的方式在专用合同条款中约定。

The way or method by the employer to pay the design fee to the consortium is stipulated in the particular condition.

4. 工程设计资料Information of Engineering Design

4.1 提供工程设计资料 Provision of engineering design information


Employer shall, prior to the engineering design or the time stipulated in appendix 2 of the particular condition, provide the designer with the engineering design materials necessary for the engineering design and responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided.


For the design information which can be provided only subsequent to the engineering design commence according to the legal requirements, the employer should submit to designer in time before the corresponding engineering design documents are submitted to the employer, the reasonable period shall be limited to the normal design of the designer.

4.2 逾期提供的责任 Overdue liability


Provided that if the above-mentioned documents and materials provided by the employer are overdue the specified time limit within 15 days of the agreed time limit, the designer may be correspondingly delay the delivery of the engineering design documents as agreed in this contract; Where the overdue period is more than 15 days, the designer has the right to re-determine the time for submission of the engineering design documents. If the overdue supply of engineering design data leads to an increase in design workload, the designer can request employer to pay the corresponding design fee separately and extend the design cycle accordingly.

5. 工程设计要求 Engineering design requirements

5.1 工程设计一般要求 General requirements for engineering design

5.1.1 对发包人的要求 Requirements for employer


Employer shall comply with law and technical standards, and the requirements for safety, quality, environmental protection and occupational health proposed by employer shall conform to the provisions of laws and technical standards, shall not, for any reason, require the designer to design in violation of laws and technical standards. Employer encourages designers to use reliable innovations and new materials.

5.1.2 对设计人的要求 Requirements for designers设计人应当按法律和技术标准的强制性规定及发包人要求进行工程设计。有关工程设计的特殊标准或要求由合同当事人在专用合同条款中约定。

The designer shall carry out the engineering design in accordance with the mandatory provisions of the legal and technical standards and the employer’s requirements, and the special standards or requirements for engineering design shall be agreed upon by the parties hereto in particular condition.


If the designer finds any deficiency or imperfection in the engineering design information provided by the employer, the designer should promptly notify employer and confirm the same by employer. 除合同另有约定外,设计人完成设计工作所应遵守的法律以及技术标准,均应视为在基准日期适用的版本。基准日期之后,前述版本发生重大变化,或者有新的法律以及技术标准实施的,设计人应就推荐性标准向发包人提出遵守新标准的建议,对强制性的规定或标准应当遵照执行。因发包人采纳设计人的建议或遵守基准日期后新的强制性的规定或标准,导致增加设计费用和(或)设计周期延长的,由发包人承担。

Unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the law and technical standards to be followed by the designer to complete the design work shall be deemed to be the version applicable on the base date. After the base date, if the previous version changes significantly, or if new laws and technical standards are implemented, the designer shall propose to the employer compliance with the new standard and mandatory regulations or standards shall be complied with. Where the employer adopts the designer's recommendation or complies with new mandatory requirements or standards after the base date, which results in an increase in the design cost and / or an extension of the design cycle, the employer shall bear the responsibility. 设计人在工程设计中应当采用合同约定的技术、工艺和设备,满足质量、安全、节能、环保等要求。

The designer shall adopt the technology, process and equipment which stipulated in the engineering design to meet the requirements of quality, safety, energy saving and environmental protection.

5.2 工程设计保证措施Assurance Measures for Engineering Design

5.2.1 发包人的保证措施 Employer’s security or guarantee measures


Employer shall complete all works related to the engineering design in accordance with legal provisions and contractual agreements.

5.2.2 设计人的保证措施 Designer's security or guarantee measures


The designer shall do well the quality and technical management of the engineering design, establish and perfect the quality assurance system of the engineering design, strengthen the quality control of the whole process of the engineering design, and establish complete system for the design, review, audit, countersign and approval, specify the responsible persons at all stages.

5.3 工程设计文件的要求 Requirements for engineering design documents

5.3.1 工程设计文件的编制应符合法律、技术标准的强制性规定及合同的要求。

The preparation of engineering design documents shall comply with the mandatory requirements of laws, technical standards and the requirement of contract.

5.3.2 工程设计依据应完整、准确、可靠,设计方案论证充分,计算成果可靠,并能够实施。

The engineering design basis should be complete, accurate and reliable, the design plan is sufficient, the calculation results are reliable and can be implemented.

5.3.3 工程设计文件的深度应满足本合同相应设计阶段的规定要求,并符合国家和行业现行有效的相关规定。

The depth of the engineering design documents shall meet the requirements of the corresponding design stage hereof and shall comply with the relevant and effective regulations of the State and the industry.

5.3.4 工程设计文件应当保证工程施工及投产后安全性要求,满足工程经济性包括节约投资及降低生产成本要求、合理布局要求,按照有关法律规定在工程设计文件中提出保障施工作业人员安全和预防生产安全事故的措施建议,安全设施应当按规定同步设计。

The engineering design documents shall be the security or guarantee of safety requirements after construction and commissioning, satisfy the project economic requirements inclusive of saving investment and reduce production cost requirements, reasonable layout requirements, and in accordance with relevant the law stipulates in the engineering design documents to propose measures to ensure the safety of construction workers and prevent production safety accidents, safety facilities should be designed synchronously under regulations.

5.3.5 应根据法律、技术标准要求,保证专业建设工程的合理使用寿命年限,并应在工程设计文件中注明相应的合理使用寿命年限。

The reasonable service life of the professional construction project security or guarantee shall be ensured in accordance with the requirements of laws and technical standards, and the corresponding reasonable service life shall be indicated in the engineering design documents.

5.4 不合格工程设计文件的处理 Disposal of unqualified engineering design documents

5.4.1 因设计人原因造成工程设计文件不合格的,发包人有权要求设计人采取补救措施,直至达到合同要求的质量标准,并按第14.2款〔设计人违约责任〕的约定承担责任。

Provided that the engineering design documents are unqualified due to the designer's reasons, the employer has the right to require the designer to take remedial measures until the quality standards required by the contract are met, and assume the liability in accordance with article 14.2 [Designer’s default liability ].

5.4.2 因发包人原因造成工程设计文件不合格的,设计人应当采取补救措施,直至达到合同要求的质量标准,由此增加的设计费用和(或)设计周期的延长由发包人承担。

Where the engineering design documents are unqualified due to employer, the designer shall take remedial measures until the quality standards required by the contract are met, thereby increasing the design cost and/or the design period will be taken by the employer.

6. 工程设计进度与周期 Engineering design progress and cycle

6.1 工程设计进度计划 Engineering design schedule

6.1.1 工程设计进度计划的编制Preparation of the engineering design schedule


The designer shall submit the engineering design schedule according to the particular condition and the preparation of the engineering design schedule shall comply with the legal provisions and general engineering design practice, and the engineering design schedule shall be approved by the employer prior to implementation. The engineering design schedule is the basis for controlling the progress of the engineering design for which the employer has the right to check the progress of the engineering design according to the key control nodes listed in the engineering design schedule.


The design cycle in the engineering design schedule shall be determined by the designer in consultation with employer, which definitely defining the completion time interval of the design tasks at each stage, inclusive of the communication time in the design process of each stage between the designer and employer, provided that exclusive of the approval time for design results by relevant government department and employer’s review time.




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