and “Save”
the any change you make.
每个不符合项有两个按钮,允许您“Edit(编辑)”和“Save(保存)”所做的任何 更改。
2.7 Click on the “Edit”
button to open, enter or edit your response. You are responsible for the section labeled “To be Completed by the Organization”.
单击“Edit(编辑)”按钮打开、输入或编辑您的回复。您需要负责填写的是标记 为“To be Completed by the Organization(由组织完成)”的部分。
Note: Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ). The red border around each field indicates the information is missing or not entered correctly. 提示:必填字段用星号(*)标记。周围显示红色边框的字段表示信息缺失或输入不 正确。
Editable fields for the client are:
- Correction Action (Containment) including timing and responsible person
- 纠正措施(遏制),包括时间和责任人
- Evidence of implementation (CO)
- 实施证据(CO)
- Analysis of the root cause
- 根本原因分析
- Systemic Corrective Actions, including deadline and responsible person
- 系统的纠正措施,包括期限和责任人
- Evidence of implementation (AC)
- 实施证据(AC)
- Action taken to verify the effective implementation of corrective actions
- 为验证纠正措施的有效实施而采取的措施
- Submission / Organization Representative / data
- 提交组织代表日期
2.8 Click on the “Add” 'button