
首页 > 时尚 > 作者:YD1662024-01-14 09:57:56

专题四 介词及介词短语

介词是一种用来表示词与词, 或者词与句之间的关系的词,在句中不能单独作成分。介词后面一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句作它的宾语。

考点一 常见介词的用法


1. among, between


She is the youngest among the three sisters.


I sit between Lily and Amy.


2. in, on

二者均可表示“在……上”,描述两个物体的接触情况。on侧重于表面接触,而in侧重于深度接触。英语中的某些习惯表达常用in或on。若打击某人的脸、眼、嘴、胸、腹等部位时,用in,而打击头、额、鼻、耳、颈、肩、腿等部位时,用on。表示树本身生长出来的枝、叶、花、果等“在树上”,用on the tree,但表示树本身以外的人或动物“在树上”,用in the tree,意指被枝叶挡住。

He hit me in the face.


The teacher patted the boy on the head and comforted him.


3. across, through

across和through虽然都可以表示“穿过”,但还是有区别的。across与on有关,意为:from one side to the other side of (sth. ),表示动作在物体的表面进行,从一边到另一边;through与in有关,表示动作从物体中间穿过。

The old man walked across the street.


The burglar got in through the window.


4. over, above, under, below


There are several bridges over the river.


The water came above our knees.


A policeman is standing under an umbrella.


Skirts must be below the knees.


5. in, to, on, off


Changchun is in the northeast of China.


Japan is to the east of China.


Mongolia is on the north of China.


Lily lives in a flat just off Park Avenue.


[活学巧练] 单句语法填空

①There was a fight ____________ the two boys.

②We found a square hole ________ the wall.

③He has a giant scar ________ his chest.

④He always puts his students ________ everything.

⑤He has little control ________ his emotions.

⑥Shandong Province is/lies ________ the east of China.

⑦Shandong Province is/lies ________ the northeast of Hubei Province.

⑧Korea is/lies ________ the east of China.

答案:①between ②in ③across ④above ⑤over

⑥in ⑦to ⑧on


1. at, in, on


①表示时间点等,如at 12:00(在12点钟),at noon(在中午),at night(在夜里),at midnight(在半夜),at dawn/daybreak(在黎明/破晓),at sunrise/sunset(在日出/日落),at dusk(在黄昏)。

②表示较短暂的一段时间,可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志性大事的日子,如at Christmas(在圣诞节)。


表示在某段较长的时间(世纪、朝代、年代、月份及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等)内,如in the 1980s, in the Qing Dynasty, in October, in the morning/afternoon/evening。


①用于表示具体的日子或一个特定的时间(如某日、某节日、星期几等),如on October 1st, on a rainy day, on National Day等。

②用于表示特定的上午、下午或晚上,如on Christmas Eve(在圣诞节前夕), on the morning of January 3rd, on the afternoon of his arrival等。

③表示“准时,按时”用on time。

2. in, after





[活学巧练] 用inafter填空

①My father will be back ________ three days.

②My father will be back ________ three o'clock.

答案:①in ②after

3. for, from, since


[活学巧练] 单句语法填空

①Mr Brown enjoyed the country life and lived there ________ almost fifteen years after his retirement.

②We have not seen each other ________ 1995.

答案:①for ②since


1. by, in, on


(1)不涉及交通工具的名词时,用by,名词前不带冠词。如by sea,by water,by land,by air等。

(2)涉及交通工具的名词时,用by,但名词需用单数,其前面不加冠词和任何修饰语。如by bike,by taxi,by plane,by ship/boat,by train,by spaceship等。

(3)当旅行方式涉及特指的交通工具时,用on或in,名词前应有冠词、物主代词、指示代词等修饰语。如travel to New York on this plane, go to school on my bike等。注意:步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用on。如on foot,on horseback/on a horse,on a camel等。

2. with, in




on/over the telephone/radio通过电话/广播


[活学巧练] 单句语法填空

①They are digging ________ a pick/spade.

②We see ________ our eyes, hear ________ our ears,and walk ________ our legs.

③Please answer me ________ English.

④Please write ________ capital letters.

⑤The artist wrote ________ ink/pencil(=________ a pen/pencil).

答案:①with ②with;with;with ③in ④in ⑤in;with


1. with多用于表示情绪的形容词或身体动作或状态的动词之后,表示某种心理或心理状态的原因。

2. for多与表示感情的抽象名词或动名词及reason,famous等词连用。

3. from常接抽象名词,表示自然或间接原因。

4. of用于某些形容词后,后接与感情相关的人或事。

5. over常用于带有感情色彩的动词,如cry, quarrel, laugh, sigh等词之后,叙述所发生事情的原因。

[活学巧练] 单句语法填空

①Her face went red ________ anger.

②The West Lake is famous ________ its scenery.

答案:①with ②for

考点二 介词的固定搭配


1. inn. 表示状态

in anger生气地    in battle在战斗中

in bed在床上 in comfort舒适地

in danger处于危险中 in debt负债

in delight高兴地 in despair绝望地

in difficulty处于困难中 in doubt不确定,拿不准

in fear在恐惧中 in high spirits情绪高昂地

in need在困境中 in order就绪

in peace平静地;平安地  in practice在实践中

in print已出版 in prison在狱中

in public公开地 in rags穿着破烂

in ruins成为废墟 in secret秘密地

in silence沉默 in space在太空中

in surprise惊奇地 in trouble在困难中

in use在使用中 in view看得见

in wonder惊奇地

2. 以in开头的介词短语

in the face of面对   

in addition to除……以外(还)

in case of万一;如果;假如

in celebration of为庆祝……

in charge of掌管……

in consequence of由于……

in contrast to与……相比

in control of管理;控制;操纵

in exchange for作为交换

in favor of支持,赞成

in fear of害怕

in front of在……(外部的)前面

in honour of向……表示敬意

in memory of为了纪念……

in need of需要 in no time立刻

in place of代替 in possession of拥有,占有

in praise of表扬 in preparation for为……作准备

in respect of关于 in response to作为回应

in return作为回报 in spite of尽管

in support of为支持……

in the charge of在……管理下

in the direction of在……方向

in the front of在……(内部的)前面

in the habit of有……习惯

in the hope of抱着……的希望

in the middle of在……中间

3. inn. 表示方式

in cash用现金付款     in width在宽度上

in depth在深度上 in detail详细地

in English用英语 in height在海拔上

in length在长度上 in ink用墨水

in shape在外形上 in size在大小上

4. atn. 表示时间

at Christmas在圣诞节 at dusk在黄昏

at dawn在黎明 at daybreak在拂晓

at midnight在午夜 at night在夜里

at noon在正午 at present目前

at sunrise日出时

5. 以at开头的短语

at the beginning of在……的开始

at the cost of以……的代价

at the end of在……的尽头

at the foot of在……的脚下

at the mercy of在……的支配下;任由……摆布

at the price of以……的价格

at the risk of冒……的危险

at the sight of一看到……就……

6. onn. 表示状态

on a trip/journey/tour在旅行 on display在陈列

on duty/guard在值班/警戒中 on exhibition在展出

on fire着火 on holiday/vacation在度假

on line在工作/运行 on sale出售;折价销售

on show在展出 on the decrease在减少

on the go在忙碌中 on the increase在增加

on the march在行进中 on the way在途中

on trial在受审

7. 以on开头的介词短语

on account of因为

on behalf of代表

on condition that在……的条件下;如果

on no account/condition决不

on the basis of以……为基础

on the occasion of在……时

8. byn. 表示方式

by accident偶然     by air/plane乘飞机

by chance偶然 by coincidence碰巧

by force用暴力 by hand用手工

by mistake错误地 by the day按天算

by nature天生地 by radio通过无线电

by weight/volume/size/number按重量/体积/大小/数量

9. out ofn. 表示状态

out of balance失去平衡   out of breath上气不接下气

out of business停业,歇业 out of control不受控制

out of danger脱离危险 out of date过期

out of debt不欠债 out of fashion不流行

out of luck不走运 out of mind发狂

out of office在野 out of order出故障

out of patience不耐烦 out of season过季

out of shape走样;不成形 out of sight看不到

out of the question不可能 out of question毫无疑问

out of trouble摆脱困难 out of work失业

10. undern. 表示被动

under attack遭到袭击  under consideration在考虑中

under construction在建造中

under control处于控制之中

under discussion在讨论中 under pressure在压力下

under repair在修理中 under treatment在治疗中

under way在进行中

11. 以under开头的短语

under the care of... 接受……的治疗

under the direction of... 在……的指导下

under the influence of... 在……的影响下

under the protection of... 在……的庇护下

12. withn. 表示方式

with anger生气地   with confidence有信心地

with courage英勇地 with delight/joy高兴地

with difficulty困难地 with ease轻而易举地

with fear害怕地 with interest有兴趣地

with pleasure乐意地 with pride骄傲地

with satisfaction满意地 with success成功地

with kindness亲切地

13. beyondn. 表示超出……,难以……”

beyond compare无与伦比

beyond comprehension难以理解

beyond control失控

beyond description难以描述

beyond doubt不用怀疑;确实

beyond expression难以表达

beyond measure非常;极其

beyond question无可争辩;毋庸置疑

beyond reach够不到

beyond words难以表达

beyond one's wildest dreams做梦都没想到,远远出乎意料

14. 介词与其他词构成的搭配

next to紧挨着    in between在中间;在两者之间

instead of代替 apart from除……之外

regardless of不管,不顾 according to根据

along with随着 together with连同

owing to因为 but for要不是

up to直到;由……而定

[活学巧练] 单句语法填空

①[2021·河南郑州一中六次测试]Most caves are formed ________ nature under the ground,but some have entrances people can find.

②[2021·福建龙岩质检]As Christmas is the most important festival in the West,some believe that it is similar ________ the Spring Festival in China.

③[2021·山西孝义实验中学二模]It was about 300 or 400 years before the extra names gradually developed into last names,or surnames. They were passed on ________ generation to generation.

④[2021·海南中学月考]Regardless ________ your dream,do your homework.

⑤[2021·沈阳二中模拟]It has no religious significance;the founders of the movement adopted it in honor ________ Switzerland.

答案:①by ②to ③from ④of ⑤of




1. [2020·全国卷Ⅱ]Bamboo plants are associated ________ health, abundance and a happy home.

2. [2020·全国卷Ⅲ]The artist was finally humbled(谦卑) by the greatest artist ________ earth, Mother Nature.

3. [2020·新高考全国卷Ⅰ]Museums must compete ________ people's spare time and money with other amusements.

4. [2020·浙江卷]Some time after 10,000 BC, people made the first real attempt to control the world they lived ________, through agriculture.

5. [2019·全国卷Ⅰ]Modern methods ________ tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid­1980s.

6. [2019·全国卷Ⅲ]We were first greeted with the barking by a pack ________ dogs, seven to be exact.

答案:1. with 2. on 3. for 4. in 5. of/for 6. of


Ⅰ. 单句语法填空

1. [2021·湖北孝感一中、应城一中等五校联考] Sleep might be one answer ________ the problem.

2. [2021·河北衡水中学一调]As we all know, Hangzhou,a beautiful city, won the bid ________ September 16th, 2015.

3. [2021·湖北重点高中联考] It's ________ great importance to ask for help and let people know how you feel if you are worried or anxious.

4. [2021·浙江金丽衢十二校二次联考] You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks ________ in tears.

5. [2021·山东师大附中五次模拟] The term “Mandarin”can also refer to Standard Mandarin, which is based ________ the Mandarin dialect spoken in Beijing.

6. Television is available in each of the hotel rooms ________ an extra.

7. “Speed up. 70 km/h isn't fast enough. You are holding up traffic,”ordered another voice from the seat next ________ me.

8. The game was played ________ two teams.

答案:1. to 2. on 3. of 4. down 5. on 6. as 7. to 8. between

Ⅱ. 语法填空(介词及介词短语专练)

I was in a restaurant. I noticed an elderly couple 1. ________ a balloon tied to their table. When I asked them what the occasion was,they told me it was their 50th wedding anniversary. I was glad and sad 2. ________ them at the same time. I was glad because they still cherished each other. I was sad because they were 3. ________ their own,without any children or friends. After I went back to my table I thought I should pay their bill. I tried to do it,and the restaurant manager and the waitresses asked me curiously who they were 4. ________ me. Finally,I told them I worked in a church and felt it was my duty to do so. The elderly couple were surprised and speechless when told a total stranger had paid 5. ________ them. All of us were nearly 6. ________ tears:the couple,the manager,the waitresses and me.

Two months later I got a call 7. ________ a newspaper telling me my simple act of kindness was reported. I wasn't expecting anything 8. ________ return,but I became famous 9. ________ that act of kindness. What would and could happen 10. ________ us if we always practice such acts of kindness on family,friends,neighbors and strangers?

答案:1. with 2. for 3. on 4. to 5. for 6. in 7. from 8. in 9. for 10. to




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