
首页 > 书籍文档 > 作者:YD1662023-11-29 08:53:02

花了两天时间,利用Midjourney ChatGPT绘制了162个英雄联盟的英雄,由于图片上传有限,进展示部分效果图,其他请看视频。


Within a mysterious ancient jungle, the image of K'Sante, the character from 'League of Legends,' emerges. He is a druid warrior closely connected to nature and spirits, adorned in a green robe of life and ancient runes. He wields a dual-bladed sword infused with the power of nature, carrying the energy and strength of the natural world. His gaze exudes wisdom and profound insight. The backdrop is a dense jungle, with towering trees and vibrant life. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of mystery and nature, highlighting K'Sante's identity as a druid warrior and his deep connection with nature. Pay special attention to the details of K'Sante's green robe of life, the dual-bladed sword, and the elements of the lush jungle in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



Within a mist of dark shadows, the image of Kayn, the character from 'League of Legends,' emerges. He is an assassin wielding the power of shadows, donning a black cloak and armor, and wielding a shapeshifting weapon of darkness. His eyes flicker with a sinister crimson glow. The backdrop is a sinister and terrifying forest, shrouded in thick black mist. The overall image should be filled with an ambiance of darkness and malevolence, highlighting Kayn's identity as a shadow assassin and his mastery over the powers of darkness. Pay special attention to the details of Kayn's black cloak, armor, and the shadow weapon, as well as the elements of the eerie forest in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



Within a magical world, the image of Poppy, the character from 'League of Legends,' emerges. She is a brave and resolute small warrior, wielding a massive hammer. She wears magnificent armor and a helmet, with eyes revealing determination and resolve. The backdrop is an ancient castle, with moss-covered walls and sunlight shining through the clouds. The overall image should be filled with courage and determination, highlighting Poppy's characteristics as a small warrior and her resilience and indomitable will. Pay special attention to the details of Poppy's massive hammer and magnificent armor, as well as the mysterious atmosphere of the castle in the background --ar 16:9 --s 750



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