【30】元上都遗址(Site of Xanadu)
【31】红河哈尼梯田文化景观 (Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces)
【32】大运河(The Grand Canal)
【33】丝绸之路:长安天山廊道路网(Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor)
【34】土司遗址(Tusi Sites)
【35】广西左江花山岩画(Zuojiang Huashan Rock Art Cultural Landscape)
【36】鼓浪屿:历史国际社区(Gulangyu: A Historical International Community)
【37】良渚古城遗址(Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City)
【38】泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心(Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China)
【39】普洱景迈山古茶林文化景观(The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er)
【1】武陵源风景名胜区(Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area)
【2】九寨沟风景名胜区(Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area)
【3】黄龙风景名胜区(Huanglong Scenic Historic Interest Area)
【4】云南三江并流保护区(Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas)
【5】四川大熊猫栖息地-卧龙、四姑娘山和夹金山(Sichuan Giant Panda Habitat - Wolong, Siguniang Mountain And Jiajin Mountain)
【6】中国南方喀斯特(South China Karst)
【7】三清山国家公园(Mount Sanqingshan National Park)
【8】中国丹霞(China Danxia)
【9】澄江化石遗址(Chengjiang Fossil Site)
【10】新疆天山(Xinjiang Tianshan)