
首页 > 实用技巧 > 作者:YD1662023-11-16 12:57:38


今天我们学习《机械制图》——立体的投影第三部分的内容。今天的主要内容是平面与回转体表面相交。Today we are studying Mechanical Drawing - Projection of the three dimensions part 3. Today's main topic is the intersection of a plane with the surface of a rotary.















1. On some parts, it is common to see planes intersecting the surface of a rotary. Curved three-dimensional intercept line is usually a plane curve, may also be by the intercept plane on the curve and line surrounded by a plane figure or polygon.

2. Factors affecting the shape of the intercept line.

(1) the geometric properties of the surface

(2) the position of the surface in relation to the plane of intersection

3. The method of finding the intersection line: The intersection line is a common line between the surface of the plane of intersection and the surface of the surface, and the point on the intersection line is their common point. When the intercept plane is a special position plane, the projection of the intercept line accumulates on the same surface projection as the intercept plane, and the intercept line can be made by taking points and lines on the surface.

Steps for making an interceptor line.

(1) Special points: Special points are points that determine the shape and extent of the intercept line, including the point on the steering line, the vertex of the intercept line on the axis of symmetry, and the limit position point.

(2) Finding general points: In order to make a smooth projection of the interceptor, some intermediate points between the special points are also required.

(3) Discriminate the visibility and smoothly connect the lines

4. Combined rotary surface intersection line

A combined slalom is a three-dimensional combination of several basic slaloms. To find the surface intersection line of the combined slalom after being truncated by the truncated plane, the following steps are required.

(1) Analyse which basic rotors make up the combined slalom and how they are connected.

(2) Find the intercepts of each of these elementary rotations and connect them in turn.

(3) Make the correct projection of the line of intersection between the two basic rotaries

No.1 平面与圆柱相交


When the intercept plane intersects with the cylinder, if the intercept plane is parallel to the column axis, it intersects with the top surface and the bottom surface respectively, and the intersection of the two straight lines on the cylindrical surface is enclosed by a rectangular intercept line; the intercept plane is perpendicular to the column axis, and the intercept line is a circle perpendicular to the column axis; the intercept plane is inclined to the column axis, and if the intercept plane intercepts only the cylindrical surface, the intercept line is an ellipse; if the intercept plane intercepts both the cylindrical surface and the top and bottom surfaces, the intercept line is enclosed by If the intercepting plane intercepts both the cylindrical surface and only one of the top or bottom surfaces, the intercepting line is an ellipse; if the intercepting plane intercepts both the cylindrical surface and the top and bottom surfaces, the intercepting line is a straight line and an ellipse.




When the intercept plane intersects with the cone, if the intercept plane is perpendicular to the cone axis, the intercept line is a circle perpendicular to the cone axis. If the intercept plane is inclined to the cone axis: θ>φ, the intercept line is an ellipse if the plane is not intercepted to the base circle, an elliptic arc and a straight line segment if the plane is intercepted to the base circle; θ=φ, the intercept line is a parabolic segment and a straight line segment; θ<φ, the intercept line is a hyperbolic segment and a straight line segment. If the intercept plane passes through the top of the cone, the intersecting line is a triangle.







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