过年了大家都忙着办年货,走亲访友拜年,参加同学聚会。 繁华路段,商场里自然是车辆超级多,人流超级密,想知道怎么用英语表达这些,赶快往下看吧。
年货用new year supplies 比较妥当
置办年货 stock up on new year supplies
pay a new year visit 走亲访友
give new year greetings 拜年
go to family gatherings 参加家庭聚会
catch up with friends 与三五老友相聚
attend Class Reunion 参加同学聚会
Spring Festival travel rush 春运高峰
The traffic is awful. / The busy street is like a parking lot. 交通太堵了。
Stores are packed with people doing Spring Festival shopping 商场里挤满了前来买年货的人们。
Customers are lining up around the supermarket checkout. 超市收银台被围得水泄不通。