because和cause有什么区别,because和because of到底怎么区别

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because和cause有什么区别,because和because of到底怎么区别(1)


Because / Because of

这两个词的区别在于,because后面跟着主语 动词,而because of后面跟着名词:

  1. • The game was canceled because of the rain.
  2. • The game was canceled because it was raining.


Due to / Owing to

Due to和Owing to后面也跟一个名词。这些词比较正式。

There’s a lot of traffic today due to the upcoming holiday.

(holiday = noun)

The after-school program was canceled owing to lack of interest from the students. (lack = noun)

Due to the fact that / Owing to the fact that


在主语 动词前使用这些短语。同样,这些短语更正式一些。

Many people are still unemployed due to the fact that the economic recovery has been slower than anticipated.

The publisher rejected the author’s latest work owing to the fact that the manuscript was full of errors.

Since / As

Since和as比较不正式,后面跟主语 动词。

  1. • I’m going to bed at 10 PM since I need to get up early tomorrow.
  2. • I didn’t go to the gym today, as I had a lot of homework to do.


Therefore / Consequently / As a result


Our company’s profits have increased 150% in the past year. Therefore, we’re going to invest in new equipment and training programs.

The tennis player had knee surgery mid-October; consequently, she took the rest of the season off.

There have been heavy rains throughout the interior of the state. As a result, several areas have experienced flooding.



We were hungry, so we stopped at a cafe for a snack.




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