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AM32 电调学习–main()零、相关参数
  1. startup_max_duty_cycle 启动阶段最大占空比

if (input >= 47 && (zero_crosses < (20 >> stall_protection))) { if (duty_cycle_setpoint < min_startup_duty) { duty_cycle_setpoint = min_startup_duty; } if (duty_cycle_setpoint > startup_max_duty_cycle) { duty_cycle_setpoint = startup_max_duty_cycle; } }

  1. throttle_max_at_low_rpm 400(2000)
  2. throttle_max_at_high_rpm

throttle_max_at_low_rpm = throttle_max_at_low_rpm * timeR1_MAX_ARR / 2000; // adjust to new pwm frequency throttle_max_at_high_rpm = TIMER1_MAX_ARR; // adjust to new pwm frequency

  1. char RC_CAR_REVERSE = 0; // have to set bidirectional, comp_pwm off and stall
    // protection off, no sinusoidal startup

if (RC_CAR_REVERSE) { // overrides a whole lot of things! throttle_max_at_low_rpm = 1000; bi_direction = 1; use_sin_start = 0; low_rpm_throttle_limit = 1; VARIABLE_PWM = 0; // stall_protection = 1; comp_pwm = 0; stuck_rotor_protection = 0; minimum_duty_cycle = minimum_duty_cycle 50; stall_protect_minimum_duty = stall_protect_minimum_duty 50; min_startup_duty = min_startup_duty 50; }

  1. desync_check 每6step置1
  2. filter_level 判断过零的次数
一、初始化1. 初始化外设

initAfterJump(); initCorePeripherals(); enableCorePeripherals(); 2.设置参数获取

loadeepromSettings(); EEPROM_VERSION = *(uint8_t*)(0x08000FFC); #ifdef USE_MAKE if (firmware_info.version_major != eepromBuffer[3] || firmware_info.version_minor != eepromBuffer[4]) { eepromBuffer[3] = firmware_info.version_major; eepromBuffer[4] = firmware_info.version_minor; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i ) { eepromBuffer[5 i] = firmware_info.device_name[i]; } saveEEpromSettings(); } #else if (VERSION_MAJOR != eepromBuffer[3] || VERSION_MINOR != eepromBuffer[4]) { eepromBuffer[3] = VERSION_MAJOR; eepromBuffer[4] = VERSION_MINOR; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i ) { eepromBuffer[5 i] = (uint8_t)FIRMWARE_NAME[i]; } saveEEpromSettings(); } #endif 3. 旋转方向设置

if (dir_reversed == 1) { forward = 0; } else { forward = 1; } 4. 盲启动时pwm占空比设置

startup_max_duty_cycle 300(200) 转化为pwm真正的值

tim1_arr = TIMER1_MAX_ARR; startup_max_duty_cycle = startup_max_duty_cycle * TIMER1_MAX_ARR / 2000 dead_time_override; // adjust for pwm frequency throttle_max_at_low_rpm = throttle_max_at_low_rpm * TIMER1_MAX_ARR / 2000; // adjust to new pwm frequency throttle_max_at_high_rpm = TIMER1_MAX_ARR; // adjust to new pwm frequency 5. 播放启动音乐6. 开始接收dshot或pwm二、主循环1. 转速计算及pwm周期动态调整

e_com_time = ((commutation_intervals[0] commutation_intervals[1] commutation_intervals[2] commutation_intervals[3] commutation_intervals[4] commutation_intervals[5]) 4) >> 1; // COMMUTATION INTERVAL IS 0.5US INCREMENTS if (VARIABLE_PWM) { tim1_arr = map(commutation_interval, 96, 200, TIMER1_MAX_ARR / 2, TIMER1_MAX_ARR); // pwm_frequency_conversion_factor = (tim1_arr << 10) / // TIMER1_MAX_ARR; // multply by 1024 } 2. 输入信号超时判断

if (signaltimeout > (LOOP_FREQUENCY_HZ >> 1)) { // half second timeout when armed; if (armed) { allOff(); armed = 0; input = 0; inputSet = 0; zero_input_count = 0; SET_DUTY_CYCLE_ALL(0); resetInputCaptureTimer(); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i ) { dma_buffer[i] = 0; } NVIC_SystemReset(); } if (signaltimeout > LOOP_FREQUENCY_HZ << 1) { // 2 second when not armed allOff(); armed = 0; input = 0; inputSet = 0; zero_input_count = 0; SET_DUTY_CYCLE_ALL(0); resetInputCaptureTimer(); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i ) { dma_buffer[i] = 0; } NVIC_SystemReset(); } } 3. 1s钟dshot传输telemetry

consumed_current = (float)actual_current / 360 consumed_current; switch (dshot_extended_telemetry) { case 1: send_extended_dshot = 0b0010 << 8 | degrees_celsius; dshot_extended_telemetry = 2; break; case 2: send_extended_dshot = 0b0110 << 8 | (uint8_t)actual_current / 50; dshot_extended_telemetry = 3; break; case 3: send_extended_dshot = 0b0100 << 8 | (uint8_t)(battery_voltage / 25); dshot_extended_telemetry = 1; break; } tenkhzcounter = 0; } 4. 反向电动势超时计数基准设置

if ((zero_crosses > 1000) || (adjusted_input == 0)) { bemf_timeout_happened = 0; } if (zero_crosses > 100 && adjusted_input < 200) { bemf_timeout_happened = 0; } if (use_sin_start && adjusted_input < 160) { bemf_timeout_happened = 0; } if (crawler_mode) { if (adjusted_input < 400) { bemf_timeout_happened = 0; } } else { if (adjusted_input < 150) { // startup duty cycle should be low enough to not burn motor bemf_timeout = 100; } else { bemf_timeout = 10; } } 5. 同步检查

average_interval = e_com_time / 3; if (desync_check && zero_crosses > 10) { if ((getAbsDif(last_average_interval, average_interval) > average_interval >> 1) && (average_interval < 2000)) { // throttle resitricted before zc 20. zero_crosses = 0; desync_happened ; if ((!bi_direction && (input > 47)) || commutation_interval > 1000) { running = 0; } old_routine = 1; if (zero_crosses > 100) { average_interval = 5000; } last_duty_cycle = min_startup_duty / 2; } desync_check = 0; // } last_average_interval = average_interval; } 6. Telemetry组包

if (send_telemetry) { #ifdef USE_SERIAL_TELEMETRY makeTelemPackage(degrees_celsius, battery_voltage, actual_current, (uint16_t)consumed_current, e_rpm); send_telem_DMA(); send_telemetry = 0; #endif } 7.电流。电压,温度采样及低电压关机处理

adc_counter ; if (adc_counter > 200) { // for adc and telemetry #if defined(MCU_F051) || defined(MCU_G071) || defined(MCU_F031) ADC_DMA_Callback(); ADC_CCR = TIM1->CCR3 * 2 / 3 1; // sample current at quarter pwm on if (ADC_CCR > tim1_arr) { ADC_CCR = tim1_arr; } TIM1->CCR4 = ADC_CCR; LL_ADC_REG_StartConversion(ADC1); converted_degrees = __LL_ADC_CALC_TEMPERATURE(3300, ADC_raw_temp, LL_ADC_RESOLUTION_12B); #endif #ifdef MCU_GDE23 ADC_DMA_Callback(); converted_degrees = (1.43 - ADC_raw_temp * 3.3 / 4096) * 1000 / 4.3 25; adc_software_trigger_enable(ADC_REGULAR_CHANNEL); #endif #ifdef ARTERY ADC_DMA_Callback(); adc_ordinary_software_trigger_enable(ADC1, TRUE); // converted_degrees = (4000 - ADC_raw_temp) / 20; converted_degrees = getConvertedDegrees(ADC_raw_temp); #endif degrees_celsius = converted_degrees; battery_voltage = ((7 * battery_voltage) ((ADC_raw_volts * 3300 / 4095 * VOLTAGE_DIVIDER) / 100)) >> 3; smoothed_raw_current = getSmoothedCurrent(); // smoothed_raw_current = ((63*smoothed_raw_current // (ADC_raw_current) )>>6); actual_current = ((smoothed_raw_current * 3300 / 41) - (CURRENT_OFFSET * 100)) / (MILLIVOLT_PER_AMP); if (actual_current < 0) { actual_current = 0; } if (LOW_VOLTAGE_CUTOFF) { if (battery_voltage < (cell_count * low_cell_volt_cutoff)) { low_voltage_count ; if (low_voltage_count > (20000 - (stepper_sine * 900))) { input = 0; allOff(); maskPhaseInterrupts(); running = 0; zero_input_count = 0; armed = 0; } } else { low_voltage_count = 0; } } adc_counter = 0; #ifdef USE_ADC_INPUT if (ADC_raw_input < 10) { zero_input_count ; } else { zero_input_count = 0; } #endif } 8.处理低转速油门

stepper_sine == 0 8-12

e_rpm = running * (600000 / e_com_time); // in tens of rpm k_erpm = e_rpm / 10; // ecom time is time for one electrical revolution in microseconds if (low_rpm_throttle_limit) { // some hardware doesn't need this, its on // by default to keep hardware / motors // protected but can slow down the response // in the very low end a little. duty_cycle_maximum = map(k_erpm, low_rpm_level, high_rpm_level, throttle_max_at_low_rpm, throttle_max_at_high_rpm); // for more performance lower the // high_rpm_level, set to a // consvervative number in source. } 9. 处理过温处理

if (degrees_celsius > TEMPERATURE_LIMIT) { duty_cycle_maximum = map(degrees_celsius, TEMPERATURE_LIMIT - 10, TEMPERATURE_LIMIT 10, throttle_max_at_high_rpm / 2, 1); } `` ### 10.过零点滤波参数设置 ```C if (zero_crosses < 100 && commutation_interval > 500) { #ifdef MCU_G071 TIM1->CCR5 = 500; // comparator blanking filter_level = 8; #else filter_level = 12; #endif } else { #ifdef MCU_G071 TIM1->CCR5 = 100; #endif filter_level = map(average_interval, 100, 500, 3, 12); } if (commutation_interval < 100) { filter_level = 2; } if (motor_kv < 500) { filter_level = filter_level * 2; } 11. 盲启时过零点判断及处理

#ifdef CUSTOM_RAMP if (old_routine && running) { maskPhaseInterrupts(); getBemfState(); if (!zcfound) { if (rising) { if (bemfcounter > min_bemf_counts_up) { zcfound = 1; zcfoundroutine(); } } else { if (bemfcounter > min_bemf_counts_down) { zcfound = 1; zcfoundroutine(); } } } } #endif 12. 停机检测

if (INTERVAL_TIMER_COUNT > 45000 && running == 1) { bemf_timeout_happened ; maskPhaseInterrupts(); old_routine = 1; if (input < 48) { running = 0; commutation_interval = 5000; } zero_crosses = 0; zcfoundroutine(); }













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# 一级标题 ## 二级标题 ### 三级标题 #### 四级标题 ##### 五级标题 ###### 六级标题 AM32 电调学习–main()零、相关参数一、初始化1. 初始化外设2.设置参数获取3. 旋转方向设置4. 盲启动时pwm占空比设置5. 播放启动音乐6. 开始接收dshot或pwm二、主循环1. 转速计算及pwm周期动态调整2. 输入信号超时判断3. 1s钟dshot传输telemetry4. 反向电动势超时计数基准设置5. 同步检查6. Telemetry组包7.电流。电压,温度采样及低电压关机处理8.处理低转速油门9. 处理过温处理11. 盲启时过零点判断及处理12. 停机检测

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