
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-04 18:15:53



1. pair __________

2. paper __________

3. perhaps. __________

4. personal __________

5. pet ___________

6. pick ____________

7. pig _______________

8. plane ____________

9. play __________

10. playground ________

11. polite _________

12. poor _______

13. population ________

14. possible _______

15. present ________

16. probably ________

17. progress ________

18. public ________

19. push ________


1. personal _________ (名词形式)

2. pet_______ (复数形式)

3. pick ________ (过去式)

4. pig_________(复数形式)

5. plane ______(复数形式)

6. play _______(第三人称单数形式)

7. possible __________ (反义词)

8. present _________(复数形式)

9. probably __________ (形容词)

10. polite _________(反义词)

11. push______((第三人称单数形式)


1. He wants to buy two ______(pair) of socks in the supermarket.

2. There is much _________ (paper) on the desk.

3. This is a _________(person) letter.

4. I want to keep many _______(pet) in my house in the future.

5. He _______ (pick) cottons for his uncle yesterday.

6. Raising _______(pig) can bring you much money.

7. We have made the most modern ______(plane) .

8. He usually ______ (play) CDs while he is working at home.

9. It’s _________ (impossible) that you remember one word in a day.

10. It’s _________(impolite) to help others.

11. You’d better take a ________ (present) when you visit a foreign family.

12. He _______ (probable) read the message.

13. What’s the _______(population) of China? It’s over 1.3 billion.

14. Now parents in China ________(push) their kids too hard.

四. 根据短文意思及首字母,写出合乎句意的单词。

To many kids in the city, p______(1) sports on the p_______(2) is p_______(3) a happy time. They play basketball, soccer and fly model p________(4) . They can have their own p______(5) such as parrots, cats or dogs. They can get many p_______(6) on their birthdays. But the kids in the village are different. They must help their parents do farm work, such as p______(7) cottons , feeding p______(8). They can’t get any presents on their birthday, especially p_____(9) kids. They only have one wish that they can make great p______(10) in their study. P_____(11) that causes the p_______(12) to pay attention to them and that can bring them things.



一. 1. 一对;一双; 2. 纸;纸张;3. 或许;大概; 4. 私人的; 个人的; 5. 宠物; 6. 采;摘;挑选;7. 猪; 8.飞机;9. 播放,玩,弹奏;10. 运动场;操场;11. 有礼貌的;客气的;12. 贫穷的;贫困的;13. 人口;14. 可能的;15. 礼物;16. 或许;大概;17. 进步;进展; 18. 公众;19. 推

二. 1. person; 2. pets; 3. picked; 4. pigs; 5. planes; 6. plays; 7. impossible; 8. presents; 9. probable; 10. impolite; 11. pushes

三. 1. pairs; 2. paper; 3. personal; 4. pets; 5. picked; 6. pigs; 7. planes; 8. plays; 9. possible; 10. polite; 11. present; 12. probably; 13. population; 14. push

四. 1. playing; 2. playground; 3. probaly; 4. planes; 5. pets; 6. presents; 7. picking; 8. pigs; 9. poor; 10. progress; 11. Perhaps; 12. public




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