
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-06 19:01:49





广州某电台英文频道将开设Welcome to Guangzhou栏目,目前面向全市英语爱好者征集“微广州”英文介绍。请你写一篇英语短文,向栏目投稿。短文需如下提示内容。

1 位置: 中国南方;2历史: 两千多年;3气候特点;4特色:花城及美食;5一个好去处及理由。


从已知背景中,找出是否可利用的近义句的内容:Welcome to Guangzhou栏目,目前面向全市英语爱好者征集“微广州”英文介绍。这个近义句作为开头语 找出已知1到5个提示句,各自或相互“寻因找果”的内容,即,是审题全部内容。

开头语:“任何人都会很高兴地得到机会,来到广州”是近义句 ← Welcome to Guangzhou背景内容之句

提示句1 位置: 广州是在中国南方(广州是在中国南方的一个城市。)

提示句2 历史: 这座城市是一座拥有2000多年历史的美丽城市。

提示句3 气候特点: 春天,广州天气相当温和,春风佛吹,经常下着微微细雨。夏天很热,很多人都想去游泳。秋天,空气凉爽干燥。秋天之际,人们制作灯笼在市场上出售,灯笼是一些父母给孩子买的。冬天不是很冷,很少下雪。

提示句4 特色:①花城及②美食: ①广州是著名的一年四季都能看到鲜花的城市之一。在这种环境下,父母们高兴地买东西为了他们的小孩子们,及②这个城市是有助于游客尽情享受自己的地方,它是著名的美味的食品之都市,如肠粉,牛杂,早茶,烧鹅等。这意味着它真的是你不能错过的吃好的地方。

提示句5 一个好去处的地方及其理由:吃完美食后(过渡句:由提示句4过渡到提示句5),你被要求/期望去参观广州塔,它被描述为广州的标志性建筑。让你俯瞰广州全市。



People are happy to come to Guangzhou in public holiday/when they spend the day.

1 位置: 中国南方

Guang Zhou is a southern city of China. Guangzhou is one of cities in south China.

2历史: 两千多年

Guangzhou is one of beautiful cities with 2000-year history.

Guangzhou is one of beautiful cities that has 2000-year history.


Spring is warm and windy without rain. Summer is hot so people go swimming in swimming pool. It is cool in Autumn and people put on more clothes and buy latern for their children. It is not cool in winter without snow.


Guangzhou is famous for one of flower’s cities in four seasons. There is something delicious to eat in Guangzhou, such as rice noodles, beef offal snacks, morning tea and the braised goose... That means Guangzhou is a greatly good place.


After eating delicious food, you are asked to visit Guangzhou Tower that is considered to be a landmark building locally. By the tower, you can see a bird-view the city of Guangzhou, to say, you are allowed to overlook the city beautifully.


People are happy to come to Guangzhou in public holiday/when they spend the day. Guang Zhou is asouthern city of China. It is one of beautiful cities in south China which has been one of ancient cities with 2000-year history. (Guangzhou is one of beautiful cities that has 2000-year history. )

Spring is warm and windy without rain. Summer is hot so people go swimming in swimming pool. It is cool in Autumn and people put on more clothes and buy latern for their children. It is not cool in winter without snow.

Guangzhou is famous for one of flower’s cities in four seasons. There is something delicious to eat in Guangzhou, such as rice noodles, beef offal snacks, morning tea and the braised goose and so on.

These are interesting to tourists, in my view. That means Guangzhou is attractive to them, being one of the greatly good places in China. After eating delicious food, you are asked to visit Guangzhou Tower that is considered to be a landmark building locally. By the tower, you can see a bird-view the city of Guangzhou, to say, you are allowed to overlook the city beautifully.


上述英语文写作成功源于:“作审题=提示点 增加词语句”的具体操作步骤。此文有四个段落,每个段落与段落之间,都有“因果逻辑”关系;每一个段落中的句与句之间有“因果逻辑”关系。







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