
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-04-30 12:35:08



一、徐霞客游览浙江的时间Xu Xiake's Tour of Zhejiang




1636,Xu Xiake,50 years old embarks on a journey.This is the last journey of one's life.

二、《浙游日记》的主要内容The main content of Zhjiang Journey Diary

1636年9月19日 我很早就打算去西部游览,拖延了两年,老来病痛即将缠身,必定难以再次推迟。

September 19,1636 I had planned to visit the West for a long time,Delayed for two years,Old age plaged by illness and pain

二十日 天没亮,抵达无锡县城。

20th The sky is not bright,Arriving at Wuxi County.

二十一日 进城看望王孝先,又饮酒。

21st Visit Wang Xiaoxian in the city,Drinking again.

二十二日 早上为仲昭兄在半塘买竹椅。

22nd Buy bamboo chairs.

二十三日 又到阊门去取染色绸缎裱糊的字帖。

23rd Go to Changmen to collect copybook

二十四日 五更时分出发。

24th Departing at five o'clock.

二十五日 清晨,陈眉公已经为我写好给两位僧人的信,并且准备了路费送给我。

15th early morning,Chen Meigong wrote two letters,To two monks,Gave me the fare.

二十六日 驶过两个湖泊,十五里后是西塘,也是一个大镇子,天才亮。

26th Driving through two lakes,Genius Bright.

二十七日 黎明出发二十里后抵达乌镇,进镇子去叩拜程尚甫。

No.27 Go into the town to worship Cheng Shangfu.

二十八日 往南行船二十五里,到达唐栖,风十分顺畅。

28th The wind is very smooth.

二十九日 又写了寄给仲昭兄和陈木叔的信。

29th I wrote two more letters.

三十日 早上进城,买了人参寄回家中。

thirty days Entering the city in the morning,I bought ginseing and sent it home.


Borrowed ten taels of silver,Used to cover travel expenses.

十月初一日 天气特别晴朗明亮,但西北风相当猛烈。

October 1st The northwest wind is quite strong.

初二日 上午,从棕木场前行五里后走出观音关。

On the second day of the first lunar month morning Step out of Guanyin Pass.

初三日 在余杭县城的南门桥雇到挑夫,走出西门,沿着苕溪的北岸走。

初四日 鸡叫做饭,黎明就向西上路。

Fourth day of the first lunar month Cook when the chicken crows,Head west at dawn.

初五日 鸡叫第二遍,命令僮仆起床做饭。

On the fifith day of the first lunar month Chicken crowing for the second time,Command the child servant to get up and cook.

初六日 鸡叫第二遍,开船,拂晓时来到浙江上,已经在桐庐县城下了。

On the sixth day of the first lunar month Chicken crowing for the second time.

初七日 大雾弥漫,咫尺之间分辨不出东西,船夫吃饭后开船,上午又晴开。

初八日 早上登上浮桥,浮桥内外众多的船只鳞次栉比,是因为救援朝廷的军队从衢州府即将到来,封锁了浮桥,船只聚集在一起,不许上下通行。

On the eighth day of the first lunar month Boarding the floating bridge in the morning,No going up or down

初九日 早晨起床,天色像水洗过一样,与王敬川一同进入兰溪西门,随即经过金华县衙门前。

On the ninth day of the first lunar month Wake up in the morning,Passing through the county government office.

初十日 鸡叫起床吃饭,天色已经露出曙光。

On the tenth day of the first lunar month Chicken crows to get up and eat,The sky has already revealed dawn.

十一日 天明起床,僧人已经外出。

11th Wake up at dawn,the monk has already gone out.

十二日 天亮时开船。

Tw elfth day It‘s dawn Let's sail.

十三日 天明,云气又散开。

Thirteen it's dawn The weather has dispersed again.

十四日 天明,搭船的许多人,因为船走得太慢,全都要回船前登上岸离开了,船变得又轻又宽敞,虽然船走得迟缓一些也不觉得遗憾了。

14th it's dawn There are many people boarding the shp,Because the ship is moving slowly,Many people are nor getting on the ship anymore.The shipwill be lighter,No regrets left.

十五日 黎明 ,一连上了两个浅滩。

Fifteen days,dawn,Up two shoals in a row.

十六日 旭日鲜艳明亮,东风刮得更急。




16th The rising sun is bright and bright,The east wind blows haeder.


I walked five miles again,Seeing a few desolate thatched cottages ,Worried about not haveing a place to live,And stopped in the thatched cottage.

三、观景悟道Observation andenligen and enlightenment



1636,50 year old Xu Xiake's Last Tour.


400 years,come clearly into view.


Do one thing well throughouut one's life.Love traveling.



看山看水看风景,Looking at the moubtains,water,and scenry,乐山乐水乐生活。Like mountains,like water,like life.




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