
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-03 14:08:28

a. Did you know that methamphetamine causes sores over the body, serious hallucinations, and a rotting of the teeth known as "meth mouth"?


b. Did you know that in America, 27% of HIV/AIDS carriers are heroin addicts?People who shoot heroin with a needle are at a significantly higher risk to develop a host of diseases, such as AIDS.


c. Did you know that after snorting or smoking cocaine, the user's heart attack risk grows to almost 24 times the normal amount?


Ⅰ Remember that so-called "soft drugs" are drugs, too.


Drugs like alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco, though they may be more socially accepted, can still be powerful drugs. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 2.5 million people die because of alcohol each year.That's a lot of people, even though alcohol is legal in many places for adults. The point here is to remember that even soft drugs, or socially-accepted drugs, can be harmful.



a. Soft drugs are often talked about as "gateway drugs." Gateway drugs are drugs that, when tried, cause users to experiment with and abuse other drugs as a result.


b. What is clear is that alcohol, marijuana and tobacco can lead to abuse of other drugs. Although alcohol and tobacco may be legal and marijuana may not, be careful about using them so much that you start abusing other drugs.



Learning to Say "No"



Ⅰ Learn how to say "no" to drugs the right way.


Telling people you don't want to do drugs can be a really hard thing to do. You want to be clear and not offend anyone. Take a little time to think about how you might say "no" to someone who tries to pressure you into trying drugs. Here are some examples to start you off:


a. "No, thanks. The way I'm going, I need all the brain cells I can get."


b. "Actually, I was just heading home. My parents asked me to look after my little sister. I'll see you guys tomorrow?"


c."I'm starving. Let's go grab a bite to eat at my house instead."



Ⅱ Learn to say "no" without feeling guilty.


Remember your reasons for saying "no" in the first place: You care about your health; you want to give yourself the best chance to succeed; your sights are set higher than petty distractions. If you remember all the reasons why drugs aren't right for you, you're less likely to feel guilty for saying "no." When you don't feel guilty, you're less likely to cave in to peer pressure.


Ⅲ Think again about the possible long-term effects of drugs and alcohol.


Like it or not, your whole entire life could be changed with one decision. Often, all it takes is one time before things go horribly wrong. Are you willing to bet your life that this time is going to be different?


Ⅳ Respect yourself.







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