
首页 > 教育 > 作者:YD1662024-05-04 07:24:04

Honest Poverty



I (我)have been engaged in (已经从事)the revolutionary struggle(这革命斗争) for more than a decade(十余年).During these long militant years(在这漫长的斗争的岁月里),I have lived a plain life(我过着平凡的生活) with no luxuries to speak of(更不用提奢侈品了).Millions of money passed through my hands(数百万金钱经过我的手的),but I always saw to it(但我总是确保) that every single cent of the money(每一分钱) raised for the revolution (为革命筹集的)was spent for no other pruposes(没有被花在其他用途).


This may sound like a miracle or an exaggeration to Kuomintang VIPs(这听起来像是一个奇迹或夸张对国民党的伟人来说).Self-discipline and self-sacrifice(自律和自我牺牲), however(却),are the virtue characteristic of a Communist(是每个共产党的美德).Therefore(所以),should anyone inquire of me about my personal savings(如果有人问我关于我个人的积蓄),let him read the following amusing episode.(让他读一读下面的有趣的插曲)


On the day of my capture(我被俘的那天)----a most inauspicious day it was(最倒霉的一天确实)----two Kuomindang soldiers discovered me in a wood(两个国民党士兵发现了我在树林里).Sizing me up(打量着我),they thought they had(他们认为他们已经) come upon a windfall (获得意外之财)and started making a frantic body search(并且开始疯狂的身体搜寻),hopefully to find on me hundreds of silver dollars(希望发现在我这里数百个银元) or some jewellery like gold bracelets or rings(或者一些珠宝像金手镯或戒指).


They frisked me from top to toe (他们搜我从上到脚)and passed their hands over everything on me from the collar of my jacket to the soles of my socks(从我的夹克的衣领到袜底),but,contrary to their expectation(与他们的期望相反),they found nothing at all(他们啥也没发现),not even a single copper(甚至没有一个区区的铜板),except a watch and a fountain pen(除了一只表和一支钢笔).They were exasperated(他们愤怒),suspecting that I had my money hidden somewhere(怀疑我把钱藏在什么地方) and refused to give it up(并且拒绝放弃它).


One of the two men(两人中的一人) had in his left hand (拿着在他的左手中)a wooden-handled grenade(木柄手榴弹).He pulled out the cord(他把绳子拉出来) from inside the wooden handle (从木柄里面)and moved his legs one step apart(移动它的腿一步分开) as if he was about to throw the grenade(好像他要扔手榴弹).Glowering at me ferociously(怒目而视),he threatened loudly.(大声威胁)


Out with your money quick,or you die!”(拿出你的钱,否则你死)


Hey!” I said drily with a faint smile. (哼,我一本正经地说带着淡淡微笑)“Don’t you put on such nasty airs!(不要摆出如此讨厌的空气)Truely I haven’t got a copper with me(我确实没有一个铜板). You’re barking up the wrong tree(你叫错树了) to seek a fortune from me.”(去向我寻找财富)


Shit!Nobody can ever believe a big shot like you ain’t got no money!”(该死,没有人会相信你个大人物像你没有钱)the soldier with the grenade remained wholly incredulous.(士兵拿着手榴弹保持完全的怀疑)


“No money?”the other soldier joined in. (没钱,另一名士兵加入)“Impossible! It must be hidden somewhere.(不可能,它一定被藏在什么地方)No fooling an old hand like me(不要骗老手像我).”






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