
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-02-05 12:20:21

discrepant[dis'krepәnt] a 有差异,不一致的


discern/dɪˈsɜːn/ v 分辨 提取出:discr-区别


discreet/dɪˈskriːt/ a 谨言慎行的 (discr-区分,creet~crisis重要时刻,也就是严格区分,至关重要的实行,需要我们谨言慎行。ee像两只眼睛,紧紧地盯着,生怕出什么事情)

discriminate/dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ v 区分,辨别,歧视 a 有区别的(discr-区别,imi-把ii分开,区别对待,-ate动词后缀)

这里区分一下:discern和discriminate,discern是指通过观察或者感知识别实物的信息。而discriminate的更过的带有“偏见”,对待事物不同的态度和处理方式,它单词长,必然有更抽象的意义,也符合英语【长虚短实】的思想。名词:discrimination 区别对待,歧视

It was difficult to discern any details in the dark room.没有感情色彩的

It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their race or gender. 歧视

sexual discrimination 性别歧视


sexual discrimination 性别歧视

discrepancy/dɪsˈkrepənsi/ n 差异,不符合,不一致 形容词:discrepant

The discrepancies resulted from different methods of computation

There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident 不一致

Harold: Yes, but there is a discrepancy on the packing list 不符合的地方

different/ˈdɪfrənt/ a 不同的,有区别

来自:differ/ˈdɪfə(r)/ v 不同,相异,有区别(di-2,fer-bring拿,分开拿,你拿你的带苹果的,我拿我的带黄光的,有区别)

区别:different与discrepant的区别在于:discrepant勇于【比较】事物之间的不同之处,强调事物之间存在“缺陷或矛盾”;different 【描述】事物之间的区别,独特性,个性差异。

There is a discrepancy between the two reports on the company’s financial performance.两份报告做比较,有区别,有差异,不一致

The discrepancy between the two reports is causing confusion among the staff.两份报告的不一致,导致了员工的困惑。

My new job is very different from my previous job.现在的工作和以前的工作不同。只是叙述一个事实

The two cities are different in terms of climate, culture, and lifestyle.城市之间有所不同,各有特点


different color 并没有矛盾




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