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Why isn't table salt dangerous?
【单词】salt [sawlt][sɔːlt] n. 盐;盐类
【单词】dangerous ['deyn-jer-uhs]['deɪndʒərəs] adj. 危险的;不安全的

【编者按】table salt一般指的是桌面上放的食盐,可以随时加进菜肴中调味,这里泛指食盐。

As far as I understand, salt is NaCl, Sodium Chloride.
【专有名词】NaCl 氯化钠,是一种无机离子化合物,NaCl是它的化学式。氯化钠是无色立方结晶或细小结晶粉末,味咸,是食盐的主要成分。
【专有名词】Sodium ['soh-dee-uhm]['səʊdiəm] n. 钠,化学符号为 Na
【专有名词】Chloride ['klawr-ahyd]['klɔːraɪd] n. 氯化物

Sodium explodes in water.
【单词】explodes 原型:explode [ik-'splohd][ɪk'spləʊd] vi. 爆炸;激增;爆发 vt. 使爆炸

Chlorides corrode metals.
【单词】Chlorides 原型:chloride ['klawr-ahyd, -id, 'klohr-]['klɔːraɪd] n. 氯化物
【单词】corrode [kuh-'rohd][kə'rəʊd] v. 腐蚀;侵蚀;损害
【单词】metals 原型:metal ['met-l]['metl] n. 金属;合金

Why is salt not dangerous to eat?
【单词】eat [eet][iːt] v. 吃;吃饭;喝

And how are so many materials completely different when mixed with another element?
【单词】mixed 原型:mix [miks][mɪks] v. 混合;掺入;合成;联系;融合;介入
【单词】element ['el-uh-muhnt]['elɪmənt] n. 要素;元素

You can think of chemicals in terms of energy levels.
【短语】in terms of ... 依据...;按照...;在…方面;例句:In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。
【单词】chemicals 原型:chemical ['kem-i-kuh l]['kemɪkl] n. 药品;化学物


Some chemicals have very high energy levels.

It's really easy for them to turn into other chemicals and dump that energy out.
【短语】turn into ... 变成,进入,转到...;例句:They turn into this street. 他们转入这条街上。
【单词】dump [duhmp][dʌmp] vt. 倾倒;抛弃;倾销;倾卸

Some chemicals have low energy levels.

If you want to change them into other chemicals you need to add a bunch of energy.
【单词】bunch [buhnch][bʌntʃ] n. 串;束;一群;捆

Sodium and chlorides have tons of energy.
【单词】tons 原型:ton [tuhn][tʌn] n. 吨;<口>大量

They have so much energy that if you put them near the right other chemicals they'll just release the energy and turn into other stuff.
【单词】release [ri-'lees][rɪ'liːs] n. 释放
【单词】stuff [stuhf][stʌf] n. 东西;原料;材料 n. 素质;本质

Sodium Chloride, on the other hand, has very little energy.
【短语】on the other hand 另一方面;例句:On one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see. 一方面我必须工作; 另一方面我有许多来宾要照看。

If you want to separate it into Sodium and Chloride you need to add a whole bunch of energy to it.
【单词】separate ['sep-uh-reyt]['sepərət] v. 分开;隔开;脱离

So if you just eat salt, not much happens.
【单词】happens 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇


But if you eat sodium you'll get a literal explosion of flavor (and possibly death).
【单词】literal ['lit-er-uhl]['lɪtərəl] adj. 逐字的;字面上的;文字的;这里是指“绝对是……”,“相当于是……”
【单词】explosion [ik-'sploh-zhuhn][ɪk'spləʊʒn] n. 爆炸;爆炸声;激增;爆发
【单词】flavor ['fley-ver]['fleɪvə] n. 风味;特殊的滋味;风格;调味品 vt. 加调料于...;给...添加情趣
【单词】possibly ['pos-uh-blee]['pɒsəbli] adv. 可能地;也许

Carbon is this harsh black substance, right?
【单词】Carbon 原型:carbon ['kahr-buhn]['kɑːbən] n. 碳
【单词】harsh [hahrsh][hɑːʃ] adj. 粗糙的;严厉的
【单词】substance ['suhb-stuhns]['sʌbstəns] n. 实质;物质

Oxygen is a gas and so is hydrogen.
【单词】Oxygen 原型:oxygen ['ok-si-juhn]['ɒksɪdʒən] n. 氧;氧气
【单词】gas [gas][ɡæs] n. 气体
【单词】hydrogen ['hahy-druh-juhn]['haɪdrədʒən] n. 氢

Yet sugar is made of all three of those elements!
【单词】sugar ['shoo g-er]['ʃʊɡə] n. 糖,食糖



At root is the concept of chemistry, chemical bonds that drastically change how those substances behave.
【单词】root [root, roo t][ruːt] n. 根;根源;根本
【单词】concept ['kon-sept]['kɒnsept] n. 观念;概念;想法
【单词】chemistry ['kem-uh-stree]['kemɪstri] n. 化学
【单词】chemical ['kem-i-kuh l]['kemɪkl] adj. 化学的 n. 药品;化学物
【单词】bonds 原型:bond [bond][bɒnd] n. 结合;联系;黏合剂

【词组】chemical bonds 化合物
【单词】drastically ['dras-tik]['drɑːstɪkli] adv. 大幅度地;彻底地
【单词】substances 原型:substance ['suhb-stuhns]['sʌbstəns] n. 实质;物质;财产;内容;重要性
【单词】behave [bih-'heyv][bɪ'heɪv] v. 表现;行为;举止

They're not just mixed together, they're bonded (ionically).

【单词】ionically 副词,指化学中通过离子键结合

The chemistry/behavior of a compound can completely change when you add or remove an electron.
【单词】compound ['kom-pound]['kɒmpaʊnd] n. 化合物;复合词;复合物
【单词】completely [kuhm-'pleet][kəm'pliːtli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然
【单词】remove [ri-'moov][rɪ'muːv] v. 消除;脱掉
【单词】electron [ih-'lek-tron][ɪ'lektrɒn] n. 电子

In table salt, sodium has given chlorine an electron, so sodium is missing one (so positive charge) and chlorine has an extra one (so negative charge).
【单词】positive ['poz-i-tiv]['pɒzətɪv] adj.正数的;阳性的
【单词】extra ['ek-struh]['ekstrə] adj. 额外的 n. 额外之物
【单词】negative ['neg-uh-tiv]['neɡətɪv] adj. 负面的;负的;阴性的

Opposite charges attract which is why the positive sodium and negative chlorine attract to form a solid.
【单词】Opposite 原型:opposite ['op-uh-zit, -sit]['ɒpəzɪt] adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的
【单词】attract [uh-'trakt][ə'trækt] v. 吸引;引来
【单词】solid ['sol-id]['sɒlɪd] n. 固体

But the key is that since they have different numbers of electrons now, they behave differently.
【单词】differently ['dif-er-uhnt-lee, 'dif-ruhnt‐]['dɪfrəntli] adv. 不同地

Table salt is a stable compound exactly because the elements are so reactive.
【单词】stable ['stey-buhl]['steɪbl] adj. 稳定的;安定的;可靠的
【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][ɪɡ'zæktli] adv. 精确地;确切地;完全地;严密地;正是
【单词】reactive [ree-'ak-tiv][ri'æktɪv] adj. 反应的;反作用的;活性的

This means that when Na reacts with Cl to create salt, there is energy release in the reaction.
【单词】reacts 原型:react [ree-'akt][ri'ækt] v. 反应
【单词】create [kree-'eyt][kri'eɪt] v. 创造;造成
【单词】reaction [ree-'ak-shuh n][ri'ækʃn] n. 反应;生理反应;化学反应

Which means that energy is required to unbind them later, making the substance stable.
【单词】required 原型:require [ri-'kwahyuhr][rɪ'kwaɪə] v. 要求;需要;命令;规定
【单词】unbind [uhn-'bahynd]['ʌn'baɪnd] v. 解开;释放

Same is true about water (which is very stable and comes from potentially explosive oxidation of hydrogen) and nitrogen (elemental nitrogen is actually 2 atoms bound together very strongly.
【单词】potentially [puh-'ten-shuh-lee][pə'tenʃəli] adv. 潜在地
【单词】explosive [ik-'sploh-siv][ɪk'spləʊsɪv] adj. 爆炸(性)的
【单词】oxidation [ok-si-'dey-shuhn][ˌɒksɪ'deɪʃn] n. 氧化(反应)
【单词】nitrogen ['nahy-truh-juhn]['naɪtrədʒən] n. 氮
【单词】elemental [el-uh-'men-tl][ˌelɪ'mentl] adj. 元素的;自然力的;基本的
【单词】atoms 原型:atom ['at-uhm]['ætəm] n. 原子;微粒
【单词】bound 原型:bind [bahynd][baɪnd] v. 捆绑;约束

Many explosive materials are nitrogen compounds with single N atoms which combine together during the explosion and release energy).
【单词】combine [verb kuhm-'bahyn; noun 'kom-bahyn][kəm'baɪn] v. 联合;使结合;结合




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