Jack Ma and his Quotes!
A real businessman or entrepreneur has no enemies. Once he understands this, the sky’s the limit.真正的商人或企业家没有对手。一旦他懂得了这个道理,发挥的空间会无限大。
If you view everyone as your enemies then everyone around you will be enemies.如果你把每个人都视为敌人,那么你周围的每个人都将是敌人。
If you have a different mindset, you will have a different outcome.非凡的思维模式导向非凡的结果。
Don’t hire the most qualified, hire the craziest.招人不要招那些最有资格的人,要雇佣最疯狂的人。
No matter what one does, regardless of failure.不管做什么,不要去考虑会不会失败。
Success and profitability are the outcome of focusing on customers and employees, not objectives.成功和收益是关注客户和员工的结果,而不是关注目标。
Your attitude is more important than your capabilities. Similarly, your decision is more important than your capabilities.你的态度比你的能力更重要。同样,你的决定比你的能力更重要。
Only fools use their mouths to speak. A smart man uses his brain, and a wise man uses his heart.只有傻瓜才会用他们的嘴巴说话。聪明的人用大脑,而智慧的人则用心。
Never ever compete on prices, instead compete on services and innovation.永远不要在价格上竞争,而是在服务和创新上竞争。
Customer first, employees second, and investor third.客户第一,员工第二,投资者第三。
If you are a wolf chasing rabbits, focus on one rabbit. Change yourself to catch the rabbit, but don’t change rabbits.如果你是一只追逐兔子的狼,那么就盯住一只兔子不放。你可以为了抓住兔子而改变自己,但是不能更换兔子(目标)。
https://m.toutiao.com/is/ieCy2TfP/ - Jack Ma and his Quotes!这些年马云说过的那些名言(中英文) - 今日头条
https://m.toutiao.com/is/ieXvagaG/ - 如果你不放弃,你就还有机会——Jack Ma and his Quotes! - 今日头条
Source: Geckoandfly.com