
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-22 23:02:41


台风‘利奇玛’依然强劲,所到之处,哀鸿遍野. 那么,台风用英语怎么说?

Typhoon Lekima has just touched down on the east coast of Mainland China today after battered through Taiwan with winds of more than 190km/h. It is sure to bring massive destruction and devastation to millions of families across southern China. Historically, the most famous (and the third most damaging) natural disaster the US has endured was Hurricane Katrina in 2005. It made landfall in Florida and Louisiana, caused catastrophic rainfall and flooding in its path, wiped out entire neighborhoods, particularly in the city of New Orleans. The total estimate of property Damage alone was an astounding $125 billion US.


1. Typhoon: 台风. 统一的叫法是tropical cyclone. 在北太平洋叫typhoon, 在大西洋叫hurricane, 或者tropical storm.

2. Lekima: 利奇玛, 一种水果, 生长在越南, 又叫eggfruit, 我没吃过, 没见过, 也没听说过.

3. Touch down: 触地. 也可以叫landfall. 橄榄球里的达阵得分也叫touchdown.

4. Mainland: 大陆. 比如mainland Europe.


5. Batter: 暴击, 也有面糊的意思. 大家平时吃的fish and chips 的fish就是battered fish.

6. Km/h: kilometer per hour, 公里/小时. 美国是m/h, mile per hour, 英里/小时. 1 英里大约是1.6 公里.

7. Massive: 大面积的, 大范围的.

8. Destruction: 破坏. its antonym(反义词) is construction.

9. Devastation: 也是破坏, 比较严重. 另外有在心理层面造成恐惧的意思.

10. Historically: 历史上.


11. Damage: 还是破坏. 有时候顾客在餐厅吃饭结帐的时候, 不问"how much is the bill?", 而是问"what is the damage?" 意思是一样的, 更加本地口语化.

12. Natural disaster: 自然灾害.

13. Endure: 遭受, 经历.

For example: In sports, one has to endure years of hard work and pain before he/she can taste success.

14. Hurricane Katrina: 一般美国飓风都是以女性命名, (不知道是不是美国男人也都怕老婆),后来经过抗议, 男女名字都用了.


15. Florida: 佛罗里达州.

16. Louisiana: 路易斯安那州.

17. Catastrophic: 灾难的.

18. Rainfall: 降雨.

19. Flooding: 洪水. floods or flooding 都可以.

20. Wipe out: 抹去.

For example: the disease(疾病) brought by the European new comers nearly wiped out the entire local American population(人口, 人群).


21. New Orleans: 新奥尔良. the largest city in the state of Louisiana, full of colors and culture, also home of the NBA New Orleans Pelicans. (鹈鹕队)

22. Estimate: 估算.

23. Property: 财产, 产业.

24. Astounding: 惊人的.


我今天其实是蹭台风的热度, 不过明天榨菜的热度我绝对不蹭, 因为英文里木有榨菜!

以上皆为原创, 图片来自toptropicals.com thisis50.com usanews.com





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