
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-03-30 01:06:03

Depending on the food they eat, such as bamboo, bamboo shoots and bamboo leaves, their excrement differs. The excrement of an adult panda that has eaten bamboo will be yellow with clear bamboo fibers in it. If they eat a lot of bamboo leaves, their feces will be dark green. If they eat a lot of bamboo shoots, their feces will be smoother. When baby pandas drink milk, their feces look similar to that of a human.

❹ 大熊猫是爬树高手,但是它们爬树的方式和猴子不一样——猴子是用手脚抱着树干攀爬,但是大熊猫要把自己的爪子插到树干里,把身体挂在树上,才能向上爬,这大概是因为他们的体重太重了,但是手又没有那么灵巧的原因。不过这恰恰证明了,大熊猫的爪子十分锋利、有力。


Giant pandas are experts at climbing trees, but their way of climbing is different from that of monkeys. Monkeys climb by holding onto the tree trunk with their hands and feet, but giant pandas drive their claws into the trunk and hang their bodies on the tree in order to climb up. This is likely because their weight is too heavy and hands not as agile as that of monkeys. This climbing style requires giant pandas’ claws to be extremely strong.

❺ 大熊猫幼崽喜欢在树上或高处平台上睡觉,因为这让他们觉得安全。在野外,大熊猫幼崽是有天敌的,比如野猪。为了躲避天敌的威胁,它们睡觉的时候,更倾向于爬到高处。但大概两岁以后,大熊猫就可以长到100公斤以上,体型巨大,在野外也就几乎没有天敌了。


Giant panda cubs like to sleep in trees or on high platforms because it makes them feel safe. In the wild, panda cubs have natural enemies, such as wild boars. To avoid the threats of their predators, they tend to climb to higher ground when they sleep. After reaching the age of about two, a giant panda will have grown to more than 100 kilograms, meaning they have very few natural enemies in the wild.

❻ 大熊猫一胎一般只能生1-2个宝宝,单胎和双胎的比例大概1:1,多胎的情况也有,但是很少见。但是,由于大熊猫上肢比较短,很难同时抱起两只幼崽来喂奶;遇到危险的时候,大熊猫只能叼起幼崽来转移,通常一次也只能转移一只。因此,在野外,大熊猫妈妈一般只能哺育一只幼崽。在饲养中心工作人员的帮助下,不管是双胎还是多胎的大熊猫宝宝,都可以存活下来。

Generally, giant pandas only give birth to one or two babies at a time, and the proportion of single and twin births is about half and half. There are cases of multiple births, but they are rare. Because pandas have relatively short forelimbs, it's difficult for them to nurse two cubs simultaneously. Faced with danger, mother pandas can only carry one cub at a time, therefore, in the wild, panda mothers can only nurse one cub at a time. With the help of staff at breeding centers, whether there are twin or multiple babies, all panda cubs can be nursed.

❼ 大熊猫是“六指儿”。和人类不一样的是,它们的大拇指不能活动,其他五个手指头并列排开,所以如果你观察大熊猫拿竹子的样子,它们是用五根手指头攥着竹子,卡在大拇指上。所以,这个动作看起来有点笨拙,为动物园里的大熊猫增加了一分可爱。


Giant pandas have six fingers. Unlike humans, their thumbs cannot move, and the other five fingers are arranged in a straight line. So if you observe pandas holding bamboo, they use their five fingers to grip and their thumb as a hook.

❽ 大熊猫的尾巴是黑色的。如果你仔细观察,有些熊猫玩具的尾巴是白色,有一些是黑色的,但事实上,大熊猫的尾巴应该是黑色的。大熊猫一般都是黑白两色,他们的耳朵、眼睛周围、肩带、四肢、尾巴是黑色的,通常,这些黑色部位的形状,可以作为分辨个体的依据。






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