
首页 > 经验 > 作者:YD1662024-04-03 15:18:14

A Visit to Nanking

—In the Tune of Prelude to Water Melody

By ZHENG Futian

Tr. ZHAO Yanchun

I tour in the South for a time,

And see endless miles of the clime.

Of Gold Hill mountains and rivers grand

In the picture far off expand.

How overturned have been earth and sky?

As e’er dragons crouch and tigers pry.

Parasols are green far and nigh;

Out of the clouds Soul Dale towers high.

To the canopy pine trees sigh.

Relics visited, rise and fall heard of, heroes talked about,

Tides furl, unfurl, roll out.

Why does the rouge give the carved bow a stain?

The road’s covered with flowers in the rain.

It seems that Lord Sheng dwells on law,

And shakes the heavens with his guffaw.

At dusk I walk to Town of Stone,

I in calmness look at the moon.





赵彦春,博士生导师,上海大学中国文化翻译研究中心主任,国际学术期刊Translating China 主编,国际汉学与教育研究会会长、传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长,中国语言教育研究会副会长。

Biosketch of the Translator:

ZHAO Yanchun: Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Center for Translation of Chinese Culture, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education Society, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion Committee, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association, Vice President of China Language Education Association, a proponent of the principle of translating poesie into poesie and classic into classic. His translations have been widely reported.








本期排版:曼 曼

《菩萨蛮 · 湘江夜渡》Crossing the Hsiang River at Night—In the Tune of Buddhaman

《鹧鸪天 · 秋初纪事》Notes on Early Autumn—To the Tune of Partridges in the Sky

《长相思》Long Longing

《枫桥夜泊》Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge

《闻日寇投降》On Hearing Japan’s Surrender

《声声慢 · 闻倭寇败降有作》Composed on Hearing Japan’s Surrender

《山居秋暝》The Hills Wearing Autumn Hue

《己亥杂诗》A Major Quatrain in 1839

《鹧鸪天·闻日寇乞降(三首选一)》 Japan’s Surrender—In the Tune of Partridges in the Sky(One of the Three Poems)

《闻胜有感·惊讯》The Sense of Victory—The News of Surprise

《玉楼春·新历八月十日感事有作》Perturbed on August Tenth—In the Tune of Jade Tower Spring

《齐天乐》A Bliss


《闻日本降伏遂书(四首选一)》Composed on Hearing Japan’s Surrender (One of the Four Poems)

《乞巧》Double Seventh Eve

《蝉》The Cicada

《侯且斋、董秋崖、余倜视余,即留饮》Hou Qiezhai, Dong Qiuyan and Yu Kan Visit Me and Stay for a Drink

《闻日本乞降感赋》Ode to the Japan's Surrender






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