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  1. 当连接词指代整个句子内容时

The book is so famous ,as most readers say 正如大多数 读者所说的那样,这本书很有名。

  1. 当指代独一无二的时候

The moon ,which looks like a big mooncake ,is very beautiful 那个看起来像月饼一样的月亮是如此的漂亮。

  1. 当指着某一亲属时,

He has a little brother ,who is studying in a primary school 他是一个小弟弟,他正在 一个小学学习。

  1. 不定代词 of which/whom时,

I have seen many famous people ,most of whom are so modest 我已经 看见了很多的名人,大多数名人都很谦虚。


  1. 作宾语的时候

I see a man (whom/that)you talked with yesterday 我看见了你昨天和他谈话的那个男人。

I see a desk(which,that)you cleaned yesterday 我看见了你昨天打扫的那张桌子

  1. 当先行词是the place,the reason ,the way时

I know the place (which)you visited 我知道你拜访过的那个地方。

I know the reason (why)you can’t come here 我知道你为什么不能来这里的原因

I know the way that you can get the book 我知道了你得到这本书的方式。

只用that 的定语从句

  1. 先行词是不定代词的定语从句

I know someone that is so tall 我知道一个很高的人。

  1. 有very,only,same,last等副词修饰的先行词

He is the only man that can speak English 他是唯一一个能说英语的人。

  1. 先行词人和物同在时

He saw many people and bags that filled with the bus 他看见那个装满包包和人的公交车。

  1. 有who ,which ,here ,there开头的定语从句

Who is the man that is so tall?那个很高的人是谁?

Here is the desk that is clean 很干净的这个桌子在这里。


Chongqing is no longer the city that it used to be 重庆已经不是那个旧旧的城市。


He is the best man who can speak English


He is the first man who can read English aloud 他是一个能大声说出英语的第一个人。

只用which 不用that 的定语从句

  1. 有介词出现的时候

I know the place in which you studied before 我知道那个你以前在那里学习过的地方。

  1. 在非限定性从句

That morning ,which I will give you a reason,I got up so late 那天早上,我起床晚了,稍后我会给你一个理由的。

  1. 先行词本身是that

What’s that which is blue and red 那个又红又蓝的那个东西是什么?

  1. 有插入语的时候

Here is the book which ,I want ,can make me so happy 这本书就是我想要的,并且能使我开心的一本书。

只用who 不用that的情况

  1. 先行词有one,ones ,those ,anyone 时

The one who can speak English is my friend 那一个能说英语的人,是我的朋友

The ones who can speak French are here 那些能说法语的人在这里

Those who can speak English are very happy 那些能说英语的人都很开心

As 和 which 引导的非限定性定语从句的区别

  1. as 引导的是表达看法,态度,解释或者评论

As I know ,China is a big country 据我所知,中国是一个很大的国家。

  1. which引导的定语从句主要是补充说明

He is the best boy in my class ,which I believe 他是我们班里最好的男孩,对此我深信不疑

  1. 在定语或者介宾的时候

He might possibly come ,in which case I will ask her 莉莉可能会来,要是那样的话我就去问他。

  1. 当从句是否定句时

He can lift the stone ,which I don’t believe 他能举起这个石头,我完全不相信

介词 连接词的情况

1,I know the day on which(when)we met 我记得我们见面的那一天

2,I know the place in which(where)you studied 我记得你学习过的地方。

3,I know the reason for which (why)you are late 我知道你迟到的原因

4,I know many ways in which you can solve the problem 我知道很多你能解决这个问题的方式。

  1. Here are the toys ,some of which I like best 这里的这些玩具,有一些我最喜欢


There are many boys on the playground who are from China


I remembered the toy you gave to me which was made of gold is still in my room


I have seen the only man that is tall who works in a big company


I see the man who we believe is the top one in my class 我看见那个我们相信他一定是我们班好学生的人。

I have many books with which to(with which I can improve) improve my ability 我有许多能提高我能力的许多书。


  1. 同位语从句是补充说明,定语从句是有成分的

The news that we don’t need to do homework today makes us so excited 那个我们今天不需要写作业的消息让我很兴奋。(同位语从句)

The doctor whom you are looking for is here 你们正在找寻的医生在这里。(定语从句)

  1. 同位语的连接词可以有how ,whether ,what

The question whether he can come here or not is still there 他弄否来的这个问题仍然在这里。

3,I have no idea what happened to him 我对他发生了什么,我一无所知(同位语从句)

4, 同位语的连接词不 充当成分,定语从句的连接词是有成分的。

The news that he can lift the stone is so excited for us 他能举起那些石头的消息使我们很兴奋(同位语)


  1. The girl who is singing is my daughter 那个正在唱歌的女孩是我的女儿。

=The girl singing is my daughter

2,I know the story which was written in English is very interesting 我知道那个用英语写的故事是很有趣的。

=I know the story written in English is very interesting

  1. My brother ,who lived in England for ages,now lives in France

=My brother ,having lived in England for ages ,now lives in France


Peter ,who had read the books ,put them carefully in the box

=Having read the books ,Peter ,put them carefully in the box

=Peter ,having read the books ,put them carefully in the box





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