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平 安 铭



平非险难 安无灾祸 人有多求 平安居首 世事无常 浮生若梦 钟鸣鼎食 落花流水 锦衣珍藏 玉殒香消 大奖盛典 过眼云烟 豪言壮举 或留笑嘘

That no difficulties nor obstacles are encountered is “PING” of Chinese character “平” and that no disasters are met with is “AN”of Chinese character “安”. The combination of“PING AN”of Chinese character “平安” means safety and security. Life consists in many pursuits, yet safety and security comes first. Everything is changing and unpredictable. Life is short, often like a dream. Even an extremely rich family may decline someday. Likewise, magnificent clothes and rare treasures which are cherished all the time may perish sometime. The grand awards and the ceremonies are nothing but as transient as fleeting clouds. Militant and lofty words spoken out sometimes can only leave ridicule and sighs.

人生草芥 只争朝夕 惟求平安 不思进取 失之怯乎 惟求进取 不保平安 失之躁耳 德薄位尊 智小谋大 力弱任重 难保平安

Life is as ordinary and fragile as grass. It is necessary to hurry and seize every minute to realize our values. Is it not cowardice that makes us lose ourselves, if we seek only safety and security without thinking and making progresses? Is it not haste that makes us lose ourselves, if we only strive for progresses without secure safety and peace? He who is weak in morality but high in rank can hardly guarantee

his safety; he who is weak in wisdom but making great plans can hardly guarantee his safety; and he who is weak in ability but with heavy responsibility can hardly guarantee his safety either.



予谓自强不息 执著不迂 富贵不淫 贫贱不移 威武不屈 尊显不昏 旷达不羁 宠辱不惊 平而不庸 安而不惰 乃真人也

I hold that he is a true person who keeps on making his efforts without slackening, who is persistent without being pedantic, who is open-minded but not unconstrained, who is not profligate when rich or in a high position, who does not change his will or standpoint when poor, who is not succumbed in the face of might and power, who is not enticed by honor and glory, who is not tempted by gains and losses, who lives prosaically but not vulgarly, and who enjoys a comfort but not lazy life.

至若涤浊荡污 风云际会 济世裕民 改天换地 履险临难 铁肩担当 赴汤蹈火 在所不惜 生灭灵觉 百代流芳 慷慨浩歌 何以惧之

In the period of eradicating bad habits and customs and in times of crisis we need to transform the world and shoulder the burden of danger for the people, for the country and for the nation. Even if we are called to go through fire and water, we shall do nothing but go. In this way, even if our lives have perished, the awakening of the spirit will be popular for one generation after another. What are we afraid of in such a vehement and magnificent situation?



而或小肚鸡肠 匹夫意气 寻衅斗狠 刻薄阴鸷 弄巧反拙 伤人害己 跋扈张扬 恣意妄为 恃功骄宠 逆天异己 根底纵深 必多凶危 福祸顺逆 转眼变易

However, some people are narrow-minded and ignorant with personal prejudice. They only know how to vent their anger regardless of the overall situation and only rely on personal thoughts and emotions to pick a quarrel and fight brutally; or they are psychologically insidious and harsh in temperament and outsmart themselves so as to hurt people and harm themselves as well; or being arrogant and arbitrary, they capitalize on their contributions and are conceited of favor to rebel against Heaven and commit a disturbance. They forget what their initial aspirations are, degenerated even denatured. Even if such persons are deep inthe background and strong in influence, it will be difficult for them to avoid frequent crises. For them, good into evil, prosperity into adversity, is just a blink of theeye.

平安与否 命运所系 命虽含悲 运或有喜 谦虚谨慎 争端可弭 外圆内方 人祸能避 参悟天地 转危成机 顺时应变 化险为夷 厚德载物 众属民归 得道多助 平安吉利

Whether it is safe or not is destiny. Although sad things may happen in your life, you will be rewarded with joy in your luck. Those who are modest and cautious can eliminate the disputes; those who are easy-going and rigorous can often avoid man-made disasters; those who understand the mystery of society and the way of the world can turn danger into opportunity; those who meet an emergency according to the situation can possibly turn the danger into safety; those whose virtue is as thick as the earth can carry everything and will earn the trust of other people; those who have mastered the law and pursued morality enjoys abundant support from all and they will be safe and auspicious at the same time.

※人生来处是家园 (心灵)回家即走平安路 平沙乐(落)雁 安畴朱凤 衡麓湘滨是吾家 南岳衡山(火神祝融驻足地 主旺)七二峰中有安上 永和 永泰 祥光 会善 瑞应 普贤 观音 文殊 弥陀 弥勒 芙蓉 莲花 屏障 凤凰 天堂诸峰 寓尚平倡安意境 故上衡山谓走平安之路

※ Where one was born is his hometown.(Soul) Going home means living safely. By the shoals wild geese feed and in the flat fields rose-finches pick. Close to the Xiangjiang River at the foot of Hengshan Mountain is my hometown. Hengshan Mountain is where the god of fire (holding prosperity) resides. Among the 72 peaks there are such peaks named Yonghe (forever harmony), Yongtai (forever safety), Xiangguang (auspicious light),Huishan (kind heart), Ruiying (lucky), Puxian (Samantabhadra), Guanyin, Wenshu, Amitabha Buddha, Maitreya, Furong (Confederate rose), Lianhua (lotus flower), Pinzhang (protective screen),Fenghuang (phoenixPhoenix), and Tiantang (Heaven Hall). All the names of the peaks imply the artistic conception of upholding safety and advocating health. So climbing Hengshan means to live a safe and sound life.

健 康 铭


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