狼性文化 (wolf spirit) 是一种先进的企业文化,是指将狼野性、残暴、贪婪的特质变为一种拼搏的精神运用到事业生活中。
1、卧薪尝胆 endure present hardships to revive
2、众狼一心 wholehearted wolves
3、自知之明 self-knowledge
4、顺水行舟 Go with the current
5、协同合作 collaboration
6、表里如一 for real
7、知己知彼 Know thyself
8、物竞天择,适者生存 Natural selection, survival of the fittest
- 凡成事者,要心存高远,更要脚踏实地。
Those who achieve things should have a lofty heart and be more down-to-earth.
- 学会认真、执着、坚忍,让浮躁在忍耐中沉淀。
Learn to be serious, persistent, and patient, allowing impatience to settle in patience.
- 每个员工都必须保持强烈的危机意识,关心企业的发展和改革,以随时应对突如其来的变化。
Every employee must maintain a strong sense of crisis, care about the development and reform of the enterprise, and be prepared to respond to sudden changes at any time.
- 对待生活中突如其来的状况,我们必须像果断出击的狼群一样,第一时间做出反击。
When dealing with unexpected situations in life, we must act like decisive wolf packs and respond promptly.
- 狼是思想家,更是行动派,要成功就要采取行动。
Wolves are thinkers and even more action oriented. To succeed, action is necessary.