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5. Bloke

Bloke is an extremely common term denoting a man, usually it is used in reference to an ordinary man, akin to the US ‘average joe’, but it it not uncommon to hear it used to describe a man generally.

As such, you can use it like this, ‘That Bob is a good bloke.’

五. Bloke, 人,家伙

Bloke是一个非常常见的词,指的是一个男人,通常是指一个普通的男人,类似于美国的“average joe”,但听到它通常用来形容一个男人。

因此,你可以这样使用它,“That Bob is a good bloke. 那个鲍勃是个好家伙。”


6. Bloody

You probably don’t need me to describe this, out of all British slang, this is by far the most popular and most commonly used. In the past it was regarded as a swearword but now, due to its common usage, it is generally acceptable. It is often used as an expression of anger or is used to emphasize a comment.

In anger you might say, “oh bloody hell!”

Or to use it as emphasis, ‘that’s bloody cool!’



你可能会生气地说,“oh bloody hell! 哦,该死的!“

或者用它来强调,‘that’s bloody cool! 太酷了!'


7. Bob’s your uncle/Fanny’s your aunt

The first form of this is far more common, and is sometimes used internationally. For those unaware, the expression essentially used in the end of a series of basic instructions. The origin of the expression is unknown, and is quite old, but is still in general use.

In context, ‘Get the food, put in the microwave, heat it up, then bob’s your uncle, ready to eat.’

七. Bob’s your uncle/Fanny’s your aunt,意思是"就是这么简单,你做的完全正确。"


在上下文中,“Get the food, put in the microwave, heat it up, then bob’s your uncle, ready to eat. 拿食物,放进微波炉,加热,就这么简单,准备吃饭。”


8. Bollocks

Perhaps one of the most internationally famous British slang terms, ‘bollocks’ has a multitude of uses, although its top ones including being a curse word used to indicate dismay, e.g. ‘Oh bollocks’; it can also be used to express derision and mocking disbelief, e.g. ‘You slept with Kate Upton last night? Bollocks…’; and, of course, it also refers to the scrotum and testicles.

For example, ‘I kicked him right in the bollocks when he wouldn’t let me go past.’

八. Bollocks n. 胡说;废话;睾丸;粗俗话,表示不赞同或气愤

或许,这是英国最著名的俚语之一,“bollocks”有很多用途,尽管它的最主要的用法包括用作表示沮丧的咒语,例如“噢,bollocks”;它也可以用来表示嘲笑和嘲笑不相信,例如“You slept with Kate Upton last night? Bollocks… 你昨晚和凯特睡了吗?他娘的”当然,它也指阴囊和睾丸。

例如,“I kicked him right in the bollocks when he wouldn’t let me go past. 他不让我过去,我就把他踢得屁滚尿流。”






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