
首页 > 娱乐 > 作者:YD1662024-04-18 10:31:10

Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _118th day of my record.
















▶“谁终将声震人间,必长久深自缄默;谁终将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊。” ——尼采






Let your critics make you humble, and your enemies make you wise. Learn from every stumble but let nothing keep you down, for you were born to rise! 让批评使你谦逊,让敌人使你明智。 从每次跌倒中学习,但不要因任何事情而低落,因为你生来就要崛起。 科里·布克Cory Booker 美国新泽西州纽瓦克市市长 新泽西州民主党参议员 深受奥巴马赏识


❶stumble 对应汉语中的“绊”“绊了一脚” stumble over/through 结巴 对应汉语中的“结巴”“出错”“磕磕巴巴”

❷born in all my born days (表示惊讶)这辈子(未听说,未见) 对应汉语中的“我就没”“我这辈子就没” be born this/that way 生下就这样 完美破解汉语中的“天性如此”“天生的”


“反应过激”,“反应过火”:overreact “自命清高的”:holier-than-thou

“本意是好的”,“心眼是好的”:sb's heart is in the right place “把谨慎抛到脑后”,“不顾一切”:throw caution to the wind

“紧张不安的”,“难以放松的”:uptight “曾经”:used to




❶When you' re feeling upset, a little moderate exercise could_help_you feel better fast. moderate 普通的、适度的、适量的

❷Music has_a very relaxing effect on us, but_ we should_avoid_music with harsh sounds or fast tempos. have a ...effect on ...对.…有.….的效果 avoid sth 避免... harsh(声音)刺耳的、难听的 tempo节奏、拍子

❸Don' t_forget to get enough sleep!

▶The Eurasian Times: As China gears up装备搞起来 to become the only country to have an exclusive and probably the only space station by 2024 or latest by 2030, its neighbor, India too has plans to follow suit跟着做 in a few years. Recently, the Union Minister for Space Jitendra Singh announced in Parliament国会 that India' s first space station would be set up by 2030. The country's long-awaited期待已久的 human ‘Gaganyaan' spaceflight is slated安排,选定 for launch this year.


《北京遇上西雅图》台词: To live in hearts we leave is not to die. 只要我们住在对方心里,死亡就不是分离。 《寻梦环游记》中也曾提到: Death is not the end of life, forgetting is the end of life. 死亡不是真正的逝去,遗忘才是永恒的消亡。 If you can't handle me at my worst. then you sure don't deserve me at my best. —— Marilyn Monroe 如果你无法应对最坏的我,那你也不值得拥有最好的我。 ――玛丽莲·梦露

Love looks not with the eyes. but with the mind. And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. —— Shakespeare <A Midsummer Night's Dream》 爱情不是用眼睛看的,而是用心体会的,所以丘比特的眼睛总是蒙着的。 ——莎士比亚〈仲夏夜之梦〉 Take me as I am,whoever I am. —— <Modern Love 总会有人爱上真实完整的我。 ——《摩登情爱》


Encourage Someone—— Keep up the good work! That was a nice try. (say this after someone made a good effort but failed) That's a real improvement. You' re on the right track. You' ve almost got it. 继续保持! 不错的尝试。 (在某人做出良好努力但失败后说这句话) 这是很大的进步。 你做的很对。 你马上就成功了。




trappings n.服饰,礼服;身外之物;马饰 preach n.布道v.布道;竭力鼓吹 relinquish v.放弃;放手;让渡




➽进度→_134__ / 336



▶“ 到爱因斯坦 ”

▶进度__106__ /313


▶“总结与意义 ”

▶进度_108___ /193

❸ 原版书《LEAN IN 》

▶“ Sharing emotions builds deeper relationships. ”

▶进度__121-122__ /140

❹ 《论语》陈典版


▶进度__726__ /842

❺ 散文


❻ 其他频道/音频/书等


▶英:better ideas




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