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During Grain in Ear people hold sacrificial ceremonies to bid farewell to the flora and show their gratitude. [Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

In ancient China, on the second day of the second solar month, people welcome the arrival of the Flower Goddess. During Grain in Ear people hold sacrificial ceremonies to bid farewell to the flora and show their gratitude.


Today, this custom does not exist in many areas of China. The liveliness and excitement of the ceremony can still be seen in the 27th chapter of the Chinese classic novel A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin.


Mud wrestling 打泥巴仗


Two baby elephants play with mud. [Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

Youngsters of the Dong people in southeastern Guizhou province hold mud wrestling matches during Grain in Ear. On this day newlyweds, accompanied by their good friends, plant rice together. While planting, they throw mud at each other. At the end of this activity, whoever has the most mud on them proves they are the most popular person.


Boil green plums 煮青梅


Green plums contain a variety of natural and high-quality organic acids and are rich in minerals.

In South China, May and June are the season when plums become ripe. There was an allusion that Cao Cao and Liu Bei, two central figures in the Three Kingdoms period (AD220-280), talked about heroes while boiling green plums.


Green plums contain a variety of natural and high-quality organic acids and are rich in minerals. They can help clean blood, lower blood lipids, eliminate tiredness and improve one's looks. However, fresh plums are acerbic and need to be boiled before serving.


Have light food 轻食养生


Do not eat greasy or strongly flavored food during Grain in Ear.[Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

Do not eat greasy or strongly flavored food during Grain in Ear, that's the healthcare advice given more than a thousand years ago by Chinese pharmaceutical expert Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty (AD618-907).


Generally, vegetables and coarse grains that work in lowering blood pressure and blood fat should be the first choice. During this season, people are encouraged to consume less lamb, pork, hot peppers, onions and ginger if they are frequently feeling thirsty and tired.


Eat fruits and vegetables with cool nature 吃凉性水果蔬菜






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